Monster Altar

Chapter 269

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Zuo Family in Yinchuan Base City.

“My lord, I have locked down this hacker and investigated her identity.”

Zuo Wei, who has stepped down as the manager of Enchanted Weapon pavilion, came to Zuo Gaofeng’s residence with bloodshot eyes and reported respectfully.

In the past few days when he retired from the position of Enchanted Weapon pavilion manager, he saw what the world was like. The person who saw his opened mouth and closed mouth “Brother Wei” was like a stranger, afraid to avoid him.

The original rivals in the clan even made no secret of their ridicule, shouting at him, making things difficult for him.

With a smooth journey, has he ever suffered such humiliation?

Several times, he was so bent that his nails were pinched into the flesh, and his teeth bit his lips.

The wall fell and everyone pushed him. Now his situation is slightly worse than that of an ordinary clansman. He must be valued by Lord Zuo Gaofeng again, otherwise, there will be no place for him in the clan.

And to win the valued 1st Step again is to make up for it.

For this reason, the past few days he tried his best to search for the super hacker who secretly helped Hu Family. He hadn’t closed his eyes for several days and nights, but he finally found the super hacker.

“Oh, who is it?”

Zuo Gaofeng sat up straight and asked.

A super hacker who can monitor Zuo Family without the Zuo Family’s awareness is a major problem that must be eliminated for Zuo Family, so he still attaches great importance to this matter.

“This is the woman. This woman was originally a member of the Monster Countermeasures Division of He’an Base City, but has now joined the Monsters Division of Yinchuan Base City.”

“Having demonstrated hacking skills many times and possesses extremely superb hacking skills. A few months ago, he successfully blocked another super hacker, Dark Emperor…”

Zuo Wei hurriedly handed over a thick document, and the person in the document was Yan Xue.

The “blocking war” of the Monster Countermeasures Division of He’an City against the super hacker Dark Emperor is a very famous “battle” in the hacker world. After investigating the super hacker, he immediately noticed the two super hackers who were fighting.

Through the blockade that took place in the Monster Countermeasures Division of He’an Base City, he investigated that Yan Xue was one of the “super hackers.”

Investigating the people Hu Shi contacted during this period, he quickly discovered that Yan Xue had contact with Hu Shi, which immediately made him ascertain that Yan Xue was the super hacker who helped Hu Family behind.

“It is 27th on the list.”

See Yan Xue’s “27th on the list” profile, Zuo Gaofeng rested his chin.

“Yes, in addition to being 27th on the list, he has a close relationship with Fang Ping, and he does not rule out the possibility of boyfriend and girlfriend.”

Zuo Wei added.

“Can you be sure that he is monitoring your phone?”

Zuo Gaofeng’s index finger tapped the handrail, as if he was weighing something.

“It is certain that the time when the other party was in contact with Hu Shi happened to be a few days before we started the Enchanted Artifact pavilion and I was monitored. The time was completely matched.”

Zuo Wei definitely said.

The Monster Countermeasures Division of He’an Base City blocked the Dark Emperor battle. Although Fang Ping participated in this battle, only Yan Xue was aware of it. The outside world did not know about it, and this achievement was attributed to Yan Xue.

And he was obviously misled by the news and believed that Yan Xue was the super hacker.

“Find a chance to make her disappear!”

Zuo Gaofeng stopped tapping the handrail with his index finger, cold glow appeared in his eyes.

“But the other party is the 27th on the list after all, and has a close relationship with Fang Ping, the 4th on the list. If she moves her, I am afraid it will cause a lot of movement. If it is found, I am afraid…”

Zuo Wei has some hesitation.

“It’s only the bottom of the list. In the future, it will be a Tier 5 Awakener at best. The Monster Countermeasures Department pays limited attention.”

“As for Fang Ping, I can’t shoot him because of the Monster Countermeasures Division, but it doesn’t mean that Zuo Family needs to be afraid of him.”

Zuo Gaofeng can hum.

As a senior in the Monster Countermeasures Division, he is very familiar with the senior management of the Monster Countermeasures Division and knows where these people’s bottom lines are.

As for being hated by Fang Ping after being discovered by Fang Ping, he is not worried, after all, Zhai Long, No. 3 on the list, is on the side of Zuo Family.

Of course, there are still some troubles, but compared to the trouble of killing the other party, the trouble of letting the other party live is more troublesome. After all, as long as the other party does not die, the entire Zuo Family will be monitored by the other party for a long time.

“This matter is left to you. If there is another mistake, you can enter the family beheading team.”

“Yes, adults.”

Zuo Wei’s body trembled, and his voice was terrified.

The beheading team, also known as the death team, is a team that belongs to the Zuo Family and performs high-risk tasks all the year round with extremely high mortality.

The people in it are all people who have made serious mistakes, but those who enter it have almost no end of life to escape. They will not die during this time mission, and will die during the next mission.

It can be said that once you enter it, you will almost certainly die, the difference is only the time.

A few days later.

“No news from me, it looks like it’s still in the wilderness.”

After taking out the phone and looking through it, after seeing not at all missed calls and unread text messages, Yan Xue put the phone away and boarded an armored car.

Inside the armored vehicle, there are two men and one woman, and these are her companions for this mission.

Seeing her entering the armored vehicle, two men and a woman shouted respectfully.

“Senior Yan Xue.”


Yan Xue was coldly nodded. She was always indifferent to outsiders, and only in front of a few people such as Fang Ping, would she slightly reduce this indifference.

2 Both men and women have heard of her, but when they see her, they don’t care.

It doesn’t matter if you are cold, as long as you have the strength.

Those who accept tasks like them are most worried about not encountering a leader who is not easy to get along with, but a leader who is too weak, because the strength of the leader will determine their ability to resist crises in the wilderness.

Therefore, they would rather the team leader not get along well, but also follow a strong team leader, and Yan Xue, who has reached 27 on the list, is obviously a strong team leader in their eyes.

In fact, they saw Yan Xue as the team leader, so they accepted this task. This is their little experience in improving their survival rate, which they have summarized in many tasks.

“Since it’s all here, let’s go!”

Yan Xue instructed the driver of the armored vehicle, and the driver responded and started the car and headed for the city gate north of the base city.

This time they took on a one-month patrol mission in the deserted area, the location is the eighteenth building area in the north.

Soon after the Yan Xue entire group left the north city gate, a man hovering near the north city gate took out the intercom.

“Yan Xue has left the north city gate and is on his way to the No. 8 deserted area.”

“Roger that.”

On the other end of the walkie-talkie, a slightly neutral female voice came out.

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