Monster Altar

Chapter 305

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“not dead?”

each and everyone The woman who was stunned in the same place was full of stunned expressions. She thought she would definitely die, but she didn’t expect that she didn’t die.

They all looked at the green giant more than 20 meters high and looked at the Fang Ping 3 people among the green giants.

Obviously, these three people saved them.

“It’s Senior Fang Ping. It is Senior Fang Ping No. 4 on the list that saved us!”

Someone recognized Fang Ping among the three, and his face couldn’t help showing the aftermath of his life.

“Hurry up!”

In Susanoo, Fang Ping scolded loudly.

Although he doesn’t think he will be inferior to Demonic Human race Jin Li, once he fights, he cannot guarantee that these women will not be affected.

“Escape, hurry!”

each and everyone The women awakened from a dream, and fled in the opposite direction from the golden light.

“Fang Ping, your strength…?”

Both Yan Xue and Fan Xuan were surprised, looking at Fang Ping with weirdness.

Fang Ping’s strength is very strong, they know it, as the fourth on the list, Fang Ping’s strength second only to top 4 on the list comparable to Morning Star battle strength, even if it is the Awakener at the top of Tier 3, it is enough to relax defeat.

However, in the face of the terrorist attack where the formidable power reaches the Morning Star, they think Fang Ping has the power to protect themselves at best.

Unexpectedly, Fang Ping protected them, and actually blocked this terrorist attack comparable to the Morning Star, protecting everyone nearby.

Being able to withstand the attack of the formidable power to reach the Morning Star, doesn’t it mean that Fang Ping has battle strength comparable to the Morning Star, which makes them surprised by the incredible.

“There was a breakthrough a few days ago, and now it should be no weaker than Morning Star.”

Fang Ping said.

It wasn’t that he deliberately wanted to conceal the two people, it was just that they didn’t ask. He would never say that his battle strength is comparable to Morning Star after seeing the two people. He is not the kind of person who loves publicity.

“Who is that person?”

The two asked Jin Li who looked at several hundred meters away.

“Jin Li, the Demonic Human race is comparable to one of the 5 geniuses of Morning Star.”

Fang Ping said solemnly.


After attacking the golden rays of light, Jin Li was ready to skim elsewhere, stopped, turned around and looked at Susanoo in Green with a slight gaze. I didn’t expect there to be a Morning Star here.


Her body turned into a golden light, moving at a terrifying speed of 3 times the speed of sound, and she appeared beside Susanoo in an instant.

The palm of the right hand stretched out a golden beam of more than ten meters long, like a sharp blade of light, straight to Susanoo.


Fang Ping manipulated Susanoo to raise the green long sword, blocking the sharp blade of light.


The energy burst at the collision between the two, and the surrounding ruins splashed under the strong wind, and some women who had not escaped followed followed.

Jin Li was body flashed, appeared behind Susanoo, and the golden beam pierced Susanoo’s back.


Just when Susanoo was about to be stabbed, Susanoo disappeared and appeared not far from Jin Li. Susanoo’s sword slashed towards Jin Li.


With a terrifying speed of 3 times the speed of sound, Jin Li stepped back to a few beyond ten meters, avoiding Susanoo’s sword.

“It’s actually you!”

She looked at the Fang Ping 3 of Susanoo with a little surprise, which was Fang Ping to be precise.

She naturally knew Fang Ping at No. 4 on the list, but she didn’t expect that Fang Ping already has a Morning Star battle strength comparable to that of the Morning Star.

“What do you want to do in the Demonic Human race?”

Fang Ping asked with a slight face.

“Naturally destroy the Yinchuan base city.”

Jin Li said coldly.

Fang Ping heart startled, retorted.

“Impossible, your Yingchuan Demonic Human race impossible has the strength to destroy the Yinchuan base.”

Yinchuan Base City and Yingchuan Demonic Human Race have fought for 100 years, and no one can do anything about it. This is enough to show that the difference in strength between the two sides is small, and no one has the confidence to destroy the other.

“Impossible, you will soon be understood, no, you have no chance to understood.”

Jin Li’s eyes burst into an astonishing murderous aura, next moment.

Hey, hey, pu!

One after another golden beams of light pierced from the ground and attacked Susanoo, extremely swift and sudden, and there was almost no time to react.


However, before being hit by the beam, Susanoo teleported and disappeared again.

The attack came from the underground, and it was not unpredictable. Coupled with the rapidity of the attack, even a Morning Star powerhouse might not be able to react and avoid it in time.

But Kenbunshoku Haki’s one second foreseeing the future, let Fang Ping know what will happen in one second, he noticed this kind of attack, and reacted in time.


The teleportation appeared, Susanoo appeared beside Jin Li, the spiral sword violently rotated and then stab forward, stab Jin Li.


With a speed of 3 times the speed of sound, Jin Li’s speed is naturally extremely fast, coupled with the knowledge that Fang Ping’s teleportation is based on flying knives as coordinates, he has long been wary of the position of every throwing knives.

Jin Li also reacted in time and dodged.

Huh, huh, Shua!

Jin Li’s silhouette is moving fast, while Susanoo is constantly appearing and disappearing.

The battle between Fang Ping and Jin Li is a battle of speed. One has a terrifying movement speed of 3 times the speed of sound, and the other is able to use a flying knife as a coordinate to achieve the effect of instant movement.

2 people continuously dodge and attack each other, staged a chase and anti-chase battle.

Wherever he passed, the surrounding buildings were all turned into ruins.

Fang Ping will control the damage to the surroundings, but Jin Li will not. Her attacks were unscrupulous. The golden beam swept across, and the tall buildings were cut off at the waist and fell to the ground.

“Come here without Morning Star powerhouse!”

Although the wind did not fall, Fang Ping became more and more frightened.

The battle has been for a while, but there is still no other Morning Star powerhouse coming to support it, indicating that other Morning Star powerhouses have been restrained.

In connection with Jin Li’s words about the destruction of the Yinchuan base city just now, he couldn’t help but worry more about what kind of hidden trump cards the Demonic Human race had, and he was sure to destroy the Yinchuan base city, which was not much worse.

“Fang Ping, lead the enemy to the old city near the edge of the city, from there lead the enemy out of the base city!”

At this moment, a voice rang directly in Fang Ping’s mind.

“Senior Hu Ao’er?!”

Fang Ping asked with some uncertainty, because it sounded directly in his head, so the voice was slightly different from the usual voice, which made him not sure.

“It’s me. The fighting in the base city has caused too much damage to the base city. The director asked us to lead the enemy out of the base city from the old city.”

Hu Ao’er said.


Fang Ping responded, and started fighting while moving towards the old town. Try to choose a place with fewer people along the way, but from time to time some people were affected by the battle and died.

“Want to lead me there?”

Jin Li soon discovered Fang Ping’s intention, but she stopped at all and still caught up.

If you want to destroy the Yinchuan base city, the most important thing is to destroy the high-end battle strength of the Yinchuan base city. No matter how many people there are, they are just lambs to be slaughtered in front of the Morning Star battle strength.

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