Monster Altar

Chapter 294

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“Can you be sure how far it is?”

The expression on Meng Hailin’s face was also happy, but soon turned into a solemn question.

Searching for several days without chasing after the loss, it is finally close to Bloodfeather Nether Dog, which is worthy of joy.

But when he thought that he was about to encounter a powerful Morning Star monster, he couldn’t help but feel nervous and solemn.

Morning Star monsters, battle strength far exceed the strong demon of Tier 5 Awakener, and the difference between battle strength of Tier 5 Awakener is ten times or even dozens of times.

Fighting against such a monster, even with the existence of Hu Ao’er who can counter the Morning Star, the battle will still be very dangerous.

“The exact distance is uncertain, but it should be within the scope of several dozen li.”

Zhai Duxiu said.

“That’s good, everyone, be careful, 10000000 be careful not to cause movement to alarm the Morning Star monster in advance, Ye Jian, pay attention to your surroundings.”

Meng Hailin ordered.

The 6 people were cautiously lurking forward. After traveling more than 20 miles, Ye Jian among the 6 people suddenly changed his face and whispered.

“At 6 o’clock on the left, 1 kilometers away, there is a concealed aura monster. It should be the Morning Star monster Bloodfeather Nether Dog.”

“Perception ability is indeed stronger than me.”

Fang Ping glanced at Ye Jian. After becoming a Tier 5 Awakener, his range of perception was already enough to reach 6 kilometers, but he did not at all perceive the breath of monsters.

But the opponent can perceive it, which shows that the perception ability of the opponent is beyond Kenbunshoku Haki.

“Very well, Zhai Duxiu and Ye Jian stay in place. Your mission has been completed.”

Meng Hailin looked at Fang Ping.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping, I can’t help alarming this monster in advance. The next journey requires your spatial ability.”

“no problem.”

Fang Ping nodded, touched his hand into the air, a door suddenly appeared in the air, the door opened, and a green space appeared.

The 4 people entered the door space, and then moved in the door space, rushing towards the Morning Star monster in Ye Jian’s perception.

Hey, hey, sou!

The weakest of the 4 people is also the Tier 5 Awakener. The speed is not slow. In just a few minutes, he has rushed to the place where Ye Jian found the Morning Star monster.

Here is a hilly area, and you can see hills full of plants everywhere.

“found it!”

The 4 people looked to the outside world in the space inside the door, and soon found a monster on a hill.

This is a huge monster that looks like a dog. It is over 6 meters long. It is not covered with hair, but thin and dense blood-colored feathers.

On its head, there are not at all feathers, with dim-blue and ink-colored hairs, presenting weird triangle patterns.

“It’s Bloodfeather Nether Dog!”

Fang Ping 4 people are people who know more about monsters, and immediately recognized that this monster is the Morning Star monster Bloodfeather Nether Dog they were looking for.

Moreover, the blood-colored feathers on the opponent’s body are highly recognizable, and it is easy to associate them with Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

“Finally tracked it down!”

The Morning Star monster is right in front of them, and the breathing of Meng Hailin and Meng Zhuo can’t help but become rapid. Even if they are the Awakener at the peak of Tier 5, in this brief moment, they can’t help but their hearts beat wildly because of tension.

“After tracking for several days, the mission is finally over.”

Fang Ping’s expression is calm. So far, he has participated in the hunting of as many as 3 Morning Star monsters, apart from this, a Demonic Human race comparable to Morning Star, and a Morning Star powerhouse.

Counting this down, he has fought against Morning Star 5 times, and he has dealt with Morning Star so many times, it is naturally impossible to be nervous.

even more how He is now a Tier 5 Awakener, even if he doesn’t use Beauty of Fitzgerald, he should be able to burst out a battle strength that is not inferior to the Morning Star monster.

Glancing at Meng Hailin and Meng Zhuo, whose breathing became heavy, and at Fang Ping whose expression was calm, there was a glint in Hu Ao’er’s eyes.

Facing the Morning Star monster, he can still be so indifferent. Even if Fang Ping’s strength is not up to the Morning Star, he is definitely enough to protect himself in front of the Morning Star.

“I am the main attacker, and you are here to assist me. Once I control it with mental ability, you immediately attack.”

She spoke up.


Meng Hailin and Meng Zhuo both nodded. With their strength, they can only provide assistance by the side.


Fang Ping also nodded in agreement. Although he might be able to compete with Morning Star with his strength, he did not intend to show the limelight.


Void opened the door, and Hu Ao’er rushed out of the space inside the door and appeared behind Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

After all, it is a Morning Star monster, and not at all injured, the reaction is very quick.

Bloodfeather Nether Dog immediately noticed the abnormality behind him, and suddenly turned around, and the huge beast claws patted the place where Hu Ao’er appeared.

There is a scarlet sharp claw on the beast’s claw, which is more than half a meter long, like a scarlet sharp claw.

No one would doubt its sharpness. If caught, it would definitely be seriously injured even with Hu Ao’er’s physical strength.

Although the current Hu Ao’er has battle strength comparable to Morning Star, in terms of realm, it is clearly Tier 5 Awakener.

Naturally, Hu Ao’er had anticipated this kind of danger, and had already had a way to deal with it.


A large number of mental tentacles that ordinary people can’t see stretched out from her body and quickly penetrated into the brain of Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

The sharp claw photographed by Bloodfeather Nether Dog paused in the air, and the body was trembling continuously, obviously struggling crazily, trying to break free from the control of mental ability.

“It’s now!”

Opening the door in the void, Fang Ping, Meng Hailin, and Meng Zhuo jumped out from the space inside the door and attacked Bloodfeather Nether Dog together.


Fang Ping single-handedly vacated, the golden flame turned into a huge Fireball of several meters, like a huge golden meteor falling from the sky, hitting the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.


Meng Hailin and Meng Zhuo 2 father and son jointly used their abilities. In front of them, a metal giant sword with a length of more than ten meters appeared.

The surface of the giant sword is full of thick lightning, driven by two people, stab the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

The thunder of terror sounded, and the destructive power alone was not even under Fang Ping’s golden Fireball.

Originally, it is extremely difficult for two Awakeners to mix their abilities. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to succeed.

However, the two are father and son, and they have absolute trust in each other, and they have been able to succeed after long-term drills.

When Fang Ping, Meng Hailin, and Meng Zhuo attacked the Bloodfeather Nether Dog, Hu Ao’er also took the shot.

Hey, hey, hey!

On her back, there are 4 blue short spears on her back. Under the control of the mental tentacles, these 3 blue short spears detached from the back holster and turned into 3 rays of light, stabbing towards Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

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