Monster Altar

Chapter 290

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“Is this news reliable?”

In a conference hall in Zuo Family, a group of high-levels browse tightly knit, looking at Zuo Jinghui, a man with a short beard on his chin.

The meeting was held because Zuo Jingfeng got the news that Fang Ping had returned to the base city.

“More than one person provided the information. It should be true. Fang Ping has indeed returned to the base city.”

Zuo Jinghui facial expression grave, said solemnly.

“How come? It shouldn’t be, didn’t he meet Lord Zuo Gaofeng?”

A senior woman has doubts on her face.

“You said, will Lord Zuo Gaofeng fail?”

A slightly fat man felt a little uneasy in his heart.

“Impossible, Lord Zuo Gaofeng is absolutely impossible to fail.”

Several Zuo Family executives were negative, but in their hearts, they all felt like a fat man, faintly uneasy.

A few days ago, Lord Zuo Gaofeng, the backbone of the family, left the base city on the grounds of retreat and went to assassinate Fang Ping.

Now, they have received news that Fang Ping has returned to the base city, but Lord Zuo Gaofeng, who went to assassinate Fang Ping, has no news. This can’t help but have a bad feeling in their hearts.

But if it is said that Lord Zuo Gaofeng assassinated Fang Ping, but was killed by Fang Ping, they said they did not believe anything.

“Not good, something happened, something happened…”

At this moment, a youngster opened the door and ran in in a panic.

All the high-levels in the Conference Hall frowned slightly, so reckless, not stable at all, it is difficult to become a major event.

This youngster was originally a youngster they were very optimistic about. Now it seems that the evaluation cannot help but be lowered.

“What happened?”

Zuo Jinghui asked.

“Now there is a video on the Internet in which Lord Zuo Gaofeng killed the Morning Star powerhouse who had disappeared a few years ago.”

The youngster gasped anxiously.


All Zuo Family executives are no longer calm. As Zuo Family executives, they know that the disappearance of the Morning Star powerhouse a few years ago is related to Lord Zuo Gaofeng.

“Will that video be forged?”

With cold sweat on his forehead, Zuo Jinghui asked.

“Someone has verified on the Internet that the video has no trace of modification.”

The youngster looked terrified and shook his head.

“It’s over, Zuo Family is over…”

All the Zuo Family executives turned pale and assassinated the Morning Star powerhouse. This was an absolute forbidden in the base city. Now that this incident has been exposed, the Zuo Family is completely over.

Unsurprisingly, after seeing the video analyzing the video, the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City immediately dispatched to seize all the Zuo Family properties and arrest all members of the Zuo Family.

Zuo Gaofeng, who was found by not at all, was found to be absconded for fear of crime, and was also wanted by the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City. In the entire human sphere of influence, all base cities have issued his wanted.

“Although I don’t know who posted this video, it was a great help.”

Fang Ping’s residence, when he heard the news of Zuo Family, Fang Ping had surprises and surprises on his face.

Back in the past few days in the base city, he has been thinking about how to deal with Zuo Family, but he has never thought of a good way.

Zuo Family is a big force with 100 members. He is impossible to assassinate all Zuo Family members, but if these people are kept, it is a potential threat, so he has not considered how to deal with Zuo Family.

The appearance of this video can be said to be a great help to him. All Zuo Family members were arrested, Zuo Family forces were disintegrated, and the Zuo Family problem was completely solved.

“Next, you can rest assured of cultivation.”

Zuo Family’s problem was solved, and he was finally able to focus his energy on improving his strength. For him now, if he wants to improve his strength, he can only cultivation.

Now that the number of abilities he possesses has reached the upper limit, even if he hunts monsters, he cannot increase the upper limit of the number of abilities. The improvement of him by hunting monsters is already limited.

And to improve the realm, not only can improve his strength, but also increase the upper limit of the number of abilities he has, so his current focus is on cultivation to improve the realm.

A few months later, in the door space, Fang Ping and Lu Yu fought together.


Lu Yu mobilized his mind, and an invisible giant hand appeared and slapped Fang Ping.

Under the huge might of the giant hand, the wind was raging in the space inside the door, the air was squeezed, and there were visible ripples, and the outline of a giant hand was faintly visible.

Not that the power of mind becomes visible, but the air becomes visible.

Fang Ping was wrapped in Susanoo in the 4th form and turned into a green giant more than ten meters tall.

green giant’s right hand The spiral sword rotates violently, and with the violent tornado, it stabs the giant hand of thought power.

Hong long!

The two collided together, stirring up a violent shock wave, which swept for 2 weeks, like a raging ocean wave.


The green giant’s huge body slid back uncontrollably, and flew out for more than 100 meters before finally stopping.

At this time, a giant hand of thought power patted the giant green again, and the giant green swung his spiral sword to greet him.

Bang, bang, hong long!

The two sides fought against each other one after another, and the green giant was repelled one after another, and densely packed cracks began to appear on the surface.

Ka-cha !

With a crisp sound, Giant Green took the spiral sword as a starting point, spreading all over his body, and it actually shattered completely.

“It’s still a bit worse after all!”

The green giant shattered to reveal Fang Ping inside. Fang Ping was panting. The fierce fighting made him consume a lot of energy.

In a few months, with the help of the extraordinary growth innate talent, he has grown to the top of Tier 4, only a short distance from Tier 5.

The improvement of the realm made him stronger. Originally, he thought he could be comparable to Morning Star, but now it seems that he is still a little worse after all.

Although it has been able to compete with the Morning Star in a short time, the battle strength is still weaker than the Morning Star.

“If you want to compete with Morning Star, the realm may have to reach Tier 5.”

Fang Ping secretly thought.

Although there is still some gap between him at the peak of Tier 4 and Morning Star, the gap is not big anymore. As long as his realm is improved, the peak from Tier 4 to Tier 5 should be enough to make up for this gap.

“If you have a bottle of Tier 5 Awakener potion, you can immediately break through Tier 5. Unfortunately, the points in my hand are still a few 10000 points.”

The price of a Tier 5 Awakener potion is 2010000 points, and his current points are only 1210000 points, which is a total difference of 810000 points.

“810000 points, even if you continue to do tasks, I am afraid it will be difficult to earn in a short time. It seems that you can only borrow it. Who should I borrow?”

Fang Ping thought of Hu Ao’er. Among the people he knows and acquainted with, it is only Hu Ao’er who may have 810000 points.

The opponent is ranked 2nd on the Morning Star rankings. The points earned by each task are bound to be extremely large. The points he possesses will certainly not be less, so he thinks the opponent is most likely to be able to come up with 810000 points. people.

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