Monster Altar

Chapter 281

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Knowing that Wu Wenzhu was arrested and the person who caught him was Hu Ao’er, Fang Ping and Yan Xue thanked Hu Ao’er.

Two people understand that Hu Ao’er will take the task of capturing Wu Wenzhu. It is not a coincidence. The other party must know that Wu Wenzhu was assassinated by Yan Xue, so he took this task.

After thanking them, both people paid attention to the follow-up to this matter.

To a large extent how this matter will develop in the future, we can see the attitude of the Monster Countermeasures Department towards a family that owns the Morning Star powerhouse.

A few days later, a detailed report about Wu Wenzhu’s assassination of Yan Xue appeared.

The report listed Wu Wenzhu’s many evil deeds. In addition to the assassination of Yan Xue, many Awakener were killed by her manipulating monsters.

In view of the seriousness of his crimes, the Monster Countermeasures Division will imprison him for life, and he will spend his life in prison.

“No mention of Zuo Family…”

After reading this report from the Monster Countermeasures Division, Fang Ping and Yan Xue both had a slight suspicion on their faces.

Based on Wu Wenzhu’s hatred of Zuo Family, after being arrested, impossible did not confess Zuo Family. The only explanation was that this matter was suppressed by the Monster Countermeasures Division.

The Monster Countermeasures Division will help Zuo Family to suppress this matter, which shows that Zuo Family, a family with the Morning Star powerhouse, has the heaviest weight in the Monster Countermeasures Division.

Of course, there should also be considerations of impact. After all, if such a scandal breaks out, it will cause great turmoil, leading to violent conflict between the assassinated Awakener family and the Zuo Family, which is not conducive to the stability of the base city.

In the face of the threat of the Demonic Human race, the base city is in great need of stability and unity.

“Fortunately, Zuo Gaofeng did not report the Morning Star powerhouse that fell a few years ago.”

Fang Ping and Yan Xue have completely rejected the idea of ​​reporting. There is no absolute evidence. Not only can they not sue Zuo Family, but they may be charged with false accusations.

Zuo Family, Zuo Gaofeng was in anger, and his anger became impossible to bear.

Although the Monster Countermeasures Division helped conceal the relationship between Zuo Family and Wu Wenzhu and not at all made the matter public, Zuo Family was severely punished. Thanks to it, Zuo Family suffered heavy losses.

Coupled with the disappearance of Zuo Wei’s 3 people and the theft of the treasure house a few days ago, the anger in his heart was almost gushing.


Suddenly, he was coldly snorted and looked at the door with cold eyes. Then he saw that the door was pushed open and a man with a mask appeared outside the door.

The mask on the man’s face, half white and half black, forcibly pieced together two incompatible colors, revealing an inexplicable weirdness.

Zuo Gaofeng stared coldly at the man with the black and white mask. The coercion of the Morning Star powerhouse enveloped the man with the black and white mask.

“Black and white mask, you are Wu Shi of the Demonic Human race. You are so brave to sneak into the Zuo Family and appear in front of me.”

Facing the coercion of a Morning Star powerhouse like Zuo Gaofeng, Wu Shi, a man with a black and white mask, didn’t seem to feel it at all. He walked into the room and said.

“Your Excellency Zuo Gaofeng, please don’t get excited, I am not at all hostile, this time is purely for cooperation.”

“Cooperate, let me work with Demonic Human race? Don’t think about it.”

Zuo Gaofeng categorically refused. If he had something to do with the Demonic Human race, it would be completely over. Even if he is the Morning Star powerhouse, the precious Morning Star battle strength, the Monster Countermeasures Division will never let it go.

“Your Excellency Zuo Gaofeng first listen to the content of the cooperation? I can guarantee that this is definitely a win-win cooperation.”

Said Wu Shi, a man with a black and white mask.

“Whether your cooperation is a win-win situation, I don’t know, but if you can be captured, it will only benefit me, not harm.”

Zuo Gaofeng stood up, his eyes fixed on Wu Shi Road.

“I won’t say whether you can capture it or not, I’m sure you will regret it if you do this.”

Wu Shi did not panic at all.

“A few years ago, Yinchuan base city once fell into a Morning Star powerhouse. How exactly did the other party die? Your Excellency Zuo Gaofeng must be very clear.”

“Unfortunately, one of my clansman from the Demonic Human Race happened to be in the vicinity and took pictures of the entire battle.”


Staring at Wu Shi, Zuo Gaofeng had strong murderous intention in his eyes. Unexpectedly, the original battle would be seen by the Demonic Human race and filmed.

This is enough to kill him, if this image spreads, he and the entire Zuo Family will be destroyed.

He forcibly suppressed this boiling murderous intention and asked.

“What do you want to do?”

Since the opponent dares to come, he must be prepared. Even if he can kill the opponent on the spot, the audio and video of the original battle will inevitably spread.

“I just said that I have a win-win cooperation this time. After the cooperation, we will naturally delete this image completely.”

Wu Shi said.

“How to cooperate?”

Zuo Gaofeng solemnly asked.

“Your Excellency Zuo Gaofeng should now have the idea to get rid of Fang Ping, who is No. 4 on the list? Needless to say, although I only sneaked into the base city today, I know exactly what happened in the base city.”

“Any genius who can stay on the list is the target of my Demonic Human race hunt. Our cooperation is to jointly assassinate Fang Ping, No. 4 on the list.”

Wu Shi said.

After a moment of contemplation, Zuo Gaofeng said.

“Okay, I promised.”

Now that the Demonic Human race is holding the handle, even if he doesn’t agree, Fang Ping is indeed the one he wants to get rid of.

“Happy cooperation, I know that His Excellency Zuo Gaofeng has the ability to track, and tracking will trouble His Excellency Zuo Gaofeng. This is my contact information.”

The face under Wu Shi’s mask should be smiling. He took out a piece of paper, flicked it, and the piece of paper flew towards Zuo Gaofeng.

Go to the Enchanted Artifact pavilion, refining a batch of Fang Ping of Enchanted weapon, and return to the residence with Yan Xue.

The Awakener’s physical recovery ability is already very strong, and with the addition of healing potions, Yan Xue’s injury has recovered.

However, worrying about the reason why Zuo Family will make a move, Yan Xue is still living in Fang Ping’s residence.

It’s not far from the residence. Two people don’t at all take a taxi, but walk back to the residence on foot, which is a walk.

Oncoming, a man in a suit walked up to the two people, stopped more than one meter outside the two, and said.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping, Yan Xue Young Lady, Lord Zuo Gaofeng, please.”

Fang Ping and Yan Xue glanced at each other, and they all had some doubts. Given their conflict with Zuo Family, why Zuo Gaofeng would approach them, but still said.

“lead the way!”

Under the leadership of the man in suit, the two came to a nearby cafe and were introduced into the cafe’s private room.

In the private room, there is a man with white hair. The man has a thin but strong body. At first glance, he is more than 40 years old. At first glance, he seems to be more than 60 years old. This man is the Morning Star powerhouse Zuo Gaofeng.

Although facing a Morning Star powerhouse, Fang Ping didn’t mean to have stage fright at all. He took Yan Xue’s hand and sat opposite Zuo Gaofeng.

“I wonder what Director Zuo is looking for with us?”

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