Monster Altar

Chapter 268

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“It’s him!”

Seeing this cartoon character, Fang Ping couldn’t help but automatically reflect the past experience of this cartoon character in his mind.

Krillin, Goku’s same sect senior and junior brothers, an anime character in the image of Little Monk.

The early stage strength is not too strong, but at the later stage, as the overall Dragon Ball battle strength level increases, the strength also grows terribly.

Except for aliens such as Goku, Tien Shinhan, or those with alien bloodlines, among the purebred Earths, they are called the strongest Earths, which shows the strength of the opponent in the later period.

With the opponent’s explosive battle strength in the later stage, destroying a planet is absolutely easy.

Compared with the opponent, the general among One Piece, the Kage level powerhouse among Hokage, is really nothing.

Fang Ping couldn’t help but looked at the other party’s attribute panel with some expectation. He felt that this time he got the Growth innate talent above the very excellent, it should be stable.

After all, with the strength of the opponent, if there is no Growth innate talent above very excellent, it is absolutely impossible.

Name: Krillin

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent :extraordinary

Taijutsu innate talent :extraordinary

“Extraordinary, this is the innate talent above very excellent?”

There was a little excitement on Fang Ping’s face. He didn’t surprise him. The opponent did have a Growth innate talent beyond the very excellent level.

Not only Growth innate talent, Taijutsu innate talent also surpasses the very excellent level.

It is worthy of being the strongest Earth person. Both Growth innate talent and Taijutsu innate talent have surpassed the very excellent level and reached the extraordinary level above very excellent.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent and Taijutsu innate talent, do you choose one to obtain?”

The majestic voice sounded, and Fang Ping made a choice. In this regard, Fang Ping not at all fell into a choice disorder.

Although both Growth innate talent and Taijutsu innate talent are above very excellent, how to choose is already decided.

“Choose Growth innate talent.”

Fang Ping made his choice, and after a white radiance, he crashed into Fang Ping within the body. The body did not at all feel any changes, but the Growth innate talent column of the Fang Ping attribute panel had become extraordinary.

Although the Taijutsu innate talent of the extraordinary level is equally attractive, the most attractive is undoubtedly the Growth innate talent of the extraordinary level.

The importance of extraordinary level Growth innate talent is stronger than any of his existing abilities. If there is a situation where an ability must be exchanged for extraordinary level Growth innate talent, he is willing to exchange for any of his abilities.

The level of ability determines the destructive power or other strengths that the same realm can exert.

Growth innate talent determines the speed of realm improvement and the ultimate theoretical limit that can be reached.

2 In comparison, Fang Ping puts more emphasis on Growth innate talent.

After attending the welcome and thanks banquet of Jiangmen Base City’s Monster Countermeasures Division, Fang Ping declined the stay of Jiangmen Base City’s Monster Countermeasures Division on 2nd day, found Lu Yu, and left immediately.

The banquet last night gave him a sense of nowhere to fight.

Probably to retaliate against him in order to get as many benefits as possible, saying that he has 5 fiancee.

At the banquet, Yan Zhou and Zhong Borong continuously introduced him to a married woman from the Awakener family in Jiangmen Base City.

That posture was obviously intended to collect 5 fiancee for him.

Once upon a time, if any Awakener family were willing to hire him as a door-to-door son-in-law, and let him fight for several decades, he would be happy.

But now, there is really a family of Awakener who are preparing to recruit him as the door-to-door son-in-law, and there are not many of them, but he is persuaded.

It can only be said that with the improvement of his strength, his vision has also increased. Even the Awakener family who is in the Morning Star powerhouse does not seem to be able to reduce his struggle for several decades.

After leaving Jiangmen Base City, Fang Ping not at all immediately returned to Yinchuan Base City. Just after leaving Yinchuan Base City, he didn’t want to return so quickly. He decided to find a place for cultivation in the wilderness for a while.

He already impatient wants to see what kind of cultivation speed this extraordinary level of Growth innate talent can give him.

After searching, he quickly found a place suitable for cultivation a few 100 kilometers away from the base city of Jiangmen.

This is a stone forest with a bit of weeds. The stone forest is full of boulders of different sizes. These boulders can be used for cultivation.

Let Lu Yu set up a tent, Fang Ping started the cultivation.

He came to a huge boulder weighing 100 tons and standing on the ground like a huge stalagmite.

He clasped the boulder with his arms, and then suddenly used force, and the boulder weighing 100 tons was suddenly pulled up by him.

With the boulder on his shoulders, he ran hard around the stone forest. After a while, he was already sweating.

Today, his power is still at Tier 4 level, so it is still extremely difficult to run with a boulder weighing 100 tons.


With a burst of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, he couldn’t hold on anymore and put the boulder back on the ground.

Gasping for breath, he quickly looked towards his right hand and used Muted Mera Mera no Mi to enhance the quality of the watch.

“17 minutes, this is my current limit.”

The time displayed on the watch is 17 minutes, that is to say, carrying a boulder weighing 100 tons and running for 17 minutes is his current limit.

In his current realm, there is no force measuring instrument that can withstand his punch, and it is difficult to intuitively judge how much improvement can be achieved through destructive power.

In order to intuitively feel the degree of his own improvement, he thought of this method.

After resting for a while, Fang Ping resumed cultivation after he recovered.

The cultivation content of this time is: use the divine speed ability to travel through the stone forest with extreme speed when you are not burdened.

Huh, huh, Shua!

Because the speed was too fast, strong winds roared in the stone forest, and afterimages appeared one after another.

If someone shows up here in the middle of the night, I am afraid that I will be scared enough, and I will definitely think that I have hit a ghost.

Mutated Hie Hie no Mi ability, Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability, Nuke Nuke no Mi ability, ninjutsu…

Fang Ping will change an ability or innate talent development and training every once in a while.

The cultivation process of Awakener is the process of developing and tempering one’s own abilities.

Ability is the product of the body of the Awakener, and the extension of the body of the equivalent to Awakener, so the development and tempering of the ability can lead to the improvement of physical fitness, and ultimately the quantitative change triggers the qualitative change, leading to the improvement of realm.

The second day.

The second day.

The second day.

After that, Fang Ping spent every day in this stone forest cultivation until he was exhausted. With Lu Yu there, he didn’t have to worry about the danger of being attacked by monsters when his energy was exhausted.

“Already able to hold on to 18 minutes!”

On the 4th day, Fang Ping carried 100 tons of boulders. The limit time for running has increased to 18 minutes, and the limit time of one minute has been increased in 3 days. This is the cultivation speed of his current extraordinary level Growth innate talent. .

“3 days can increase the limit time of one minute, which deserves to be an extraordinary growth innate talent.”

To increase the limit of one minute in 3 days, Fang Ping is not only not lost, but also very happy.

In his current realm, it is very difficult to improve on the original basis, which is why there are so few high-level Awakener.

Being able to have a visible improvement within 3 days is definitely a great joy.

Now, he seems to have gone back to the past. When he had just obtained the excellent innate talent and very excellent innate talent, this kind of refreshing improvement made him feel like he couldn’t stop.

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