Monster Altar

Chapter 31

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This is a man who looks very strong.

Wearing a blue vest on the top and green trousers on the bottom, the muscles are knotted all over, comparable to the bodybuilders in the movies.

The hair was brown and very short, which made him a bit fierce.

“It is him!”

Fang Ping’s complexion is a little weird, and he looks at the opponent’s attribute panel.

Name: TankTop

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: excellent

Taijutsu innate talent: excellent


TankTop, among the One Punch Man, the S-Rank hero of the Heroes Association, belongs to the carnal hero.

The physical body alone can become an S-Rank hero. The opponent’s innate talent in Taijutsu can be imagined, and the display on the attribute panel also confirms this. The opponent has an excellent Taijutsu innate talent.

However, Fang Ping still has some disappointments. The other party is not the candidate for anime he hoped.

If you say that the Taijutsu innate talent you want most is the Taijutsu innate talent of Saitama, who has grown to almost invincible in 3 years. The horror of the Taijutsu innate talent of the other party can be imagined.

However, it was almost impossible to get the Taijutsu innate talent of the other party. After so many sacrifices, the innate talent of anime characters he encountered did not exceed the excellent ones.

Is the innate talent without anime characters more than excellent?

Naturally not, at least in his opinion, Saitama’s Taijutsu innate talent is better than excellent, even far superior.

He felt that the reason for this situation was probably that the sacrifice was too weak.

Unable to expect Saitama’s Taijutsu innate talent, he can only take second place.

Because he chooses the innate talent or ability of the corresponding cartoon character, he will get the memory of the corresponding cartoon character and this kind of innate talent or ability. There are two types of cartoon characters he hopes to obtain Taijutsu innate talent.

One is the anime characters in One Piece who have studied Navy 6 styles, and the other is the anime characters in Hokage who have learned Eight Inner Gates.

The Navy’s 6-style, Taijutsu, which exceeds the limit of human physical fitness, has a total of 6 moves. Each type of cultivation to the limit can derive characteristics that are not weaker than the ability of the fruit.

The flying sky like a moon, the strong defense of the iron block, the super fast speed of the shave…

After cultivating all the 6 types to the limit, they can be combined into more powerful Taijutsu.

Eight Inner Gates, the forbidden technique in Hokage.

Each door opened is enough to increase the caster’s battle strength multiples, and when Eight Sects are fully opened, they can instantly gain ten times the strength above 5 shadows.

Might Guy, the kick kicked out after Eight Sects was fully opened. Many netizens joked that “almost kicked out a Grand Finale” in the previous life. One can imagine this formidable power of Taijutsu.

Although there is a huge drawback that life force will burn to death after opening Eight Sects, it cannot conceal the power of Taijutsu.

As long as the body is strong enough, as long as the Eight Sects are not fully opened, there will be no mortal danger.

Moreover, among the many abilities of the previous animation characters, there must be the ability to save lives even when Eight Sects is fully opened. When the time comes, Taijutsu will turn into his big hole card.

Knowing the power of the two types of Taijutsu, the Navy Type 6 and Eight Inner Gates, Fang Ping naturally didn’t have a good eye for the Taijutsu in TankTop’s memory, so after seeing TankTop, he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

“Forget it, after all, I got the Taijutsu innate talent I wanted, and the level reached the top.”

Fang Ping comforts himself in his heart.

Although I didn’t get the Taijutsu innate talent of the two most desired types of anime characters, so as to obtain the related Taijutsu memory, but I finally got the Taijutsu innate talent that is currently in short supply, and the level is still quite high, reaching the top.

As for the two types of Taijutsu he is greedy for, he will definitely have the opportunity to meet them when he sacrifices later. When the time comes, he will choose.

“Currently there are Growth innate talent and Taijutsu innate talent for anime characters. Do you choose one to obtain?”

A majestic voice sounded, Fang Ping immediately made a choice.

“I choose Taijutsu innate talent.”


A yellow rays of light shot out from the illusory shadow of TankTop and hit Fang Ping within the body.

Fang Ping’s body not at all feels too much change, but there are many more TankTop memories about Taijutsu in his mind.

Gaining the memory of the other party, Fang Ping knows the other party better.

The opponent is completely muscular. The reason for having the strength of S-Rank is only through the excellent Taijutsu innate talent and hard training.

There are almost no Taijutsu moves, the only one is Tanktop Grapple.

Taijutsu, who is extremely shabby, is completely incomparable with Eight Inner Gates and Navy Type 6. He desires these two types of Taijutsu even more.


In the morning, several cars parked downstairs in the resident where Fang Ping is located. From a luxury car led by a middle-aged man with a thin face and sharp eyes, walked into the residential building surrounded by several people. .

“Dad, didn’t you promise to give me two years of freedom?”

Fan Xuan looked at the middle-aged man with some fear.

“I did promise to give you two years of freedom, but everything has changed since last night.”

said middle-aged man Fan Su.

“Because I have become an Awakener?”

There was a trace of sadness in Fan Xuan’s eyes, and the joy of being an Awakener disappeared.

“Yes, because you have become an Awakener.”

Fan Su nodded calmly.

“Come with me, your free time is over.”

“I want to thank the person who saved me last night before leaving.”

Fan Xuan expression said sadly.

“It just so happens, I want to see him too, thank him for saving my daughter.”

Fan Su stood up and said.

Hey, hey, dong!


Fang Ping, who was already ready to go out to develop the newly acquired Taijutsu innate talent, heard a knock on the door outside, walked to the door with a little doubt and opened the door.

Opening the door, standing outside was a man in a suit and sunglasses. Although his clothes had changed, Fang Ping recognized at a glance that the other party was one of the three heroic bodyguards yesterday.

Is there a turning point in things, are you really ready to devote one’s life to?

Seeing each other, Fang Ping thought evilly in his heart and asked.

“What’s the matter?”

“Mr. Fang, my Lord and Young Lady want to see you and thank you.”

The bodyguard man said.

“Want to see me? Thank me?”

Fang Ping’s face is weird, and the rich are just so compelling. Thank you for not coming in person, but sending bodyguards.

Well, if the other party really intends to devote one’s life to, isn’t this just meeting the parents?

Uh, is it too fast?

Although it is fast, if it is so, I can barely accept it, I will bear it.

“lead the way!”

Under the leadership of the bodyguard man, Fang Ping left the residential building and came to a very stylish morning tea shop. He saw the beautiful and seductive Fan Xuan and a serious middle-aged man. Not surprisingly, this person should be Fan Xuan’s father. .

“Fang Ping.”

Seeing Fang Ping, Fan Xuan greeted with gratitude, while Fan Su looked at Fang Ping and stretched out his hand to signal Fang Ping to sit down.

“Please sit down.”

Fang Ping sat down, Fan Su said.

“Many thanks you saved my daughter.”

“You are welcome, it just happened to be the meeting.”

Fang Ping said “humbly”.

Fan Su was slightly nodded, probably satisfied with Fang Ping’s “humility”, said.

“Fang Ping, I’m older than you, don’t mind if I call you that?”

“In order to thank you for your life-saving grace to Fan Xuan, I would like to hire you to be the worship of Fan Family with a monthly salary of 50000.”

? ! ! !

Hearing Fan Su’s words, Fang Ping was shocked. What is horror? This is horror.

I want to marry your daughter, but you want to accept me as a little brother.

Don’t bring this?

Do you have any misunderstandings about life-saving grace? Don’t you think the way of repaying life-saving grace is a bit strange?

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