Monster Altar

Chapter 300

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“So generous?”

Seeing this payment, Fang Ping’s face couldn’t help being surprised. He was really surprised by the great generosity of Meng Family.

The remuneration has increased from 1.510000 points and 15010000 points to 810000 points and 80010000 points, which is more than 5 times longer. The degree of generosity surprised him.

Although he did make a great effort in hunting Bloodfeather Nether Dog, he gave too much.

80010000 is second, and now he earns 30-40 million every month, so naturally he won’t put 80010000 in his eyes, but the 810000 points are precious.

This is the points that can be exchanged for precious resources in the Monster Countermeasures Division, and it is not something that can be bought with money.

The most important thing is that with these 810000 points, the 810000 owed to Hu Ao’er can be paid back.

Go to the points office, transfer 80000 points to Hu Ao’er, and call to express your thanks.

Without debts, I feel light, and I feel a lot easier when I don’t have debts.

Although Hu Ao’er said it was not in a hurry, he felt a sense of urgency when he thought that he had a full debt of 810000.

As for people like some wretched ones who owe other people money with peace of mind, he can’t do it.

“I have recovered from fatigue. It is time to hunt that Bloodfeather Nether Dog.”

With Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Fang Ping came to Lu Yu’s residence, then took Lu Yu and teleported to the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

Two people appeared in a lush forest, surrounded by endless trees, while the Bloodfeather Nether Dog was lying under a giant tree more than 2 meters high.

Obviously after the battle yesterday, Bloodfeather Nether Dog did not stay where it was and moved.

At this time, the opponent has several wounds on his body, which were left from the battle with Fang Ping yesterday, but these wounds are already scarred at this time, and the distance is completely already not far from recover. As a Morning Star monster, it has an extraordinary Resilience.


With the appearance of Fang Ping and Lu Yu, the Bloodfeather Nether Dog lying under the giant tree suddenly jumped up, with blood light in his eyes, and the blood-colored sharp claw grabbed Fang Ping and Lu Yu.

The keen perception made it immediately aware of Fang Ping and Lu Yu when it appeared in Fang Ping and Lu Yu.

For Fang Ping, the person who injured it yesterday, he naturally recognized it at a glance, so he launched an attack without the slightest hesitation.

Hey, sou!

Fang Ping and Lu Yu dodge, avoiding the bite of the Bloodfeather Nether Dog, and appear more than 100 meters away from the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

“Young Master, let me do it.”

Lu Yu actively said.

Although he has just become the Morning Star not long ago, his current battle strength is comparable to Veteran Morning Star because of the evolution of his light mirror ability.

To deal with a Morning Star monster, you don’t even need Fang Ping’s help to kill it.

“No, let me try to hunt and kill first, if I can’t hunt, then you shoot.”

Fang Ping waved his hand and refused. A Morning Star monster is the best opponent to test his current battle strength. Yesterday, if he hadn’t fought another Bloodfeather Nether Dog in advance, it would cost a lot of money. He would definitely find a way to cut this Bloodfeather Nether Dog. kill.

The reason why this time is called Lu Yu is just in order to guard against the unexpected.

Hey, hey, hey!

2 people while speaking, Bloodfeather Nether Dog attacked again, and a large number of blood-colored feathers sprinkled from the sky like a rain of blood, attacking 2 people.

Lu Yu quickly retreated to the distance, preparing to retreat to the distance to sweep the array for Fang Ping. Once Fang Ping was found invincible, he immediately rescued.

Fang Ping is the use of the divine speed ability. It does not retreat but advances. Under the bombardment of the bloody rain, it rushes towards the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

Boom, bang, bang!

A roar rang beside him, splashing earth and rocks hitting him, but with his current Tier 5 Awakener realm, coupled with the powerful defense possessed by the Taijutsu innate talent, he was naturally fearless.

Even his clothes and pants were not at all damaged in this aftermath, because all his clothes and pants were made of Tier 5 monster leather.

“Sage Mode !”

In the process of approaching Bloodfeather Nether Dog, Fang Ping’s eyes appeared red eyeshadow, Sage Mode used it, and he was in the midst of Sage Mode’s increase.

“Sage art. Gracious Deity Gates.”

With both hands quickly forming a seal, a red building with a horizontal and two vertical lines descended from the sky and pressed towards the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.


Only yesterday was injured in Fang Ping’s hands. Bloodfeather Nether Dog was very alert to Fang Ping and did not care about it. He actually found the red building dropping from the sky and avoided it.

Then, opening his hideous mouth, a dim-blue beam spread out in a fan shape and hit Fang Ping.

If it is a normal Morning Star powerhouse, it is likely to be unavoidable, but Fang Ping, which has divine speed and Flying Thunder God Jutsu, is naturally not included.

When silhouette flashed, it appeared more than 100 meters away, avoiding the dim-blue beam that spread out in a fan shape.

Then, his right hand emptied, a huge golden Fireball appeared on his right hand, as if a golden meteor was thrown at the Bloodfeather Nether Dog by him.

Hey, hey, hey!

Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s blood-colored feathers all lit up, and a large number of blood-colored feathers attacked the golden Fireball, and the golden Fireball kept shrinking under the blood-colored rain.

Under normal circumstances, the battle strength has just reached the Fang Ping of the Morning Star. The battle strength and Bloodfeather Nether Dog should be the same, or even slightly inferior.

However, the golden Fireball displayed by the ability of Muted Mera Mera no Mi has a natural restraint for monsters.

Hong long!

The severely shrunken golden Fireball hit the Bloodfeather Nether Dog. Where the Bloodfeather Nether Dog was hit, a large number of blood-colored feathers burned, and the Bloodfeather Nether Dog also flew out under the impact.

Yesterday, in order to stop the Bloodfeather Nether Dog and prevent this Bloodfeather Nether Dog from destroying the battle between Hu Ao’er and the other Bloodfeather Nether Dog, he sacrificed part of the battle strength and chose Susanoo, who can carry the Bloodfeather Nether Dog head-on.

Today, there is no such scrupulousness, so he used the ability of Muted Mera Mera no Mi that can restrain monsters.

Hula –

After falling several hundred meters, Bloodfeather Nether Dog stopped.

A large number of trees were broken and then ignited by the flames burning on the body of the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

The flame on Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s body was extinguished because of the loss of Fang Ping ability supply, and a large group of burnt marks appeared.


Bloodfeather Nether Dog stood up, staring at Fang Ping with scarlet eyes, and the terrifying aura of the Morning Star monster raged.

call out!

The hideous mouth opened, and a terrifying dim-blue beam of light once again struck Fang Ping outside several hundred meters in a fan shape at several times the speed of sound.

When it spread to Fang Ping, the range of 100 meters has been covered. Even with the ability of divine speed, it is difficult to avoid attacks with such a wide range.

However, Fang Ping is not only capable of divine speed.


With the help of Flying Thunder God Jutsu, his silhouette disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared outside several hundred meters.

If it hadn’t been for the flying thunder divine technique of Bloodfeather Nether Dog that had been under the fire attack just now, and disappeared with the burning of blood feathers, he could even teleport directly to the side of Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

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