Monster Altar

Chapter 299

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When Awakener came, it was 2nd day in the morning. Fang Ping slept for more than ten hours in this sleep.

I feel full of energy, and I feel a lot easier for the whole person.

“Uh, I almost forgot those 2 monsters!”

Fang Ping slapped his head, remembered, and quickly entered the sacrifice space.

Entering the sacrifice space, Fang Ping immediately found that the blood-colored altar was different from the previous ones. The blood-colored lines on the surface became more complicated, and the invisible feeling became more intense.

Obviously, as his realm reaches Tier 5, the altar has undergone an upgrade and evolution again, but I don’t know what changes will happen after this upgrade and evolution.

Looking at the center of the blood-colored altar, I saw the center of the blood-colored altar, with 2 monsters bound by the blood-colored chains.

A monster is more than five meters long and looks like a leopard. It is a shadow leopard.

The other monster is nearly 5 meters long, has 6 legs, and has many white bumps on its body.

This is also a Tier 5 monster, the specific type is unknown. Before this, Fang Ping and the others had never seen this monster or saw it in the data.

These 2 monsters were the Tier 5 monsters encountered by Fang Ping’s search for Bloodfeather Nether Dog. They were all beheaded by Fang Ping and brought into the sacrifice space.

Because he has been searching and there is almost no leisure time, he has not had time to sacrifice two monsters.


Fang Ping made a sound, and the corpses of 2 Tier 5 monsters turned into ashes under the blood flame.

The blood-colored altar shines with its blood-colored rays of light, stars in the sky appear, 2 beams of light descend, and they burst into 2 cartoon characters.

“It seems not at all what changes?”

Fang Ping was not surprised to see the two anime characters presented in take out.

Sacrificing with multiple sacrifices, he has already tried this, and will not offer better anime characters to take out because of this, it will only increase the number of anime characters who have taken out.

To his surprise, the altar had obviously been upgraded, but it seemed not at all much changed from before.

“It seems that the changes caused by the upgrade at this time cannot be noticed in a short period of time. I am afraid that only by offering sacrifices a few times can we notice them.”

With a guess in his mind, Fang Ping looked to the left of the two anime characters.

This is a middle-aged man, wearing a green ninja suit, his hair is tied into a pineapple shape, his eyes have dark circles-like eyeshadows, and his chin has a shallow beard.

Name: Nara Ensui

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: excellent

Ninjutsu innate talent: excellent

Nara Ensui, for this person, what impression is Fang Ping not at all, but I think it should be a member of the Nara clan in the anime Hokage.

The growth innate talent and ninjutsu innate talent possessed by the opponent are only average.

On the contrary, the shadow ninjutsu, the secret ninjutsu of the Nara clan mastered by the other party, is quite interesting. It can trap the enemy and even make the enemy do the same actions as himself.

“Choose ninjutsu innate talent.”

There are only 2 innate talents, one is the excellent Growth innate talent and the other is the excellent ninjutsu innate talent. Fang Ping chose the excellent ninjutsu innate talent he possessed.


A black light crashed into Fang Ping within the body, Fang Ping not at all felt a change, he looked at his ninjutsu innate talent column, and suddenly saw the difference.

【Ninjutsu innate talent: very excellent】

Flying Thunder God Jutsu: activated

Sage Mode (苗木山, Shikkotsu Forest): activated

Sage art .Gracious Deity Gates: activated

Spirit Art: 5th Layer Rashoumon: activated

Rasengan: activated


Four Crimson Ray Formation: Inactive, 3000 sacrifice value is required to activate.

Reverse Four Symbols sealing: Inactive, 3000 sacrifice value is required to activate.

Shadow Imitation: Inactive, 300 sacrifice value is required to activate.

Shadow Head Neck Binding: Inactive, 3000 sacrifice value is required to activate.

Shadow Touch: Inactive, 3000 sacrifice value is required to activate.


Incorporating Nara Ensui’s ninjutsu innate talent, the level of ninjutsu innate talent is not at all increased, but there are a few more inactive Nara clan secret arts.

Looking at the secret arts of the Nara clan, Fang Ping activated the two ninjutsu, Shadow Head Neck Binding and Shadow Touch, with sacrifice value.

not at all activates all shadow ninjutsu, shadow head binding can trap the enemy, shadow touch can turn shadow into an entity, these two ninjutsu have covered all types of shadow ninjutsu, other shadow types The essential difference between ninjutsu and these two ninjutsu is not at all.

Although the sacrifice is worth a lot now, it can never be wasted, so he only chose these two shadow ninjutsu.

After choosing ninjutsu, he looked at another anime character.

This is a young girl in a red dress with a delicate face and long blond hair, woven into a double ponytail.

Name: Karino Shuka

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: excellent


Queen of Thorn: Can freely manipulate rope-like objects.

Karino Shuka, the heroine in the anime Darwin game, is a neurotic girl who is not afraid of death.

“Able to manipulate rope objects?”

Fang Ping frowned, but finally made a choice.

“Choose Queen of Thorn.”

As he made a choice, a red rays of light crashed into his within the body, and he suddenly felt that as long as it was a rope-like object, he could manipulate it at will.

According to his estimation, the ability level of Queen of Thorn, It shouldn’t be, is too high. This can be seen from Karino Shuka’s battle strength.

However, if this ability is used well, it can also become a powerful means of restraining the enemy.

He happens to have a batch of high-level enchanted metals that have been obtained from the Zuo Family treasure house. If these enchanted metals are used to create chains, as long as they are bound, even the Morning Star powerhouse will never break free. It is an excellent bondage. The enemy means, so he chose this ability.

Moreover, if he encounters a more powerful ability in the future, he can completely replace this ability with a more powerful ability.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

A burst of ringing sound is still in the ears of Fang Ping in the sacrifice space. Although in the sacrifice space, Fang Ping not at all loses his perception of the outside world.

Fortunately, otherwise, it would be dangerous to be attacked when entering the sacrifice space. Although the possibility of an attack in the monster countermeasures department is very small, it does not mean that it is impossible.

He exited the sacrifice space and looked towards the phone.

The call came from Meng Zhuo. This phone number was stored in his mobile phone a long time ago, but this is the first contact since that time.

He connected the phone, and Meng Zhuo’s voice immediately rang at the other end of the phone.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping, your reward has been applied to your ID card, this time is really many thanks.”

“No, I just accepted the commission.”

After a few words with the other party, Fang Ping hung up.


The phone rang again, this time was the SMS alert tone, and he looked at the SMS.

“Your *** account credits 80000 points and 800000010000.”

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