Monster Altar

Chapter 282

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“I hope you stop all actions against Zuo Family.”

His eyes fell on Fang Ping, Zuo Gaofeng said.

“For Zuo Family? Did Director Zuo misunderstand something? We have never targeted Zuo Family.”

Fang Ping calmly said.

“Since I say this, I am sure to stop all actions against Zuo Family. Instead, Zuo Family will cancel the actions against her and give 30000 points as compensation.”

Zuo Gaofeng glanced at Yan Xue next to him.

Fang Ping glanced at Zuo Gaofeng unexpectedly, looked at Yan Xue, and asked with his eyes.


After a little thought, Yan Xue agreed.

If the other party, the left Patriarch person, can say such things, it is clear that Zuo Family has compromised.

Zuo Family can compromise, that is the best ending, after all, Fang Ping impossible has always stayed by her side to protect her.

As for the option to kill Zuo Gaofeng, she doesn’t want Fang Ping to do it unless necessary.

On the one hand, she is worried that Fang Ping and Lu Yu will join forces and may not be Zuo Gaofeng’s opponent.

On the other hand, even if Zuo Gaofeng can be successfully killed, it is also weakening the power of the entire Human Race.

With the threat of Demonic Human race, she really didn’t want this to happen.

“The accumulated branch will be credited to your account later.”

Zuo Gaofeng nodded and said.

“Director Zuo, then we will leave.”

Hearing the other party’s intention of seeing off the guests, Fang Ping and Yan Xue looked at each other and stood up and left.

When the two turned around, Zuo Gaofeng’s eyes flashed with a cold color.

Fingers flicked slightly, two light balls that only he could see fell on Fang Ping and Yan Xue, and quietly merged into the two people within the body.

From start to finish, neither Fang Ping nor Yan Xue found out.

He just reached a cooperation with Wu Shi, naturally impossible to settle with Fang Ping and Yan Xue.

The reason for this is actually to let the two people relax their vigilance and leave tracking marks on them. With this tracking mark, he can track two people even if they are 2 miles apart.

Go back to your accommodation.

“I didn’t expect Zuo Family to compromise. Fortunately, this matter is finally resolved.”

Yan Xue slightly sighed in relief said.

Although Fang Ping said it was full of confidence, how could she not know that the risk of fighting a Morning Star powerhouse is the best way to avoid it.

“Is it really solved? We can’t draw conclusions yet.”

Fang Ping shook his head.

“You mean Zuo Family didn’t give up the idea of ​​dealing with us? The reason for doing this is to let us relax?”

Yan Xue asked unexpectedly.

“From Zuo Wei’s mouth, I learned that Zuo Gaofeng has a tracking ability, so I do not rule out the possibility that the other party will let us relax our guard and secretly leave tracking marks on us.”

Fang Ping’s face was serious, and then his hands quickly sealed.

“Sage Mode.”

He has already sensed it with Kenbunshoku Haki, not at all feeling any strangeness in himself and Yan Xue.

But not feeling it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t. Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception is not 10000.

However, in addition to Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception ability, he also has Sage Mode’s perception means, and compared to Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception, Sage Mode’s perception is undoubtedly stronger.

“Sure enough, the heart is not dead.”

As soon as he entered Sage Mode, Fang Ping immediately felt the strange aura between himself and Yan Xue. He was almost certain that he and Yan Xue had been marked by that ability.

“Do we have tracking marks on our bodies?”

Seeing Fang Ping’s expression, Yan Xue’s face condensed.

“Well, it is certain that we are all left with that kind of mark. Zuo Family has absolutely no intention of compromising. Not surprisingly, once we leave the base city, Zuo Family will definitely take action.”

Fang Ping’s eyes showed strong murderous intention.

“But that’s okay. I’m worried about how to leave a clue so that Zuo Family can track me. Since Zuo Family already has a tracking method, that’s the best.”

On the 2nd day, Yan Xue’s personal account had 30000 points credited to him, and he did a full set of dramas. In order to prevent Fang Ping and Yan Xue from suspicion, Zuo Gaofeng would naturally not “break his promise”.

After half a month, Fang Ping left the base city without notifying anyone except Yan Xue.

But shortly after Fang Ping left the base city, Zuo Gaofeng immediately took action.

Called Wu Shi and agreed on a meeting place with Wu Shi, and then quietly left the base city on the grounds of retreat, and followed Fang Ping.


In the dense forest, a Tier 4 monster broke tree after tree and culled towards Fang Ping.

The monster has 2 long fangs, and the body is extremely large and plump. When the huge body moves, it is like a mountain of meat rolling.

Fang Ping stood still in place, but his eyes turned into Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. A green giant appeared, and a 7-meter giant sword appeared in the hands of the green giant.


The giant sword slashed from top to bottom, and with the splashing blood, the monster like a Roshan was instantly split into two halves.

In addition, a huge crack of several hundred meters long appeared.

After disarming Susanoo, Fang Ping took the monster’s body into the sacrifice space and chose a direction at will.

A few hours later, at the place where Fang Ping was fighting just now, a man with white hair and a man wearing a black and white mask appeared here. It was Zuo Gaofeng and Wu Shi who had been following them.

“The battle traces should have been left a few hours ago. It seems that he is already not far away from us.”

The man in the black and white mask observed the battle marks left on the scene and judged.

“It is indeed already not far, the feeling of imprint is already very strong, and I should be able to catch him today.”

Zuo Gaofeng asked.

“Before you said, do you have the means to limit his spatial ability?”

“Yes, in order to be able to deal with him, I specially brought an Enchanted weapon. Once this Enchanted weapon is unfolded, it can form a field.”

“Even if you have spatial capabilities, once you fall into this field, you never want to leave.”

Wu Shi nodded and said.

The two people tracked forward hiding their breath. After more than two hours, two people found Fang Ping by a river.

Seeing Fang Ping, two people couldn’t help showing murderous intention in their eyes.

One is the Demonic Human Race and the other is the Human Race. However, at this brief moment, they showed murderous intention to Fang Ping with the same goal. The two people were described as embarrassing, which couldn’t be more suitable.

“Sneak attack is up to you. If the sneak attack succeeds, it is the best. Even if it fails, I can take the opportunity to expand into the field.”

Wu Shi whispered.

“it is good.”

Zuo Gaofeng nodded in agreement, put on a mask and a black hood, and he quietly lurked towards Fang Ping.

300 metres.

Two hundred meters.

100 metres.

He got closer and closer to Fang Ping, but Fang Ping didn’t even notice it.

Although Fang Ping has always turned on Kenbunshoku Haki, Kenbunshoku Haki was imperceptible to a Morning Star powerhouse who suppressed his breath.

Finally, he was only 50 meters away from Fang Ping. This distance, for a Morning Star powerhouse, is a distance that can be crossed without even a single moment.


In this brief moment, his body turned into a human form Thunder and Lightning, like a lightning shot at Fang Ping.

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