Monster Altar

Chapter 283

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Trees and rocks were blown to pieces, leaving a straight black mark along the way.

Thunder and Lightning, the human figure transformed by Zuo Gaofeng, flashed past and appeared beside Fang Ping, with lightning fists wrapped around it, and with a horrible lightning enough to knock down a mountain, it thumped at Fang Ping.

Looking at Fang Ping close at hand, Zuo Gaofeng sneered in his heart.

With incarnation as electricity, his movement speed has skyrocketed, enough to reach twice the speed of sound. At such a fast speed sneak attack, even if it is the Morning Star powerhouse, it is difficult to avoid it.

In fact, the Morning Star powerhouse he killed several years ago was because he could not dodge his sneak attack. He was seriously injured by his sneak attack and then killed by him.

Even the Morning Star powerhouse couldn’t escape. He didn’t think Fang Ping, who was not even the Morning Star, could escape.


The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the earth shook and the mountain quivered, the ground collapsed, and Fang Ping was where a huge pothole with a diameter of several hundred meters appeared.

The surrounding area of ​​more than 1000 meters was affected.

It was like being swept by a strong wind, all the trees were broken, the rocks were blown away, and it was a doomsday scene.

Among the potholes, Zuo Gaofeng, who was surrounded by Thunder and Lightning, squatted with his right fist on the ground, awe-inspiring.

But at the next moment, the expression on his face turned into astonishment.

There was nothing under the right fist, only the hard rock was missing Fang Ping.

He naturally doesn’t think Fang Ping has skeleton doesn’t exist, so the only explanation is that his sneak attack failed.


A few hundred meters away, on the edge of the potholes, Fang Ping looked at the person who was entangled in Thunder and Lightning sneak attack.

Although wearing a mask and a cloak, the ability to transform into Thunder and Lightning still exposed the identity of the person of the sneak attack. This person is undoubtedly Zuo Gaofeng.

The opponent’s sneak attack cannot be said to be sudden and swift. Even if it is a normal Morning Star powerhouse, it is difficult to escape the opponent’s sneak attack.

However, Kenbunshoku Haki’s one second of predicting the future made him aware of the upcoming sneak attack in advance and teleported to avoid it in time.

“No, there is one more person!”

Fang Ping looked at the sky above his head, and saw a huge hemispherical barrier appeared above the sky.

When encountering Zuo Gaofeng sneak attack, a space fluctuation spread, and then this huge hemispherical barrier appeared.

Although he evaded Zuo Gaofeng’s sneak attack, he did not at all evade the hemispherical barrier that appeared at the same time and was locked in the hemispherical barrier.

Zuo Gaofeng not at all has such an ability, even Enchanted weapon is unlikely, because the appearance of the hemispherical barrier is almost at the same time as Zuo Gaofeng sneak attack, Zuo Gaofeng was impossible to drive Enchanted weapon.

“It seems that Zuo Gaofeng has also found a helper. This hemispherical barrier is either the opponent’s ability or the opponent’s Enchanted weapon!”

Thinking of this, Fang Ping quickly printed his hands and used Sage Mode, red eyeshadow appeared around his eyes.

Sage Mode’s powerful perception immediately made him perceive another aura hiding in the dark. He was coldly snorted, and a large number of ice spikes that were more than ten meters long appeared out of thin air, stabling there.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

A black rays of light swept forward, and all the ice persisted to blow up. A man with a black and white mask on his face and surrounded by right hand black light appeared in Fang Ping’s field of vision.

“Wu Shi.”

Fang Ping’s face was shocked. The person who sneak attacked him just now was Zuo Gaofeng. No doubt, now Wu Shi, who is a Demonic Human race, appeared, doesn’t it mean that Zuo Gaofeng and Demonic Human race colluded.

“Long time no see, so happy, you still remember me.”

Wu Shi’s voice is smiling, but there is a gloomy feeling.

“The Morning Star powerhouse saved you last time, this time, see who can save you.”

“There is indeed a Morning Star powerhouse from your Human Race here, but unfortunately he is not here to save you, but to kill you.”

He looked at Zuo Gaofeng and said.

“You say yes, Director Zuo?”

Zuo Gaofeng unmasked his identity when Wu Shi took off his mask. His face was a bit ugly. Originally, he wanted to hide his identity. Even if the assassination failed, he would not reveal his identity, but Wu Shi directly said his identity.

In this way, apart from killing Fang Ping, he has no retreat.

“A Morning Star. Although it is not a Morning Star, the battle strength is comparable to a Morning Star. It really looks up to me.”

Fang Ping laughed at himself.

This happened completely beyond his expectations. He really did not expect that Zuo Gaofeng and the Demonic Human race would collude.

“Why? It’s still so easy until now. If you rely on spatial ability, then you will be disappointed. In this field, you will not be able to use any spatial ability.”

Without seeing the expected despair on Fang Ping’s face, Wu Shi was coldly snorted and said dissatisfied.

“Can’t use any space power, are you sure?”

Even when he heard Wu Shi’s words, Fang Ping’s face still did not see despair. He shook it, and four metal boxes containing gold appeared out of thin air appeared around him.

Seeing the metal box appearing out of thin air, Zuo Gaofeng recognized that it was a stolen gold box at a glance, but soon he thought of a more serious problem. What the other party is using now is not the space power or what.

“Not good, he can still use his space ability, he can’t let him escape!”

Both he and Wu Shi were complexion greatly changed. He turned into a lightning and slaughtered Fang Ping, while Wu Shi had a huge eye above his head and shot a black beam towards Fang Ping.

“Beauty of Fitzgerald!”

Fang Ping used the Beauty of Fitzgerald, all the metal boxes turned into golden lights and surrounded him, and his body appeared one after another with green lines.


The fist wrapped in the green pattern, punched out, suddenly hit the thick black beam that was already close to him.

Next moment, the black beam exploded and white ripples appeared in the void.

Then, his body flashed sideways, and he immediately avoided the foot that was entangled with Thunder and Lightning, and avoided Zuo Gaofeng’s attack.

To some extent, Wu Shi was right. His spatial ability was indeed imprisoned, and he was indeed unable to use the Doa Doa no Mi ability and Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

However, Monster Altar is obviously not in this imprisoned range, that kind of “invisible” level, obviously not an Enchanted weapon can be imprisoned, so he can still take out the item from the sacrifice space.

“Compared to Morning Star?!”

Looking at Fang Ping, who was surrounded by green lines, Zuo Gaofeng and Wu Shi all changed color.

To defeat the black beam with a fist, the opponent’s strength must be Morning Star. Undoubtedly, the opponent’s fourth on the list also has the Morning Star battle strength. They seriously underestimated the opponent’s strength.

“Can’t let him leave alive!”

Wu Shi sees murderous intention in his eyes. I did not expect that a genius who is not a Morning Star but comparable to Morning Star will be added to Human Race. The opponent must be killed and left here, and the opponent must not be allowed to leave alive, otherwise it will happen in the future. Demonic Human race is a major problem.

“Hid it so deep.”

There is a new Human Race that is not Morning Star but comparable to Morning Star, but Zuo Gaofeng is not at all happy because of the bad relationship between Zuo Family and Fang Ping, and more because of what he is doing now.

Once Fang Ping escapes, there will be no place for him in the entire Human Race. He has no retreat. At this moment, the heart of killing Fang Ping is even stronger than Wu Shi.

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