Monster Altar

Chapter 296

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A straight trace with a fan-shaped spread of 1000 meters appeared.

Wherever dim-blue rays of light swept through, the rocks, soil, and plants were all shattered, nothing could stop it, and in the end, even a mountain bag disappeared, and the terrifying power was undoubtedly revealed.

However, Fang Ping, who was supposed to be seriously injured or even killed under this terrorist attack, appeared more than a hundred meters away and avoided this dim-blue rays of light.

He didn’t even use Flying Thunder God Jutsu, just by virtue of the ability of divine speed, he has avoided this attack.

When he was a Tier 4 Awakener, his speed was enough to reach the speed of sound when he used the divine speed. Now, as a Tier 5 Awakener, his speed has doubled to 2 times the speed of sound, which has surpassed the average Morning Star.

This speed, even in the face of a swift attack from dim-blue rays of light, is already sufficient to avoid it.

“Sage art. Gracious Deity Gates.”

Dodge to avoid the attack of the Bloodfeather Nether Dog, Fang Ping started to seal his hands quickly, one horizontal and two vertical red buildings dropping from the sky, pressing towards the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.


However, after being trapped once, Bloodfeather Nether Dog was already prepared. Seeing the red building dropping from the sky, he quickly dodged to the side and avoided it.

And the blood-colored feathers all over his body lit up blood light, and a large number of blood-colored feathers poured down like a rain of blood, attacking Fang Ping.


With the help of Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Fang Ping teleported out of several hundred meters, avoiding attacks dense enough to erase a mountain.

Attention is all focused on Fang Ping, and Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s attention to others is undoubtedly less.

Meng Hailin and Meng Zhuo are also that’s all. It is naturally dangerous for a Hu Ao’er to be comparable to the existence of Morning Star.

While it was not paying attention, Hu Ao’er got close to it.

Although her mind control ability does not need to look at each other, in terms of distance, it is much shorter than Fang Ping’s Illusion Technique using Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

Now that the distance is close, the mental ability suddenly turns into tentacles, invading the brain of Bloodfeather Nether Dog, and exerting mental control over Bloodfeather Nether Dog again.

Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s body suddenly stiffened, standing still and unable to move.

“Sage art Gracious Deity Gates.”

With such an opportunity, Fang Ping will naturally not miss it. His hands quickly seal, and only a series of afterimages can be seen.

Then, the red building dropped from the sky with a bang and got stuck on the back of Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

Bloodfeather Nether Dog finally broke free from mind control, but by this time it was too late, it was trapped by the red building.

Boom, bang, bang!

A series of attacks fell on the Bloodfeather Nether Dog. The blood feathers on the Bloodfeather Nether Dog were under the attack, and it was charred, and there were more than a dozen blood holes on the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

After 10 seconds, the red building shattered and the Bloodfeather Nether Dog proliferated.

The broken blood-colored feathers recovered at the speed visible by naked eye, and then all the blood-colored rays of light were illuminated.

Hey, hey, hey!

Blood feathers appeared one after another and attacked the Fang Ping 4 people. The Fang Ping 4 people again used their own means to resist the attack.

After the attack, Meng Hailin and Meng Zhuo added wounds to their bodies, but the expressions on their faces were not at all solemn, but faintly happy.

Compared to their injuries, Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s injuries are significantly more serious. If they continue to fight like this, they will definitely be able to kill Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

As long as they can obtain the heart of Bloodfeather Nether Dog, they can refine the Morning Star Awakener potion, making the Meng Family the family that owns the Morning Star powerhouse.

At this moment, Ye Jian’s hurried and anxious voice came from the walkie-talkies on the three of them.

“Be careful, a monster is lurking over, it’s probably also a Morning Star monster!”


Fang Ping 4 The faces of all people were surprised.

They hadn’t waited for them to take any action. To be precise, the mutation happened at the same time they heard the news.

Hey, hey, hey!

A large number of Scarlet Feathers dropping from the sky attacked the Fang Ping 4 people separately. The attack did not come from the Bloodfeather Nether Dog, who had been seriously injured under their attack, but from other places.

The attack came too suddenly, and it was too sudden to even react.

Fang Ping and Hu Ao’er, one with divine speed and the other with mental abilities, react fairly quickly.

Fang Ping dodged with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and Hu Ao’er quickly rotated short spear to form a shield to resist, which resolved the crisis.

However, Meng Zhuo and Meng Hailin’s reaction was not as good as the two of them, and they were already attacked by the Scarlet Feather before they could defend themselves.

Regardless of whether it is Fang Ping or Hu Ao’er, in the face of such a sudden situation, all they have is the ability to protect themselves, not at all.

Hey, hey, pu!

Blood feathers hit two people one by one, and blood bloomed on them.

When the bloody feathers passed, both of them threw a plop and fell to the ground. The blood stained their clothes red.

In the direction where the blood-colored light feathers hit, a monster that was more than 6 meters long and nearly 7 meters long and covered with blood-colored feathers appeared, and it was another Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

Monsters are very group actions, but there is one exception, that is, when there is one male and one female.

Huh, huh, Shua!

Fang Ping used teleport one after another, bringing Meng Hailin, Meng Zhuo and Hu Ao’er to teleport more than 1000 meters away, and looked towards the injuries of 2 people.

The injuries on the two people were very serious. Fortunately, they were not fatal. Of course, if the blood loss continued like this, the two people would undoubtedly die.

He and Hu Ao’er hurriedly administered healing potions to 2 people to prevent their injuries from getting worse.

“Cough cough, there are actually 2!”

Meng Hailin coughed out a mouthful of blood, and the expression on his face was rejoicing and unwilling.

Fortunately, I was able to survive other attacks from the Morning Star, not content with Hunting Bloodfeather Nether Dog fell short.

“Father, now there are two Bloodfeather Nether Dogs. We can’t handle them at all. We can only retreat first and then consider the long-term plan.”

The massive blood loss made Meng Zhuo’s face pale. Seeing the unwillingness on his father’s face, he persuaded him.

“Bloodfeather Nether Dog must have been alert. I missed this time and I won’t be able to find it again next time.”

Meng Hailin’s face was full of unwillingness.

After being ambushed, Bloodfeather Nether Dog will inevitably migrate. If you are unlucky, the smell and traces will be washed away in a rainy day, and it will be difficult to find it again.

Hu Ao’er brows slightly wrinkle, what Meng Hailin said was the fact that they had good luck in tracking this time, not at all it was raining, so they were able to track it.

You won’t have this kind of luck the next time you track it. Once it rains, the smell and trace disappear, and it’s hard to find it again.

She looked at Fang Ping and said solemnly.

“Are you sure to block one temporarily? Just now this one has been seriously injured. As long as you block the other one temporarily, I will be able to kill the injured one.”

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