Monster Altar

Chapter 289

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Teleported to Lu Yu’s residence, gave Zuo Gaofeng controlled by the parasite the healing potion, Fang Ping consciousness entered the sacrifice space.

The huge blood-colored altar stretched out one after another blood-colored chains, bound to a huge sphere, and fixed the huge sphere on the blood-colored altar.

In the sphere, Wu Shi’s face was pale, with a look of horror on his face, and Monster Altar’s “invisible” deeply shocked him.

He had never seen or even heard of things that would rob memory of just looking at them. Such things are beyond the scope of his comprehension, as if they shouldn’t exist.

“where is this place?”

Seeing Fang Ping appear, he asked in horror.

“Monster Altar.”

Looking at the terrified Lu Yu, Fang Ping said with a slight smile.

It can make this Demonic Human race genius who was so arrogant not long ago feel terrified. You don’t need to think about what the other party has gone through. You must have seen the “invisible” of Monster Altar.

Don’t talk about the other party, even the Monster Altar Owner, when he first saw Monster Altar’s “invisible”, he couldn’t help being deeply shocked, even more how he was a prisoner of the other party.

“Monster Altar?”

Wu Shi’s heart tightened. He keenly perceives a strong crisis from the name Monster Altar.

Intuition tells him that this Monster Altar is like a nemesis to him.

“Yes, this place is called Monster Altar, and it is an altar where monsters are sacrificed.”

No concealment, Fang Ping said.

“Take a monster as a sacrifice, do you want to sacrifice with me?”

Wu Shi’s complexion became extremely ugly. This is an altar with a monster as a sacrifice, so isn’t he just a monster as a sacrifice.


Fang Ping nodded.

This trip was originally just to lure and kill Zuo Gaofeng, but he didn’t want to catch a big fish. It was a surprise.

“After sacrifice with monsters, what benefits will you gain?”

Wu Shi asked solemnly.

“Then you don’t need understood, the gossip ends here, it’s time to send you off!”

Fang Ping no longer intends to say more. Although he is not worried that the other party will run away and the news leaks, he is not at all the mentality of teasing the dying enemy.

He snapped his fingers, next moment, on the blood-colored altar, a huge blood-colored flame of gas surrounded the entire sphere.

Under the scarlet flame, the domain barrier with the solid characteristics of space easily collapsed and disappeared, and endless scarlet flames poured into the domain.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

Wu Shi, who was hiding in the realm, only had time to let out a scream, and he was burned by the blood-colored flames and turned into ashes. To be precise, even ashes remained.

Monster Altar lights up blood light and stars in the sky appear.


A green rays of light descended and turned into a woman.

The woman is tall, slender and graceful.

Wearing a light purple skirt, with shaggy brown hair.

Name: Mugino Shizuru

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent


Atomic collapse: An ability to maintain electrons in a purely electronic form, with strong penetration and destructive power.

“It should be because of the black beam’s ability, so I took out Mugino Shizuru.”

For Mugino Shizuru, Fang Ping knows naturally.

The cartoon character in a certain scientific electromagnetic gun is a superpower of Ranked 4th.

It has the ability to Atomic collapse and has a very strong destructive power. The destructive power alone is also higher than the ability of Ranked 3rd Yui Mikoto. It is only because of the difficulty of manipulation that it is difficult to control the rankings. under.

“Trouble, the ability level of Atomic collapse should reach the peak order. It is definitely an extremely powerful ability, but now my ability has reached the upper limit. If I want to obtain this ability, I am afraid I have to change the existing ability Replacement works.”

Fang Ping fell into hesitation.

The abilities he currently possesses are either extremely powerful formidable power or very practical abilities. The value of each ability theory absolutely reaches the peak order ability level. It is really not desirable to choose a replacement among these abilities.

But if you don’t choose replacement, Atomic collapse, such a peak order ability, is really a pity to miss it.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent and ability Atomic collapse. Do you choose one kind of acquisition?”

The majestic voice sounded at this time.

Fang Ping hesitated for a long time, finally said.

“give up.”

Although Atomic collapse formidable power is powerful, his existing ability configuration can be said to be very suitable. It is a pity whether to replace any one.

As Fang Ping made his choice, the grand and majestic voice said.

“Give up the innate talent and ability, and get 33555 sacrifice value.”

“Actually obtained 33555 sacrifice value.”

Hearing the sacrifice value obtained after giving up the ability and innate talent, Fang Ping’s face was slightly astonished.

Generally speaking, a Tier 5 monster can get a sacrifice value of about 10000, and a Wu Shi sacrifice can get a sacrifice value of 33555, which is more than 5 times more than a normal Tier 3 monster. This shows that the other party is comparable to the Morning Star. Extra points.

“Let’s see if there is any suitable ninjutsu.”

Fang Ping looked at the ninjutsu innate talent column, the only place where sacrifice value can be used at present.

【Ninjutsu innate talent: very excellent】

Flying Thunder God Jutsu: activated

Sage Mode (苗木山, Shikkotsu Forest): activated

Sage art .Gracious Deity Gates: activated

Rasengan: activated


Spirit Art: 5th Layer Rashoumon: Not activated, activation requires 10000 sacrifice value.

Four Crimson Ray Formation: Inactive, 3000 sacrifice value is required to activate.

Reverse Four Symbols sealing: Inactive, 3000 sacrifice value is required to activate.


After browsing all the inactive ninjutsu, Fang Ping looked at Spirit Art: 5th Layer Rashoumon.

Spirit Art: 5th Layer Rashoumon, this is a defensive type of ninjutsu, can summon 5 giant grimace iron gates, with strong defense.

Before, between Sage art.Gracious Deity Gates and Spirit Art: 5th Layer Rashoumon, he chose Sage art.Gracious Deity Gates, because Sage art.Gracious Deity Gates has a trapping effect and is very practical.

The last time he hunted and killed the wounded Morning Star monster in Hetian Base City, this ninjutsu was brilliant. If it weren’t for this ninjutsu, he would have to use the Beauty of Fitzgerald.

And Spirit Art: 5th Layer Rashoumon is a ninjutsu, although it has strong defensive power, but it lacks flexibility. Although it can create a solid iron gate defense, it cannot do as one pleases. Change direction. In battle, it is practical. not tall.

During the battle, the enemy does not need to break the 5th layer Rashoumon, just bypass it. For this reason, he does not at all choose this ninjutsu.

This time he obtained more than 30000 sacrifice points, which can be said to be a serious surplus. He decided to learn this ninjutsu.

Since this ninjutsu exists, it naturally has the value of existence.

If you encounter a powerful attack, but you cannot use the Flying Thunder God Jutsu and Doa Doa no Mi abilities to escape, this ability can be an excellent means to resist the attack.

He immediately chose to activate Spirit Art: 5th Layer Rashoumon, and he suddenly had a lot of cultivation and use memory about Spirit Art: 5th Layer Rashoumon.

Of course, memory is only memory after all. He wants to possess and learn, and he has to spend time learning like Sage art. Gracious Deity Gates.

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