Monster Altar

Chapter 278

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“It’s really just your personal idea to start with Yan Xue, it has nothing to do with Zuo Family?”

Fang Ping asked coldly.

Although Zuo Wei took all the responsibility on himself, Fang Ping didn’t believe it at all.

According to his investigation, Zuo Wei is currently unhappy in Zuo Family, and has fallen out of the ranks of Zuo Family seniors.

Such an opponent, I am afraid, it is difficult to order Wu Wenzhu such a Tier 5 Awakener and obtain cooperation in intelligence.

Therefore, he felt that Zuo Wei not at all should be a lie to tell the truth.

“It was Lord Zuo Gaofeng’s order to attack Yan Xue.”

Zuo Wei expression is replied.

Now being controlled by parasites, naturally there is no possibility of protecting Zuo Family, and immediately tell the truth.


Fang Ping showed a real look on his face, he was right, and it was not Zuo Wei’s idea to assassinate Yan Xue.

Take out paper and pen.

“List all the people who participated in the assassination of Yan Xue this time.”

Zuo Wei took the paper and pen, and listed one after another who participated. There were more than ten people. Zuo Family Morning Star powerhouse Zuo Gaofeng was the first one.

“Do you know where the Zuo Family treasure house is located?”

“Just know where Lord Zuo Gaofeng lives and where it is, so there is no understood.”

“What capabilities does Zuo Gaofeng have?”

“Iron thorns, incarnation for electricity, terrain manipulation…”

After asking for more than half an hour and asking all the information he wanted to know, Fang Ping decisively burned Zuo Wei to ashes.

Taking out the computer, he began to track the locations of more than a dozen people listed with hacking techniques.

Zuo Family is a big family of Awakener, clansman has as many as 100 people, many of them were not involved in the assassination of Yan Xue.

He is impossible to kill all these people, so he can only attack those who have participated.

Soon, he locked the position of one person, Doa Doa no Mi’s ability was used, and he rushed to this person with Lu Yu.

In a high-end apartment, a man with a hideous scar on the back of his hand browses tightly knit.

He is an enshrinement of the Zuo Family and was once responsible for monitoring Yan Xue.

The assassination of Yan Xue failed. Although Zuo Wei had already assumed the main responsibility, he was still inevitably punished as one of the participants in this incident, and was fined 3 months of salary.

Although there are some pains, but compared with Zuo Wei’s treatment, there is still some fortunate.


Suddenly, in the room, a door opened silently, from which Fang Ping and Lu Yu walked out.

“Fang Ping …”

Seeing Fang Ping and Lu Yu who suddenly appeared, he turned pale with fright and was responsible for monitoring and investigating Yan Xue. He naturally knew Fang Ping and the relationship between Fang Ping and Yan Xue.

He backed away suddenly, retreated to the window, and wanted to jump out of the window to escape. He knew Fang Ping very well that he was absolutely impossible to be Fang Ping’s opponent.

Ka-cha !

Suddenly, he felt a tightness in his neck, and then he saw him, when did Fang Ping appear beside him.

The right hand was stuck on his neck, and the golden flames were spreading towards him, and soon drowned him.


Under the fire, he let out a painful whimper after his throat was crushed, and then he was burned to death by the flame.

Burning the body to ashes, Fang Ping took Lu Yu to the next person on the list.

In a parking lot, a youngster walked through the door of a high-end sedan. His name was Zuo Qingguang, a child of the Zuo Family, and one of the participants in the assassination of Yan Xue.

As a child of the Zuo Family, and not the principal, after the assassination failed, his punishment was extremely limited, only a symbolic fine of half a month’s salary.

Therefore, although Yan Xue failed to assassinate Yan Xue, his mood is not too bad. At this time, he is about to go to a lover’s residence that he has taken care of.

Suddenly, he heard the approach of footsteps and looked up, his expression turned into panic.

Two people were walking towards him. One of them was a young man with short black hair, Fang Ping.

He knows Fang Ping naturally. When investigating Yan Xue, he also envied Fang Ping have a lot of good fortune in love affairs. Now that the other party appeared in front of him, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

“What do you want to do, I am a child of Zuo Family. If you do something to me, Zuo Family will not…”

He wanted to scare off Fang Ping in an visceral manner. Before he could finish his words, Fang Ping appeared beside him for an instant, and the golden flames burst out.

Under the domineering golden flame, he, who was only a Tier 4 Awakener, was burned to ashes by the flame in an instant.


In the evening, Zuo Gaofeng’s residence.

“What, including Zuo Wei, a total of 3 people lost contact in one day?”

Upon hearing the report, Zuo Gaofeng was surprised and angry, and ka-cha smashed a crystal coffee table to pieces.

Ten people lost contact within one day. This is a serious situation that Zuo Family has never seen before.

“Are there signs of fighting at the scene?”

“No, I have asked people to carefully explore the place where these people disappeared, and there are no signs of fighting.”

A man with a short beard on his chin said with cold sweat on his forehead.

His name is Zuo Jinghui, and he is a Zuo Family senior who replaced Zuo Wei after Zuo Wei was deprived of his senior status.

Such a major event happened in the area of ​​his responsibility just as he was in charge, which made him nervous and nervous, for fear that Lord Zuo Gaofeng was dissatisfied, and abolished the high-level status he had finally acquired.

“Are there any traces of fighting? Even where Zuo Wei disappeared?”

Zuo Gaofeng asked.

“Yes, even in the place where Zuo Wei disappeared, no traces of fighting have been found. I have visited the place where Zuo Wei disappeared, and there is indeed no trace of fighting.”

Zuo Jinghui quickly said.

“Can Zuo Wei there’s no resistance?”

Zuo Gaofeng’s face was filled with thoughts. Zuo Wei, as a former Zuo Family senior, possesses the strength of Tier 5 Awakener, and can make a Tier 5 Awakener there’s no resistance. The strength of the person who strikes must be extremely strong.

Even if it is not the Morning Star powerhouse, it must be very close to the Morning Star powerhouse. Coupled with the powerful intelligence capabilities required to locate these people, he has already faintly guessed.

“Check these missing people and see if these people participated in the assassination of the super hacker Yan Xue.”

Zuo Jinghui responded and hurried to investigate. Half an hour later, he turned back, panting slightly, and reported.

“As expected, these people were indeed involved in the assassination of the super hacker Yan Xue.”

“courage is not small.”

took a deep breath, Zuo Gaofeng’s face was green.

Up to now, he is almost certain that Fang Ping will undoubtedly make the ten or three people disappear, including Zuo Wei.

The other party discovered through some method that the assassination of Yan Xue was the work of Zuo Family, so they retaliated against Zuo Family who participated in the assassination.

For a moment, there was a fierce light in his eyes.

“You are your own courting death!”

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