Monster Altar

Chapter 32

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“Many thanks for your kindness, but I’m used to being free, and I prefer Fiend Hunter free work.”

Fang Ping refused with a smile.

Seeing the other person’s appearance, it is impossible to become his father-in-law. As for the other person’s gratitude, to be honest, he really cannot accept this kind of thanks.

Obviously being a free Fiend Hunter can also get rich, why do you want to be someone else?

If the other party is willing to marry the daughter to him, he can still think about it, just think about it, and it is very likely to refuse. As for now, there is no door.

“Do you think the monthly salary is too low? It’s raised some, how about 60000?”

Fan Su’s complexion is still flat, but there is already some fire in his heart. The other party is unsatisfied with the life-saving grace of Fan Xuan.

He is very clear about the income of the Awakener. It is very good to get 2 in a month. After all, it takes luck to hunt monsters. If multiple people receive the same Bounty Mission, the probability of being hunted first by others It is great.

He offered a monthly salary of 50000, which was already based on the other party’s life-saving grace for Fan Xuan, but he didn’t want the other party to be threatened by grace.

“Many thanks for your kindness. It’s not a question of money. I am very satisfied with my current career, not at all.”

Fang Ping smiled again and refused.

Kenbunshoku Haki is able to perceive changes in emotions, and he can naturally feel the emotions that the other party becomes cold in an instant.

The other party obviously has no idea of ​​marrying the daughter to him, and there is no need to talk about it anymore, he said impeccably polite.

“I have something to do, so I’ll leave first!”

After standing up and beckoning to the two people, Fang Ping walked out of the morning tea room.

“Fang Ping.”

Someone behind him called his name, Fang Ping turned his head and saw Fan Xuan trot out of the morning tea room.

“Sorry about what happened just now.”

Fan Xuan apologized to Fang Ping.

“It’s okay, it’s actually a good job to be hired for worship, and your father’s monthly salary is also very high, but I prefer Fiend Hunter’s freedom.”

Fang Ping shook his head, seeking truth from facts. If the father’s previous monthly salary was fired by the other party, if it was an ordinary Awakener, he would definitely be happy to accept it.

It is a pity that he has “the sea of ​​stars” in his heart, and he is not a person who is willing to succumb to others, and the characteristics of Monster Altar also destined that Fiend Hunter is the most suitable career for him.


Fang Ping’s words seemed to make Fan Xuan sigh, muttering “freedom” in his mouth, and fell into deep thought. Only after a moment did he come back to his senses and solemnly bowed.

“Thank you again for your rescue last night!”

“You don’t need to take seriously. As I said before, that monster was originally my goal.”

Fang Ping waved her hand and drifted away, while Fan Xuan looked at Fang Ping’s back with envy in her eyes. She also wanted freedom, but it was a pity that she was born a bird in a cage.


“TankTop’s Taijutsu experience summed up, it is crazy to exercise the body with fitness equipment, and then choose to exercise in the environment of an abandoned park, there is something inappropriate.”

After leaving the matter behind, Fang Ping was walking while thinking about how to improve his body refinement capabilities. Soon, he had plans.

Taking running as part of his physical exercise, he trot all the way, and he came to a fitness center called Xinrui Fitness Center a few kilometers away from his residence. This was the best place he thought of to exercise his body.

Fitness equipment is very expensive. If you spend money to buy fitness equipment, the more than 30000 yuan in his bank card is not enough to spend. In comparison, the cost of body refinement in the gym is cheaper.

This is a large-scale gymnasium with 3 floors. After entering the gymnasium, he spent 2 yuan to get an annual card without saying anything.

His attitude of wanting to keep fit for a long time immediately attracted the attention of the fitness coaches in the gym, when there was a female fitness coach with a hot body wearing a bare belly gym suit.

“Mr. Fang, I am a senior instructor at the Xinrui Fitness Center. Are you interested in choosing my fitness class?”

Fang Ping took a look at the female fitness trainer, she was only mid-to-high, but coupled with her hot body through long-term exercise, it made her very attractive to men.

However, Fang Ping’s answer to this is:

“Thank you, no, I don’t need a fitness coach!”

He is here to exercise his body, not to pick up girls. As for fitness guidance, he doesn’t need it at all.

In his opinion, TankTop’s exercise method is really nothing new, but it is definitely better than these so-called senior fitness trainers. With TankTop’s memory of exercise, he does not need additional fitness trainers.

Treadmill, bench press, tensile training device, 2 head muscle training device, 3 head muscle training device…

With the memory of TankTop, Fang Ping is familiar with every fitness equipment, so there is no fitness equipment he can’t use.

“Come to smash the place?”

The female fitness trainer who was rejected by Fang Ping not long ago, not at all, just left, but stood aside and watched Fang Ping use fitness equipment.

I wanted to see Fang Ping making a fool of myself, but in the end I was beaten in the face without accident.

Fang Ping’s posture in using fitness equipment is very professional and completely impeccable, even making her, a senior fitness coach, faintly give birth to an ashamed of being inferior.

Not only her, but seeing Fang Ping’s impeccable posture when using fitness equipment, many people around who were working out looked at this side. Some people who like to watch the excitement stopped working out and came to watch.

When Fang Ping completed a complete set of fitness training, brow beaded with sweat, and was about to rest for a while, there were already a lot of people around.

“Hello, can I ask you to be my fitness coach?”

A young woman wearing white tight clothes with a bulging chest stepped forward to ask.

“Sorry, I am not at all time to become a fitness coach.”

Fang Ping tactfully refused, being able to have close contact with beautiful women, and still have money to take, he had a moment of heartbeat, but in the end he refused.

He himself feels that there is not enough time, and where there is free time to instruct other people, if there is that time, it is better to practice a few more sets of muscle building training.

One week, two weeks…

I set aside a certain amount of time every day to go to the fitness center to perform body refinement. Time passed quickly, and soon, 2 weeks had passed.

Although it is only a very common exercise with fitness equipment, his physical fitness is increasing at a rate that can be felt every day. After 2 weeks, it is no weaker than the average physical type Awakener.

On the one hand, it is because the already high realm promotes physical training. On the other hand, it is because of Taijutsu’s aptitude, and the aptitude is quite high, which is excellent.

With realm, without Taijutsu innate talent, or with Taijutsu innate talent without realm, it is difficult to improve physical fitness in a short period of time. Only with both of them can you improve your physical fitness as quickly as now.

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