Monster Altar

Chapter 301

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Hey, hey, hey!

Bloodfeather Nether Dog has extremely keen perception, and immediately discovered the place where Fang Ping teleported. A large number of blood-colored feathers poured down like a rain of blood and attacked Fang Ping.


Opening the door in the void, Fang Ping escaped the space inside the door and disappeared to the outside world.

And where he used to be, a large forest disappeared under the bloody rain.


When Fang Ping left the space inside the door and appeared outside, he had already appeared next to Bloodfeather Nether Dog. The right hand turned into flames and turned into a huge golden flame giant hand, beating Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

Bloodfeather Nether Dog spotted Fang Ping suddenly appeared in time, and raised the scarlet sharp claw, which was more than half a meter long, to resist the attacking golden flame giant.


The golden flame giant collided with the scarlet sharp claw that was more than half a meter in length, and a loud noise was heard.

At the next moment, the Bloodfeather Nether Dog backed back again and again, facing the scarlet sharp claw of the golden flame giant, and the surface of the sharp claw showed burnt black marks.

Without giving a chance to breathe, Fang Ping continued to attack, and the giant hand that turned into flames extended, and continued to pat the Bloodfeather Nether Dog. Bloodfeather Nether Dog dodged and avoided, and the giant flame hand slapped to the ground.

Under the terrifying heat, the soil melted, a lava lake appeared, and the red lava continued to roll and bubble.


Avoiding the attack, Bloodfeather Nether Dog quickly approached Fang Ping, and the bloody giant claws grabbed Fang Ping.

The scarlet sharp claw, which is more than half a meter in length, is like 4 sharp scarlet blades. The air is cut. Before it gets close, there is already a sharp air knife cutting on Fang Ping.

If it hadn’t been for this time, Fang Ping’s clothes and pants were made of the leather of a Tier 5 monster, I am afraid it would have been cut into fragments by this air knife.


With the use of the divine speed ability, Fang Ping appeared in several beyond ten meters, avoiding the blood-colored giant claws, while the blood-colored giant claws were caught on the ground, leaving 4 cracks on the ground that reached several hundred meters in length.

However, Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s attack not at all stopped there.

Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s blood-colored feathers illuminate blood-colored rays of light, transforming into a piece of light feathers, covering the range of the several hundred meters where Fang Ping is located.

Hey, hey, pu!

Relying on divine speed, Fang Ping evaded one after another. Around him, there was a sound of piercing the ground.

Avoiding this wave of bloody rain, Fang Ping slammed on the ground under his feet, Hie Hie no Mi’s ability was used, the whole body was cold and the ground was frozen quickly, spreading to the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

Unable to evade, Bloodfeather Nether Dog was frozen in the ice.

Struggling violently, the ice frozen on it, which is stronger than the alloy, appeared densely packed cracks, and it was about to break free.

“Sage art. Gracious Deity Gates.”

Fang Ping quickly seals with both hands, one horizontal and two vertical red buildings dropping from the sky.

He knew very well that the ice frozen on the Bloodfeather Nether Dog could not trap the Bloodfeather Nether Dog for too long. The purpose of his use of Mutant Hie Hie no Mi ability was to trap the Bloodfeather Nether Dog for an instant.


When Bloodfeather Nether Dog broke the ice from his body, the red building was pressed on the back of Bloodfeather Nether Dog, and Bloodfeather Nether Dog was uncontrollably pressed to the ground.


The golden flame column ejected from the palm of Fang Ping and hit the trapped Bloodfeather Nether Dog. The blood-colored feathers on the Bloodfeather Nether Dog burned into ashes, and the body also suffered severe burns under the golden flame.

And this, not at all, stop here.

Boom, bang, bang!

The golden flame column was continuously released from Fang Ping’s hands, hitting the Bloodfeather Nether Dog, and burning towards the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.


Bloodfeather Nether Dog howled and struggled in pain, cracks appeared on the surface of the red building, but the cracks did not spread fast.

Sage art .Gracious Deity Gates, which realm reaches Tier 5, has become stronger and can last longer.

Ka-cha !

It took half a minute for the red building to shatter and the Bloodfeather Nether Dog to break free.

At this time, Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s blood-colored feathers were burned to death, and the whole body was burned, and there was almost no complete place.

Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s scarlet eyes stared at Fang Ping with hatred and jealousy. The blood-colored feathers that had disappeared from his body were regrowing.

Afterwards, these blood-colored feathers all lit up blood light, imagining a large number of blood-colored feathers, hiding the sky and covering the earth attacked Fang Ping.

Fang Ping evaded one after another, but at this moment, Bloodfeather Nether Dog turned around, turned into a touch of blood light, and moved away.

Bloodfeather Nether Dog escaped!

After the battle just now, Bloodfeather Nether Dog had realized that it was not Fang Ping’s opponent, so he decided to escape.

“Have you escaped?”

Gasping slightly, Fang Ping Flying Thunder God Jutsu used it and quickly chased Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

After just a few flashes, he had stopped in front of the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

Although Bloodfeather Nether Dog can reach the speed of sound is not slow, Fang Ping uses remote control and Flying Thunder God Jutsu to move faster.

After the realm reached Tier 5, he used the remotely controlled flying knife to move at a speed sufficient to reach 4 times the speed of sound.

At this speed, even in the Morning Star powerhouse, few people or monsters can have it.


Stopped in front of the Bloodfeather Nether Dog, Fang Ping unceremoniously rammed the Bloodfeather Nether Dog with a huge golden Fireball.

Feeling the threat of the huge golden Fireball, Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s hideous mouth opened, a dim-blue beam of light hits the huge golden Fireball, and it retreated again and again.


However, relying on the restraint of the monster, the huge golden Fireball was obviously more dominant, defeating the dim-blue beam of light and hitting the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

The Bloodfeather Nether Dog flew down in embarrassment and flew several hundred meters, but it could not get up immediately.

It had already been seriously injured, but it was already injured severely at this time.


With the help of Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Fang Ping has appeared next to the Bloodfeather Nether Dog outside several hundred meters, standing in the sky, and the giant flame hand slapped the Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

The ground was melted into a pool of lava under the giant hand of flames, and the Bloodfeather Nether Dog was submerged in the lava when it was injured again, and the hot lava continuously burned it.

Ao wu ——

Bloodfeather Nether Dog crawled out of the lava pool with difficulty, waiting for it, but a golden pillar of fire.

It raised its right paw to resist, but its huge body slid backward under the push of the golden pillar of fire.

When the golden pillar of fire disappeared, its right paw to resist the golden pillar of fire had been darkened to a point.

Huh, huh, Shua!

Fang Ping appeared around the Bloodfeather Nether Dog with Flying Thunder God Jutsu one after another, and attacked the Bloodfeather Nether Dog one after another.

Bloodfeather Nether Dog’s already extremely serious injuries continued to worsen. Eventually, Bloodfeather Nether Dog was attacked again and fell to the ground, and could not get up again.

The whole body was scorched, and his body was burnt black, and there was a faint smell of meat.

“hu, call…”

Fang Ping was panting violently, and his physical strength was consumed sharply in a battle.

After resting for a while, his stamina recovered a little, and he walked towards the body of Bloodfeather Nether Dog.

However, as he approached the corpse of Bloodfeather Nether Dog, Bloodfeather Nether Dog, who was already dead, suddenly turned his head.

A beam of dim-blue light was spit out from his mouth, attacking him at close range at a terrorist speed several times the speed of sound.

The other party is pretending to be dead!

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