Monster Altar

Chapter 297

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Fang Ping took a look at Hu Ao’er. He didn’t expect that Hu Ao’er would do this level for Meng Family. He was willing to take a chance. It seems that the relationship between Hu Family and Meng Family is unusual.

Originally, he didn’t intend to show too much strength. In the final analysis, Meng Family only hires a Tier 5 peak, and what he gives is only a Tier 5 peak reward. He can’t commit a battle strength beyond this.

But since Hu Ao’er has already said so, and he owes Hu Ao’er a lot of favors, he still owes Hu Ao’er 810000 points. At this time, it is really not easy to refuse.

He must be replied.

“It can be blocked temporarily.”

Upon hearing Fang Ping’s answer, Meng Hailin and Meng Zhuo both looked at Fang Ping in surprise.

Blocking a Morning Star monster is not a simple matter. They naturally don’t think that Fang Ping will speak big words at this time, and no one will be careless about matters related to their own lives.

It seems that they may still underestimate the strength of Fang Ping, No. 4 on the list.

“Then let’s give it a go.”

Hu Ao’er nodded, looking at Meng Hailin.

“Uncle Meng, this is the last fight. If it still doesn’t work, we can only give up.”

“I understand, many thanks two.”

Meng Hailin quickly thanked.


Opening the door in the void, Fang Ping and Hu Ao’er escaped from the space inside the door, and approached the two Bloodfeather Nether Dogs.

When approaching, Fang Ping first uses Sage Mode, then turns on Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and uses Susanoo.

A green giant appears. The green giant is wearing armor and holding a spiral sword in his right hand. It is still the fourth form of Susanoo, but his height has reached more than 4 meters, which is a full ten meters higher than before.

The realm reaches Tier 5. Although he still cannot use Susanoo in full form, the formidable power has been significantly improved, as evidenced by the increase in height.

“The oppression of really strong!”

Seeing Susanoo appearing, Hu Ao’er was surprised.

Above Susanoo, she felt an extremely strong oppression, which can only be brought to her by a Morning Star or Morning Star powerhouse.

Intuition told her that the battle strength of this green giant might have reached the Morning Star.


Opening the door in the void, Fang Ping and Hu Ao’er rushed out of the space inside the door and faced their respective goals.

Hey, hey, pu!

Hu Ao’er manipulated 3 short spears and turned them into 3 blue rays of light, attacking the already injured Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

Severely injured, Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s reaction slowed down significantly, and it was unable to block and evade 3 short spears. It was stabbed by 3 short spears and its body slipped back.

Hey, hey, hey!

Fang Ping, on the other hand, manipulated Susanoo to make the spiral sword in Susanoo’s hand spin violently, and a large number of green arrows intensively attacked the Bloodfeather Nether Dog that appeared behind.

Hey, hey, hey!

Compared with the heavily injured Bloodfeather Nether Dog, the Bloodfeather Nether Dog that appeared behind reacted significantly more quickly. Even in the face of such a surprise attack, it still reacted.

The blood-colored feathers all over his body lit up with blood-colored rays of light, and blood-colored light feathers appeared one after another, facing the green arrows coming from the attack.

Hey, hey, hey!

The green arrows collided with the blood-colored feathers one after another, and a series of muffled sounds sounded in the sky, just like fireworks with red green blooming in the void.

In the end, all the green arrows were intercepted, but the blood feathers were also exhausted.

Evenly matched !

The first confrontation turned out to be evenly matched.

What we are facing now is a Morning Star monster that can evenly match a Morning Star monster. It is conceivable that Fang Ping now uses Susanoo’s battle strength.

“His battle strength is comparable to Morning Star!”

While fighting, he was watching Hu Ao’er in the direction of Fang Ping with a real look on her face. Her judgment was correct, and the opponent’s battle strength had indeed reached the Morning Star.

More than 1000 meters away, the seriously injured Meng Hailin and Meng Zhuo father and son are paying close attention to this battle, because it will determine the future of Meng Family.

Seeing Fang Ping actually blocked a Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s attack frontally, the expression in the eyes of both people could not help showing shock and surprise.

I was shocked that Fang Ping already had a battle strength comparable to the Morning Star, and was pleasantly surprised that their side also appeared the second Morning Star.

Seeing the second Bloodfeather Nether Dog appeared, they did not hold out much hope. Now Fang Ping showed the Morning Star battle strength, which can be said to rekindle hope in their hearts.


The green arrow was blocked, and Fang Ping was not at all accident. The spiral sword in the right hand, which was more than ten meters long, was spinning, bringing up the violent tornado, and forcibly cutting the ground out of potholes and attacking the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.


The earth and rocks splashed, and a huge hole was pierced in the ground, but the Bloodfeather Nether Dog relied on its swift speed to avoid the direct sting of the spiral sword.

Around the spiral sword, Bloodfeather Nether Dog suddenly jumped up, and the blood-colored sharp claw, which was more than half a meter long, grabbed Susanoo’s huge body.

Fang Ping noticed in time that Susanoo’s vacant left hand squeezed into a fist and hit the giant claw he had grabbed by the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.


The fist collided with the giant claw, and there was a harsh sound, as if metal was colliding.

Then the two separated and retreated separately, neither of which sought advantage.

Today’s Susanoo is comparable to the Morning Star monster in all aspects, and is not weaker than the Morning Star monster in any respect.


After retreating, Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s huge mouth opened, and a beam of dim-blue light struck out and crashed into Susanoo.

In Susanoo’s left hand, a green long sword appeared, slashing towards the dim-blue beam of light.


The dim-blue beam of light was split into two halves and exploded, and Susanoo could not help but draw a few ten meters backward under the strong impact just now.

It was still evenly matched, and no one was able to take advantage.

Now Fang Ping, even if you don’t use Beauty of Fitzgerald, under normal circumstances, it already has a Morning Star battle strength comparable to that of the Morning Star.


A few ten meters away, under Susanoo’s big stride, only 2 steps have been shortened, and the green long sword crossed towards the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.


Bloodfeather Nether Dog dodged and avoided, but there was a huge crack spreading several hundred meters on the ground below him.

Bang, bang, hong long!

One side is a green giant with a height of more than 20 meters, and the other side is a Morning Star monster close to 7 meters in length. The two sides quickly fought each other.

Appearing here for a while, appearing there for a while, everything passed along the way was destroyed, leaving only the devastated land, and neither of them was able to get any advantage.

On the other side, it was a one-sided crush.

Hey, hey, pu!

Facing Hu Ao’er, who is comparable to the Morning Star, the heavily injured Bloodfeather Nether Dog is completely on the ravaged side. The wounds on his body are increasing, and the blood has stained the surrounding ground red.

He was already looking for rescue and escape from his partner in horror. Unfortunately, another Bloodfeather Nether Dog was blocked by Fang Ping and there was no chance to save it.

He ran away several times, but was also stopped by Hu Ao’er.

Ao wu !

Accompanied by a scream, the seriously injured Bloodfeather Nether Dog fell to the ground with a plop, shaking and struggling, but it was already difficult to get up.

At the moment of death, there was panic and doubt in its mind.

Humans like the one in front of them don’t know how much they killed and eaten. They once attacked a base city, causing no fewer than 1000 deaths.

But the human being in front of him, the team of people fighting on the other side, from its perspective, is clearly indistinguishable from the human being killed by it, but on the contrary, the strength is too much stronger.

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