Monster Altar

Chapter 306

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“Fang Ping, will the Yinchuan base city really be destroyed?”

Among Susanoo, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan were full of worry.

The words of the blonde woman kept ringing in their minds not long ago.

It has been more than 2 years since I came to Yinchuan Base City, unconsciously. They have already regarded this as their second home, and now they see such a crisis in Yinchuan base city, they are full of worries.

“I don’t know. It stands to reason that with the strength of the Yinchuan base city, even if it does not match the Yingchuan Demonic Human race, it should not be much worse, but the Yingchuan Demonic Human race is clearly prepared this time.”

Fang Ping frowned and shook his head.

He did not put the two people down and acted separately from them, but brought them by his side.

With the strength of 2 people, even the aftermath of the Morning Star is enough to kill 2 people. If they act separately from him, it is better to be safe with him.

The old town, an area near the city wall to the north, is sparsely populated and full of low and old houses.

In a short moment, Fang Ping retreated and appeared in the old town.

They and Jin Li are not the only ones here. There are also fighting in other directions in the old city. That is the Morning Star powerhouse of Yinchuan Base City, or the powerhouse and Demonic Human comparable to the Morning Star. race.


Fang Ping approaches the city wall and prepares to turn out of the city wall and lead Jin Li to the outside of the city.

But at this moment, Jin Li stopped and did not chase Fang Ping again.

Like her, there is also the Demonic Human race fighting in other directions. It seems that they have received some kind of order. All the Demonic Human races rushed in a certain direction.

Fang Ping glanced at that direction, controlled Susanoo, took a few ten meters, and rushed to that place.

Arriving there, Fang Ping saw the Demonic Human race and the Morning Star powerhouse of Yinchuan base city facing each other.

Among them, the Yinchuan base city is headed by an old man with an amazing spirit. The aura he possesses has far surpassed the Morning Star powerhouse. This person is the Blood Moon powerhouse Wei You, the director of the Yinchuan base city.

On the Demonic Human race side, the leader is an old man with half-white hair.

The aura on the old man’s body is also far beyond the Morning Star powerhouse. Seeing each other, it is like seeing a Great Desolate beast.

Intuition tells him that this is likely to be a Blood Moon powerhouse like the director Wei You.

Boom, boom, boom——

Fang Ping manipulates Susanoo to approach the Morning Star powerhouse in Yinchuan base city.

Seeing Fang Ping’s arrival, the confronting Morning Star powerhouses glanced at Fang Ping in Susanoo, with a hint of surprise and approval in their eyes.

They knew Fang Ping, but they didn’t know that Fang Ping actually had a Morning Star battle strength comparable to that of the Morning Star.

Now facing the threat of Yingchuan Demonic Human race, it is when the Morning Star battle strength is urgently needed, Fang Ping can have the Morning Star battle strength, it can be said that it is better.

Hey, hey, sou!

In addition to Fang Ping, there is also a human powerhouse who is a Morning Star or comparable to Morning Star in other places. Among them are Chang Sheng, Hu Ao’er, and Zhai Long.

Chang Sheng, Hu Ao’er, and Zhai Long are just geniuses among the younger generation who are comparable to Morning Star powerhouse. In fact, among the older generation, there are also people who are not Morning Star but comparable to Morning Star.

Some of them are stuck in this step because of their potential, and some are stuck in this step because of injuries, and they can’t go any further.

The same is true on the Demonic Human race side, which also has an existence comparable to Morning Star except for 5 geniuses.

Soon, the number of people on both sides has reached more than ten people. This is the highest battle strength of Demonic Human race and Yinchuan Base City.

The two sides are confronting each other, one after another terrifying aura is raging, the atmosphere is solemn, and the air seems to be filled with lead.

Fang Ping’s face was solemn, his eyes looked at Yan Xue and Fan Xuan.

“Wait a moment, there will be a big war, I will ignore you, and the current Yinchuan base city is not safe, I will send you back to He’an base city?”

“Back to He’an Base City?”

Affected by the Morning Star breath, both Yan Xue and Fan Xuan’s foreheads slid in cold sweat. Hearing Fang Ping’s words, both of them were not frowned.

Although both of them understood that in such a battle, it would not be helpful for them to stay, but if they left like this, it would make them feel like deserters.

2 People hate their weakness, the feeling of deserting, and they don’t want to hide behind safe when Fang Ping fights.

“Yan Xue, Fan Xuan, although this is a bit cruel, it is a fact. Not only will you two staying here, it will not help you, but it will distract Fang Ping.”

Seeing two people hesitate, Hu Ao’er said next to him.

Usually, she has a good relationship with the two people, but at this time, it is incarnation and ruthless big sister without the slightest hesitation.

Hearing what Hu Ao’er said, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan both had pale faces and tight lips. They understood very well that what Hu Ao’er said was the truth. They stayed would cause Fang Ping to worry and affect Fang Ping. .

“Next time, next time we won’t be a burden.”

The two people looked at Fang Ping and said as if they were determined.

“Well, I am waiting for you to fight with me when the time comes.”

Fang Ping nodded, both hands forming seals, a Shadow Clone appeared and disappeared with 2 people.

Then he lifted Susanoo, stood side by side with Hu Ao’er, Chang Sheng and Zhai Long, exuding his own breath, and confronted the Demonic Human race.

Chang Sheng and Zhai Long both glanced at Fang Ping unexpectedly. It has been a year since Fang Ping played against Lu Cao, No. 4 on the original list, but they didn’t expect that Fang Ping already possesses a Morning Star battle strength.

“Senior Hu Ao’er, many thanks just now.”

After being slightly nodded to the two people, Fang Ping said to Hu Ao’er, thanking Hu Ao’er for persuading the two people, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan.

“No, after this time, I am afraid I will be resented by two people.”

Hu Ao’er said with a smile.

“No, they will understand your intentions.”

Fang Ping shook his head, looking at the Demonic Human race closest to them.

There are 4 people in total, all of them look like youngsters.

Among them was Jin Li, who was fighting with him just now, and Yin Yan, who had met with silver hair.

There is also a youngster with a height of 2 meters and a burly like a bear.

This person should be 5 in Yingchuan Demonic Human race, no, now it should be 4 Xiong Haokong, who is comparable to one of the Morning Star geniuses.

Apart from this, there is one more person. This is a young man with black hair. His hair is slightly longer, almost covering his eyes.

“That person is the’dragon’?”

Fang Ping asked.

“I don’t know, we have only heard of the dragon from the Demonic Human race, but we have never seen it.”

Chang Sheng said.

This is a young man with dazzling blond hair and sword-like eyebrows.

Not withdrawn, but rather talkative. Of course, if it were not for Fang Ping, it would not be the case for another person.

The reason why I am willing to talk to Fang Ping is obviously because Fang Ping is comparable to Morning Star’s strength and has been recognized by him.

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