Monster Altar

Chapter 284

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The body turned into Thunder and Lightning, and the whole body of lightning was a masterpiece. The Thunder and Lightning ability was pushed to the limit by Zuo Gaofeng. Thunderclouds appeared in the sky. One after another, Thunder and Lightning tens of meters long, attacked Fang Ping one after another.

Hey, hey, sou!

Fang Ping dodges one after another, avoiding the Thunder and Lightning that hits one after another. When it is too late, the arm turns into a long whip and pulls out, smashing the Thunder and Lightning that hits.

“He didn’t use the teleporting ability. Some of his spatial ability should be imprisoned. At least that teleporting ability should be imprisoned.”

Looking at Fang Ping, who evaded one after another under the attack of Thunder and Lightning, Zuo Gaofeng and Wu Shi were happy in their hearts and saw the hope of killing Fang Ping.

Although the opponent’s strength is comparable to the Morning Star, but now facing the siege of their two Morning Stars, and has also lost the ability to teleport, the possibility of killing is still great.

“Fang Ping, today is your death date!”

In the huge eyes above Wu Shi’s head, a large number of black beams were shot out, joining the siege of Fang Ping.


Facing the siege of two Morning Stars, even with Kenbunshoku Haki’s one-second prediction of the future, Fang Ping could not completely dodge the attack. He was hit by a lightning and was hit and flew backwards.


The inverted flight had not landed yet, and another attack landed on Fang Ping. Fang Ping was hit and fell straight down, fiercely falling to the ground.

Fortunately, while the Beauty of Fitzgerald gave him a strong attack, it also gave him a strong defense, attacking not at all to break his defense.

However, passive beating is naturally not acceptable.

call out!

Nuke Nuke no Mi is able to use his abilities, he drills into the ground, and wants to stay away from the area covered by the ground.

But soon, a barrier similar to the hemispherical barrier in the sky appeared. Not only the sky, but also the underground, was also covered by the opponent’s domain barrier.


Suddenly a punch hit the domain barrier, the barrier vibrated, and a huge earthquake appeared under the ground, but there was no trace of damage in the place where it was hit by the hammer, and the domain barrier was unusually strong.


At this time, a black beam penetrated the ground and hit it, and he quickly avoided with Nuke Nuke no Mi ability.

But soon, another black beam hit him, as if he knew where he was.

“It’s useless, you can’t escape today!”

In charge of Enchanted weapon, Wu Shi knows everything in the field well, even if Fang Ping drills underground, he can also know where Fang Ping is located.

call out!

He moved several times underground, but was quickly re-locked. Fang Ping, who knew that it was useless to hide underground, rushed out of the underground.


As soon as it appeared, the turbulent Thunder and Lightning had already attacked and slashed towards Fang Ping.

Wu Shi provides the location, Zuo Gaofeng launches an attack, and Zuo Gaofeng completes an excellent cooperation with Wu Shi.


Fang Ping was flying backwards wrapped around Thunder and Lightning. Even with the defense enhancement, he couldn’t help being injured under Thunder and Lightning. He was completely dark and his hair stood up.

Zuo Gaofeng smiled triumphantly and was about to pounce on Fang Ping who was flying backwards.

At this moment, Wu Shi reminded loudly.

“Be careful!”

Zuo Gaofeng was wondering what Wu Shi’s words meant. Next moment, he was hammered by an invisible giant fist, flying out like a cannonball.

He flew out several hundred meters and crashed into a mountain bag, and stopped after collapsing the mountain bag. A ray of blood could not help flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Although it is the Morning Star powerhouse, in terms of defense, he is not as good as Fang Ping after being strengthened by Beauty of Fitzgerald.

“how come?”

He looked at the place just now in amazement, only to see that a person who was supposed to be a man appeared there. The attack just now should have come from the other party.

In this field, there was actually a fourth person, and it was also a Morning Star, because the moment the opponent started his hand, he had already sensed the morning star breath of the opponent.

“How did it appear?”

Wu Shi’s shock was stronger than him at this time. When Fang Ping was bombarded by Zuo Gaofeng Thunder and Lightning, he noticed the breath of the underground.

Fang Ping has the avatar ability, so he thought it was Fang Ping’s avatar or himself who was hiding underground, but he did not expect that it was neither Fang Ping’s avatar nor Fang Ping himself, but another person.

In this domain, there is actually a fourth person besides them, and before that, as the initiator of the domain, he hadn’t noticed it at all.


This is a man with a silver-mask. After he appeared, his body flew up under an invisible force and chased the injured Zuo Gaofeng.

This person is Lu Yu, and the reason why he can suddenly appear is because before that, Lu Yu was included in the sacrifice space by Fang Ping, and he was allowed to stand by in the sacrifice space.

“2 hits 2, so it’s fair!”

Turned over and climbed up and checked the injuries on his body. It was not too serious. Fang Ping culled to Wu Shi.

Not at all immediately released Lu Yu in order to be able to sneak attack 2 people and hit 2 people a completely unprepared. The effect was not bad, and the Zuo Gaofeng sneak attack was successfully injured.

“How could this be?”

Seeing Fang Ping’s culling, Wu Shi looked ugly. He didn’t expect that the advantage of 2 to one would disappear in just a short moment.

Zuo Gaofeng was injured and was also entangled by a Morning Star powerhouse. He was already impossible to support him in a short time.

call out!

The huge black eyes above his head shot out a devastating black beam, hitting Fang Ping at several times the speed of sound.

Fang Ping squatted down and leaped up suddenly, rushing to a height of a few ten meters, avoiding the black light beam, and then dashing through the air, continuing to approach Wu Shi.

And this black light beam spread all the way forward, leaving a scary trace of 1000 meters long, and finally hit the barrier of the domain before it finally collapsed.

call out!

Another terrifying black beam struck, and Fang Ping, who was flying in the air, sank suddenly, passing by the terrifying black beam.

At this time, he was already close to Wu Shi for less than 100 meters. At his current speed of sound, less than 13 seconds was enough to get close to Wu Shi.

The fist struck out, the right hand entwined with the green pattern, like a green meteorite attacking Wu Shi.

With a punch, a straight white mark appeared in the air, and the air was compressed by the violent wind pressure and turned into a visible state.

The horror fist wind came to the face, and it hurt like a knife on his face. Wu Shi was surprised and angry. In just a few months, the opponent’s strength had increased so much and it was able to bring him such a strong threat.

With a roar, the huge eyes above his head collapsed and turned into black rays of light to wrap his right hand.

His right hand turned into pure black, and it was also punched out, facing Fang Ping’s fist.

Hong long!

The collision of green’s fist and black’s fist is like a collision between a green meteorite and a black meteorite, producing a strong white shock wave.

The shock wave swept for 4 weeks, but everything that was swept by the shock wave, whether it was rocks or trees, all turned into dust in an instant.

With 2 people as the center, within the range of several hundred meters, the only thing intact is the 2 people themselves.

Suddenly, a sneer appeared at the corner of the wizard’s mouth.

“Fighting me close is your biggest mistake!”

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