Monster Altar

Chapter 285

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A weird force followed the colliding fists, extended to Fang Ping’s arm, and penetrated into Fang Ping’s brain.

“Remove the ability and give up resistance!”

“Remove the ability and give up resistance!”


A voice rang in Fang Ping’s mind like a repeater, with a strong hypnotic effect, causing Fang Ping to relieve his ability and give up resistance.

Hint, this is Wu Shi’s ability to manipulate Peng Chong. Through physical contact, he can give the target person psychological hints to achieve the purpose of manipulating the target person.

At this time, this ability is positively acting on Fang Ping.

With Fang Ping’s current Tier 4 Awakener’s realm, under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to break free of suggestive ability.



Fang Ping’s eyes changed instinctively under the stimulation of external mental ability.

When the eyes appear, there are 4 blades connected on the outside, and there are 3 singular circular patterns on the inside. Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan is activated automatically.

With the automatic activation of Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, the suggestive sound that sounded in Fang Ping’s mind disappeared for an instant.

In terms of mind control, Wu Shi’s suggestive ability is nothing compared to the other gods of Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

Although other gods are still unable to use them, it is enough to protect Fang Ping from the hint of this Spiritual Plane.


A scream came from Wu Shi’s mouth, Wu Shi held his head with his left hand, and backed away painfully.

With cold sweat sliding down his forehead, he looked at Fang Ping in horror. His mental ability was backlashed, which means that Fang Ping had stronger mental ability than him.


Fang Ping kicked the ground abruptly, a densely packed crack appeared on the ground, and he ejected and kicked Wu Shi with his right foot.


Wu Shi embarrassedly blocked Fang Ping’s foot with his right hand wrapped in black light, but he was hit by a huge force to fly.

Flying out of several hundred meters, hitting the barrier of the field, suddenly spit a mouthful of blood.

At this time, Fang Ping came after him again.

His complexion greatly changed, the black light on the right hand disappeared, and the huge eyes on the top of his head appeared again.

Shoot a dense black beam and intercept Fang Ping, as if a black sun is blooming, shooting black rays of light.

Peng, Peng, peng!

Faced with such a dense black beam, Fang Ping dodged, while punching out, knocking out one after another black beam that could not be avoided.

However, the number of black beams is too dense. Now that he can’t use Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he has not been able to avoid and block completely. He was hit by several black lights at the speed of black, and he was hit back and forth.

“How could this guy grow so fast?”

Forcing Fang Ping back, Wu Shi sighed in relief, his face is extremely ugly.

At the beginning, Fang Ping’s battle strength was extremely strong in Tier 5, but it obviously did not reach the Morning Star. However, in the past few months, Fang Ping’s battle strength is actually comparable to Morning Star.

This kind of growth speed made him feel horrified, and even a trace of fear was born in his heart.

“The advantage of Beauty of Fitzgerald alone is not obvious.”

Away, Fang Ping judged the situation.

With Beauty of Fitzgerald, his battle strength can be comparable to Morning Star, but Wu Shi, as a genius in the Demonic Human race, can also battle strength comparable to Morning Star, not weaker than him.

However, he has more than Beauty of Fitzgerald.

铿 clang!

Zanpakuto was taken out of the sheath, and then he sank into the ground. 100 huge blades rose from the ground and shattered into 10000000 blue sharp blades.


Fang Ping waved his hand to make 10000000 blue sharp blade, from all around, the wind surged towards Wu Shi, and he himself rushed towards Wu Shi.

When Byakuya Kuchiki fights, he needs to worry that the blade will hurt himself, but he doesn’t need it at all, because with his current defense, the blade cannot scratch at all.

Hey, hey, hey!

The black beam is like rain, blocking Fang Ping and blocking the 10000000 million blue sharp blades.

But there are too many blue knives, with no opportunity, can’t stop it at all.

Hey, hey, pu!

Pieces of blue sharp blade approached Wu Shi and cut them on Wu Shi, who bloomed with blood.


Wu Shi screamed in pain, counting 10000 blades to cut on his body, chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.

Ka-cha !

The black and white mask on his face shattered, and his true face was revealed, but soon it became bloodstained and unable to recognize his face.

“If you continue like this, you will die!”

Fear was born in his heart, Wu Shi decisively lifted the domain, chose a direction at will and ran desperately.

Fang Ping nowadays is no longer what he can hunt alone. Zuo Gaofeng is held back by another Morning Star powerhouse. It is impossible to kill Fang Ping.

So he decisively chose to escape.

As for Zuo Gaofeng being besieged by Morning Star and Fang Ping because of his escape, he would not care. As a Demonic Human race, how could he care about the life and death of a human being.


Losing the shackles of the domain, Fang Ping’s spatial ability was restored. Throwing knives flew out of the holster, exploding at twice the speed of sound, and quickly chased Wu Shi.

Originally, his goal this time was Zuo Gaofeng, but he didn’t expect that he would hang out a Demonic Human race genius, which I have to say is an unexpected harvest.

If the opponent with the potential of Blood Moon can be killed here, the damage caused to the Demonic Human race is even comparable to killing a digital Morning Star Demonic Human race.

Hey, hey, hey!

Seeing Fang Ping chasing him, Wu Shi complexion greatly changed. I did not expect that Fang Ping did not choose to join forces to besie Zuo Gaofeng at this time, but chased him instead.

Among the huge black eyes above the head, one after another black beam was shot, blocking Fang Ping and preventing Fang Ping from approaching.

But in the face of Fang Ping, which can now use Flying Thunder God Jutsu, such an attack can no longer stop Fang Ping.

After a few flashes, Fang Ping approached Wu Shi who was rushing, and Green’s fist slammed into Wu Shi’s back.


Fang Ping’s fist was blocked by a barrier. Just when his fist was about to strike Wu Shi, the domain expanded again, wrapping Wu Shi in the domain.

Although it was an attack comparable to the Morning Star, it fell on the domain barrier and still remained untouched.

“You want to use this method to save your life!”

The wizard had a stubborn face on his face. He came to kill Fang Ping, but he did not expect that he would have to protect himself with the domain in the end. This was a blow to the proud him.

Although he was hit hard, his fate was finally saved. The defense of the domain was enough to make him persist until the rescue of the Demonic Human race arrived.

Among the Demonic Human race, clansman has the ability to predict danger. At this time, he should have noticed that he is in danger and notify the nearby clansman to come.

“Fang Ping, I admit, I underestimated you and will kill you next time.”

Staring at Fang Ping outside the domain barrier, Wu Shi gnashing teeth, the assassination of Fang Ping failed again.

He has decided that after returning, he will immediately secluded cultivation, not become a Morning Star, and never leave his clan, and when he becomes a Morning Star, it is the time when Fang Ping died.

“Next time? You probably won’t have another chance.”

The corners of Fang Ping’s mouth evoked a touch, and he stretched his hand to the domain barrier.

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