Monster Altar

Chapter 293

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In the ice, the Shadow Leopard struggled violently in horror, but unfortunately, the ice on its surface was as hard as enchanted metal, no matter how hard it struggles, it is difficult to break free.

As a Tier 5 monster, it has few rivals, but unfortunately, it obviously chose the wrong prey this time.

Click, click, click!

Fang Ping walked towards the Shadow Leopard step by step, not fast or slow, and seemed very calm, without worrying that the Shadow Leopard could break free.

Already a Tier 5 Awakener, even if he doesn’t use Sage Mode, his ability level with Mutated Hie Hie no Mi ability far surpasses the general peak order ability is enough to easily ravage Tier 5 monsters.

Unless the strength of this Shadow Leopard has reached the peak of Tier 5, it is absolutely impossible to break free from the ice that is enclosed in the body.

And such monsters are obviously more rare than Tier 5 monsters.

Sure enough, until he walked in front of the Shadow Leopard, the Shadow Leopard still couldn’t break free from the ice on his body, and could only look at him in horror under the ice.

He touched the shadow leopard’s body wrapped in ice.


Scarlet chains appeared, wrapped around the shadow leopard, dragging the shadow leopard into the void, disappearing without a trace.

“The strength of really strong!”

Seeing Fang Ping defeated and captured a Tier 5 monster so easily, Meng Zhuo’s pupils shrank.

It deserves to be ranked second only to number 3 on the list of those three people. His strength is really strong. Just seeing the opponent shot this time, he knew that if he challenged the opponent, his chance of winning was less than 4%.

“It’s stronger again, maybe he really has…”

Hu Ao’er’s face was slightly solemn.

She is acquainted with Fang Ping, but she knows that Fang Ping has a type of augmentation ability. She knows that the current battle strength is not the strongest battle strength of Fang Ping.

Relying on that type of increase ability, Fang Ping’s battle strength will be increased several times, maybe it really has battle strength comparable to Morning Star.

The appearance of the Shadow Leopard was just an episode, and everyone continued to search for the Morning Star monster Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping is already at No. 4 on the list at a young age. If you don’t talk about Morning Star in the future, even the Blood Moon level is very likely.”

In order to refresh, the 6 people were searching for Bloodfeather Nether Dog while talking.

The topic soon turned to Fang Ping. Meng Hailin showed unusual enthusiasm for Fang Ping, and his words were full of praise and praise for Fang Ping.

“Meng Patriarch laughed, how could the Blood Moon class be so easy to become.”

Fang Ping is naturally not a person who jumps to the sky as soon as he is praised by others, he kept modestly said.

Although I am confident that with my current extraordinary-level Growth innate talent, I may become a Blood Moon level in the future, but this kind of thing, I know it, and naturally there is no need to show it.

“Then you are humble. You have the potential to become a Blood Moon class. It is recognized by the Monster Countermeasures Division. In this regard, the Monster Countermeasures Division has the most say. If you say that, it means you must have this potential. “

Meng Hailin smiled, and then asked in his heart.

“I wonder if your Excellency Fang Ping has a marriage contract, or a girlfriend?”

“Uncle Meng is planning to introduce him to a girlfriend? You’re too late. Not only does he have a girlfriend, but he already has two.”

Beside, hearing Meng Hailin’s inquiry, Hu Ao’er said with a joke.

Fang Ping smiled awkwardly. He and Yan Xue are indeed boy and girl friends, but they are not with Fan Xuan. Of course, it is also true that the relationship between the two people is beyond normal friends.

He quickly changed the subject.

“There is one thing I am curious about, why did the Meng Family spend such a high price to hunt down this Bloodfeather Nether Dog? Of course, if it is not convenient for Meng Patriarch, please don’t ask me.”

“It’s not a secret. You Fang Ping should have heard of Morning Star Awakener potion, right?”

Meng Hailin hesitated for a moment.

“Well, I have indeed heard that this kind of potion can transform the Awakener at the peak of Tier 5 into a Morning Star, but this kind of potion is too precious, even in the Monster Countermeasures Division.

Fang Ping nodded, and then asked some surprises.

“Could it be that Meng Family hunted the Bloodfeather Nether Dog to refine this potion?”

“Yes, the purpose of Meng Family hunting Bloodfeather Nether Dog is to refine Morning Star Awakener potion.”

Meng Hanlin did not hide it.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping, you may not know that the morning Star Awakener potion is precious because on the one hand it requires a lot of precious medicine ingredients, and on the other hand, it needs to be configured for the user.”

“Configure for users?”

With curiosity on Fang Ping’s face, this was the first time he heard that potions needed to be configured for the users.

“Different Tier 5 peak Awakener players, because of the different abilities of Awakener, require different formulations of Morning Star Awakener potions.”

“And the Morning Star Awakener potion that my Meng Family is going to configure this time needs to use Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s most essential heart within the body. This is also the reason why my Meng Family must hunt down Bloodfeather Nether Dog at a high price.”

Meng Hailin explained.

Fang Ping suddenly felt that if he could successfully hunt the Bloodfeather Nether Dog this time, it is no surprise that a Morning Star powerhouse will be born in the Meng Family, and it will become a family with the Morning Star powerhouse.

Searching all night, Fang Ping 6 people came to a small stream in the early morning.

During this night, a total of more than a dozen monsters were encountered. Because not at all monsters with a Tier 5 level, Fang Ping was out of interest and didn’t make any more moves. All were killed by Meng Hailin, Meng Zhuo and the others.

“Take a rest for 3 hours!”

After searching all night, the 6 people couldn’t help being slightly tired. In addition to stomach rumbling with hunger, Meng Hailin decided to rest on the spot for 3 hours.

Although with their current physical fitness, staying up for a few days and nights will not cause problems, but after the Bloodfeather Nether Dog is tracked, they will have a battle, and their fatigued bodies will obviously have a battle strength against them. A certain degree of influence.

After eating some dry food in a hurry, Ye Jian, who was not a combatant, was in charge of guarding. The 5 Fang Ping people laid a mat and lay down to rest.

Three hours later, 3 people from Fang Ping were awakened and 5 people continued to set off.

Although they had only rested for 3 hours, the recovery ability of their Awakener was enough to recover from the fatigue caused by running overnight.

Only Ye Jian, who is in charge of vigilance, is still tired, but as a non-combatant, the opponent is not involved in the battle. It doesn’t hurt to be tired.

And the next time he takes a break, he will be able to exchange breaks with Zhai Duxiu.


A multi-colored monster with 8 slender legs on the body, 8 legs and used to rush towards Fang Ping 6 people.


Meng Zhuo came out more and more, a black iron sword with a length of more than ten meters in his hand condensed and quickly crossed the 8-legged monster.


The green liquid splashed, the monster’s huge body was cut in half diagonally, and fell to the ground with a bang.

For several days, the 6 people in Fang Ping spent searching and tracking. Although there was a break in between, the long-term tracking still made the 6 people slightly tired.

Especially Zhai Duxiu and Ye Jian, who are non-combatants, have shown fatigue on their faces due to lack of sleep.

At noon one day, Zhai Duxiu, who was in charge of scent tracking, said with joy on his face.

“The smell is getting stronger, Bloodfeather Nether Dog should already not far!”

After several days of tracking, it was finally about to catch up, and the task was finally about to end.

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