Monster Altar

Chapter 295

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Golden Fireball, Thunder and Lightning giant sword, blue short spear, 3 kinds of attacks fell on Bloodfeather Nether Dog almost simultaneously, and the huge body of Bloodfeather Nether Dog flew upside down under 3 kinds of attacks.

Flew several hundred meters upside down, hit a mountain bag, embedded into the mountain bag as deep as 100 meters, and finally stopped.


The mountain bag was cut open, and the Bloodfeather Nether Dog got out of the mountain bag.

Because of the attack, Bloodfeather Nether Dog looked extremely angry.

The eyes are huge and blood-red, full of blood light, and the terrifying aura of Morning Star is permeated.

“The attack was blocked by Blood Feather!”

Seeing the Bloodfeather Nether Dog drilled out of the mountain bag, Fang Ping, Meng Hailin, and Meng Zhuo had their pupils shrinking slightly, and their complexions were all condensed.

Although I have seen relevant information about Bloodfeather Nether Dog, I haven’t really encountered it after all. Not at all is an intuitive feeling.

But now, fighting with Bloodfeather Nether Dog, I finally understand the defense of the blood-colored feather outside the opponent’s body.

Whether golden Fireball or Thunder and Lightning giant sword, the formidable power is very close to the attack of the Morning Star.

But such a powerful attack only caused damage to the blood-colored feathers of the Bloodfeather Nether Dog, and failed to penetrate the blood-colored feathers and injure the Bloodfeather Nether Dog inside.

The only thing that really hurt it was the 3 blue short spears attacked by Hu Ao’er, which pierced the blood-colored feather’s defense and pierced the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

“I didn’t expect Blood Feather’s defense to be so strong.”

Hu Ao’er raised his eyebrows slightly and waved his hand to make the blue short spear that had 3 stalks pierced on the Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s body to turn back.

Although her attack caused Bloodfeather Nether Dog injuries, the injuries caused were shallower than she thought.


Along with the howling, the blood-colored feathers of Bloodfeather Nether Dog lit up the blood-colored rays of light, and the blood-colored rays of light turned into blood-colored feathers after another, attacking Fang Ping 4 like a rain of blood.

“Get away!”

Feeling the biting crisis, Fang Ping 4 people dodged one after another.

Hey, hey, pu!

The place where they were originally located is on a mountain bag.

After smoothing a mountain bag, the attack of Bloodfeather Nether Dog not at all stopped.


Bloodfeather Nether Dog turned into a touch of blood light and quickly pounced on Meng Hailin among the Fang Ping 4 people.

The moment before was still several hundred meters away, the next moment was already close, and the ferocious mouth suddenly bit Meng Hailin.


Meng Hailin complexion greatly changed. While retreating rapidly, lightning burst out all over his body, turning into a huge meandering Thunder and Lightning, attacking Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

However, the meandering Thunder and Lightning attacked the Bloodfeather Nether Dog, but was blocked by the blood feathers on the Bloodfeather Nether Dog. Except for some damage to the blood feathers, the Bloodfeather Nether Dog was not injured.

Bloodfeather Nether Dog continued to pounce on Meng Hailin. In the huge mouth, there were a row of sharp teeth like blades. Meng Hailin could even smell the stench coming from his mouth.


At the critical moment, Fang Ping teleported beside Meng Hailin, took Meng Hailin to teleport and disappeared, avoiding the bite of Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

In order to be able to timely rescue with Flying Thunder God Jutsu in times of crisis, Hu Ao’er, Meng Zhuo, and Meng Hailin all carry his throwing knife.

After biting an empty space, Bloodfeather Nether Dog turned his head to look around in confusion. At this time, the attacks of Hu Ao’er and Meng Zhuo were approaching, and the black iron giant sword and 3 blue short spears attacked.


Bloodfeather Nether Dog exploded at the speed of sound, and dodged, avoiding the black iron giant sword and 3 blue short spears.

However, the black iron giant sword and 3 short spears turned their directions and attacked the Bloodfeather Nether Dog again.

Perceiving that the threat of the 3 short spears is greater, the Bloodfeather Nether Dog slaps the giant claws and slaps the 3 short spears.

Two of them were slapped flying by the Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s giant claws, and there was still a short spear and black iron giant sword hitting the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.


When the black iron giant sword hit the Bloodfeather Nether Dog, it had no other effect except for the Bloodfeather Nether Dog staggering slightly and the blood feathers were damaged.

The short spear hit the Bloodfeather Nether Dog, but it penetrated the blood feathers, piercing a blood hole in the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.


Injured again, Bloodfeather Nether Dog became irritable, the blood-colored feathers all over his body lit up with blood-colored rays of light, and a large number of blood-colored feathers appeared, shooting randomly at all around.

Fang Ping 4 people use their own methods to resist the bloody feathers.

Fang Ping hides in the space inside the door.

Hu Ao’er lined up short spears, spinning them quickly, forming a partition in front of him.

Meng Zhuo uses black iron to form a hemispherical metal wall in front of him.

Meng Hailin was shrouded in lightning and protected himself with Thunder and Lightning.

Hey, pu!

After a wave of scarlet feathers, except Fang Ping and Hu Ao’er, Meng Zhuo and Meng Hailin were all injured.

In the face of Morning Star’s other attacks, their defensive methods were obviously inadequate and could not be completely blocked.

Fortunately, the attacks were scattered, otherwise the two people would have been seriously injured at this time, but even so, they would be injured.

Three blood holes pierced by blood feathers appeared on Meng Zhuo, and two blood holes pierced by blood feathers appeared on Meng Hailin.

Smelling the smell of blood, Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s scarlet eyes became bloodthirsty, and he was about to pounce on the nearest Meng Zhuo.


At this time, Bloodfeather Nether Dog opened the door in the void behind him, and Fang Ping appeared.

“Sage art. Gracious Deity Gates.”

As soon as Fang Ping appeared, his hands quickly sealed, and then, a red building with a simple structure of one horizontal and two vertical, dropping from the sky, stuck on the back of Bloodfeather Nether Dog.


Under the invisible pressure, Bloodfeather Nether Dog fell to the ground. Although it immediately struggled violently, it was unable to break free immediately.

“I can trap it for about 10 seconds!”

Fang Ping said, and then attacked the Bloodfeather Nether Dog with a golden flame pillar without the slightest hesitation.

Hu Ao’er, Meng Hailin, and Meng Zhuo all understood, and attacked Bloodfeather Nether Dog like Fang Ping.

Boom, bang, bang!

Golden flame, purple Thunder and Lightning, black iron giant sword, blue short spear.

The attacks fell on Bloodfeather Nether Dog one after another, as gorgeous as fireworks after another.

However, Bloodfeather Nether Dog relied on the powerful defense of Blood Feather to carry out one attack after another.

The blood feathers on his body could grow quickly, and when it was destroyed, it would grow out again soon.

Only Hu Ao’er’s attack can pierce the defense of the Blood Feather, leaving one after another wound on the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

Ka-cha !

Accompanied by the cracking sound, the red building all split up and in pieces, and Bloodfeather Nether Dog, who was injured and almost mad, broke free.

As soon as he broke free, Bloodfeather Nether Dog suddenly turned around, looking hateful towards Fang Ping in his eyes.

The hideous mouth opened, and a thick dim-blue rays of light with devastating formidable power attacked Fang Ping at several times the speed of sound.

It was the human being in front of him, who trapped it just now, causing it to be seriously injured.

Although the opponent couldn’t hurt it, the threat to it was even stronger than the human who could hurt it.

As a Morning Star monster, its IQ is obviously not low, and it immediately noticed the huge threat of Fang Ping.

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