Monster Altar

Chapter 279

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“Pay close attention to Fang Ping’s movements. If he leaves the base city, notify me immediately.”

With fierce light in his eyes, Zuo Gaofeng solemnly ordered.

Until now, he was quite hesitant about whether to take a shot against Fang Ping. Fang Ping has great potential and is highly valued by the Monster Countermeasures Division. Once things are revealed, even he will be severely punished.

But now that he has forged a feud, there is no room for change. If you let it go, it will become a big disaster in the future.

So he decided to take action. Although the matter will be severely punished after the incident is revealed, it is enough as long as it is not revealed and not let people grasp the handle.

He believes that with the strength of his Morning Star, it is extremely unlikely that the opponent will escape under a sneak attack.

And as long as the disguise is good, even if the sneak attack fails, the other party will not be able to discover his identity.

Just when Zuo Gaofeng had guessed that the ten missing persons were the work of Fang Ping, Fang Ping appeared in Zuo Family.

Zuo Family can guess Fang Ping from the ten missing persons. Fang Ping is not surprised. If such an obvious connection is not detected, then Zuo Family is too incompetent.

But he didn’t care, he didn’t leave any evidence at all. As long as there was no evidence, then Zuo Family couldn’t help him.

As for causing Zuo Family to attack him, it would be better to say that this was exactly what he wanted. The reason why he did this was to provoke Zuo Family, or Zuo Gaofeng.

To make it perish, you must first make it crazy.

Zuo Family is a malignant tumor, a malignant tumor rooted in the base city of Yinchuan. Originally, this has nothing to do with him. He is not the kind of person with a sense of justice.

But now that he provokes himself, it’s different. He doesn’t mind playing the “justice messenger” to get rid of this malignant tumor rooted in Yinchuan base city.

As for keeping the opponent against the Demonic Human race, in his opinion, it does more harm than good.

From Zuo Wei’s mouth, he learned an astonishing news that a Morning Star powerhouse had fallen in the base city a few years ago. The Monster Countermeasures Division guessed that it was due to a powerful monster or the Demonic Human race, but it was not the case.

This Morning Star powerhouse was killed by Zuo Gaofeng’s sneak attack and was killed by Zuo Gaofeng.

The opponent is a poisonous snake hidden in the base city, leaving the opponent, in Fang Ping’s view, the harm will only outweigh the advantages.

So he decided to anger Zuo Gaofeng, and then left the base city to see if the opponent would follow him.

If you don’t come, that’s all. If you follow, then the other party’s time for death will come.

“found it!”

With Doa Doa no Mi shuttled underground, Fang Ping appeared in a space several ten meters underground.

The walls of the entire space are watered with solid enchanted metal materials. Unless the Morning Star powerhouse takes action, it will be difficult to break. This is the treasure house of Zuo Family.

The sealed space poured with enchanted metal can prevent almost all intrusion methods, but it does not include space capabilities.

Space ability, one of the most mysterious abilities, is very rare, and also very unsolvable.


With the Doa Doa no Mi ability, Fang Ping easily passed through the enchanted metal wall and entered the secret room.

A group of golden flames lit, Fang Ping looked at this underground chamber.

It’s not too much space, about the size of a bedroom. In the space, a lot of things are displayed densely.

There are weapon racks with many weapons, huge metal boxes neatly stacked one after another, and multi-colored metals placed in the corners…

Fang Ping first came to the weapon rack and picked up a dagger at random to check.

Because of long-term exposure to Enchanted weapon, Fang Ping has developed a set of methods to quickly identify the quality of Enchanted weapon.

From the metal material and workmanship, he quickly recognized that this is a Tier 5 Enchanted weapon.

Putting down the dagger, he took out another weapon, this is a battle axe. Judging from the material and workmanship, this is a Tier 5 pinnacle Enchanted weapon with a higher level than the dagger. The ones displayed here are probably at least all It is Tier 5 Enchanted weapon.

not at all Looking at other weapons, Fang Ping put the entire weapon rack into the sacrifice space, and then he came to the multi-colored metal piled in the corner.

“Star Silver, Thunder Gold, Pattern Steel…”

They are all enchanted metals that can refine Enchanted weapon, and at least they are also metals that can refine high-end Enchanted weapon.

Among them, he even saw a few extremely rare pieces of metal capable of refining Morning Star Enchanted weapon.

Putting all the metal into the sacrifice space, Fang Ping came to the metal box after another, and opened the metal box.

The dazzling golden greeted his eyes, golden-bright and dazzling, which made him feel dazzled.

In the metal box, there are gold bars one after another, depending on the volume of the metal box, such a metal box should be able to store about 1000 gold bars.

Based on the market price of this World a gold bar is about 310000, that is to say, each metal box is worth about 300010000.

After counting, there are as many as fifteen metal boxes like this, which means that these gold bars alone are worth more than 5 million.

It is worthy of being a strong Great Family with Morning Star powerhouse. The wealth is not ordinary. Gold bars are worth so much money. Even if they are connected to others, they may be worth more than ten 100000000 million.

And this should be just a small part of the wealth of the family, most of which are naturally various fixed assets.

As far as Fang Ping knows, Zuo Family owns as many as 5 private production bases. If each production base is sold, the price will not be lower than the wealth here.

Soon, all the things in the entire treasure house were collected by him into the sacrifice space, and in the entire treasure house, there were only 6 walls poured with enchanted metal.

“It’s all poured with enchanted metal. Although it is only low-level enchanted metal, it is probably worth tens of millions of such a large amount.”

Staring at the enchanted metal wall, Fang Ping moved in his heart and got an idea.

He first escaped the inner space of the door, then opened a huge door under the metal secret room, grabbed a corner of the secret room with both hands, and pulled it suddenly.


With a muffled sound, the metal secret room fell from the huge door to the space inside the door, and he dug out the entire door.

“What… movement? Not good!”

Above the secret room, Zuo Gaofeng, who was irritated by the disappearance of Zuo Wei’s thirteen people, suddenly felt the ground tremble slightly, and there was a thud in his heart. He suddenly had a bad feeling.

He hurried to the bedroom, pushed open the hidden secret room passage, and ran towards the treasure house.

“Damn it, where’s the treasure house?”

Then, he was dumbfounded. The place where the treasure vault was supposed to be, was empty and there was nothing.

Not only the various things in the treasure house, even the treasure house is gone.

Only a square area that originally belonged to the treasure house remained there, as if silently mocking him.

His complexion was pale, his teeth creaked creak, Zuo Gaofeng spit out two words from between his teeth.

“Fang Ping …”

Without being noticed by him, he moved the huge treasure house away. Now among those who have enemies with Zuo Family, there is only Fang Ping who has spatial ability.

It is not difficult to imagine that this is Fang Ping’s retaliation for the assassination of Yan Xue against Zuo Family.

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