Monster Altar

Chapter 307

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The Yinchuan base city under the night is full of noise, panic sounds, screams, panic sounds, continuous together, intertwined into a desperate song.

Hearing this noisy and frightening sound, the breath of Director Wei You’s body was turbulent with anger. He glared at the culprit Yingchuan Demonic Human race, headed by a half-haired man Zong Ling.

Feeling Wei You’s gaze, his hair is half 100 old man Zong Ling coldly said.

“Tonight is when your Yinchuan base city is destroyed.”

“Just rely on you Yingchuan Demonic Human race?”

Wei You coldly snorted, he has dealt with Yingchuan Demonic Human race all the year round. He knows the strength of Yingchuan Demonic Human race very well. He doesn’t think that Yingchuan Demonic Human race has the ability to destroy the base city of Yinchuan.

“Of course it’s not just me Yingchuan Demonic Human race, it’s about to start!”

Zong Ling seemed to have a deep meaning.

“Who else?”

Wei You had a strong premonition in his heart and asked angrily.

“You will know soon.”

Zong Ling has a playful smile on his face, just at the next moment under his tone barely fell.

Whoa, whoa, whoa——

The roar of the beast rang out all over the base city, just like thunder and thunder.

Then, one after another, the terrifying aura of the Morning Star monsters vented unscrupulously throughout the base city.

The panic that had sounded around the base city became stronger, and the panic was clear enough to be felt.

Feeling the breath of one after another Morning Star monster, and hearing a desperate panic, Wei You’s complexion is pale, gnashing teeth said.

“You have joined forces with the traitor Hei Ni.”

Hei Ni, the worst and strongest betrayer in the history of Yinchuan Base City, he has always been worried that the other party will join forces with Yingchuan Demonic Human race.

However, more than a year has passed since Hei Ni attacked the base city of Yinchuan. He has never heard the news of Hei Ni and Yingchuan Demonic Human race teaming up. He was secretly relieved, but didn’t want to. The two sides finally teamed up.

“Yes, I teamed up with Yingchuan Demonic Human race.”

Accompanied by the sound, a man wearing a black trench coat walked out of the shadows.

He has black and green eyes, and his face is icy.

As he walked out, a terrifying aura that was far stronger than Morning Star rose up and went straight to the sky, under the night sky, showing a sense of existence.

Feeling this aura, Fang Ping and the others in Yinchuan base city are all scalp numb, unexpectedly the second Blood Moon level enemy appeared.

Coupled with the Morning Star monsters that are now raging across the base city, Yinchuan base city has encountered a serious crisis. Perhaps, today, Yinchuan base city will really be destroyed.

“You traitor, not only betrayed the Yinchuan base city, but now you are also teaming up with the Demonic Human race. Today, you are desperate to kill you.”

A man with a scar on his left face shouted angrily, his eyes full of anger and hatred.

“Oh, isn’t this the original 10000-year-old 2?”

Hei Ni sneered at the man, who was the second Geng Peng in the same class as him.

“You never beat me back then. Now you are equally impossible. You can kill me desperately? After so many years, you are still so naive.”

“Leave it to us here, you four go to stop the Morning Star monster.”

Seeing Hei Ni, Wei You complexion ashen, took a deep breath, he turned his head to Fang Ping, Chang Sheng, Hu Ao’er, and Zhai Long.

“Yes, Secretary.”

The Fang Ping 4 people looked at the direction of the Demonic Human race with some worry. There are 2 Blood Moon ranks on the Demonic Human race. The current situation is already very unfavorable for them. If 4 more people are separated, the situation will be even more unfavorable.

However, he still responded, and rushed towards the direction of the nearest monster.

Without being scattered, the number of monsters has surpassed them. The most correct way is to combine the power of four people and jointly slay the Morning Star monsters one after another.

Doing so will cause more damage to the base city and cause more people to die before getting rescued, but it is the only way to be sure to kill all the Morning Star monsters under the current circumstances.

“Lord Zong Ling, please give us 4 of them.”

Jin Li 4 Demonic Human race is comparable to the Morning Star genius with be eager to have a try on his face.

As geniuses, they are very interested in Fang Ping 4 who are also geniuses, and they have regarded 4 as prey.


Zong Ling nodded, and the four people followed Fang Ping with excitement in their eyes.


Wei You’s complexion sank, and a huge silver cross appeared, as if a mountain was falling, attacking Jin Li 4 people.

Feeling this terrifying attack descending from the sky, the faces of Gold Jade 4 were all pale, and there was a sense of inevitable evasion.

“Hmph, I really don’t exist.”

At this moment, the sound of coldly snorted came from Zong Ling’s mouth, and a green mist rolled towards the huge silver cross in the sky.

Hey, hey, chi!

The green mist is terribly corrosive, and the silver cross in contact with it is rapidly corroding and rapidly becoming dim.

Of course, the silver cross is a Blood Moon level attack after all. As the green mist corrodes the silver cross, it is shrinking rapidly.

In the end, the silver cross and the green mist disappear almost simultaneously.

However, the battle not at all stopped here, rather, the battle started.

Behind Zong Ling appeared 9 pythons condensed by green mist, and 9 green mist pythons opened their hideous mouths and attacked Wei You together.

A set of silver armor appeared on Wei You’s body, and the whole person revealed a sacred and majestic aura, and silver rays of light emerged from the silver armor.

Under the silver rays of light, all the 9 green mist pythons that came were evaporated.

Not only two people, but the rest of the two sides also shot and fought together.

Hei Ni glanced at Wei You and Zong Ling who were fighting together, with a set of black bone armor on his body, ready to besiege Wei You with Zong Ling.

“Your opponent is me.”

Geng Peng stopped him. At this time, Geng Peng’s breath did not reach Blood Moon. He was not a Blood Moon powerhouse.

However, on both of his hands, there was a pair of golden gloves, which was punched out. From the golden gloves, there was a Blood Moon level wave. This is an extremely rare Blood Moon level Enchanted weapon. With this Enchanted weapon, he will have battle strength comparable to Blood Moon.


Hei Ni coldly snorted temporarily gave up the siege of Wei You, wrapped black light on his fist, and resisted the golden fist that came.

Bang, bang, hong long!

Fierce battle broke out in this brief moment, 4 Blood Moon class plus more than 20 Morning Star battle strength, fighting together.

Hey, hey, sou!

More than 1000 meters away, the 4 Jin Li stopped in front of the Fang Ping 4 and blocked the Fang Ping 4’s way.

Jin Li looked at the four people and said.

“Your opponent is us!”

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