Monster Altar

Chapter 314

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Entering the sacrifice space and coming out soon, a pile of things appeared around Fang Ping, which were items from the Zuo Family treasure house.

Except for some enchanted metal and Tier 5 pinnacle Enchanted weapon, everything is here. Together, the value should be 10100000000.

“Beauty of Fitzgerald.”

As Fang Ping uses its abilities, everything turns into golden light and surrounds Fang Ping in an instant. Fang Ping’s whole body, golden light is dazzling and dazzling, under the night, it is like a blooming sun.

“What is this ability?”

Both Xiong Haokong and Jin Li felt bad, Jin Li’s 2 sharp horns lit up, and a thick golden rays of light attacked Fang Ping in the golden light.


Large golden rays of light blow up.

Just when the golden rays of light was about to hit Fang Ping, Fang Ping was entwined with the right hand with the green pattern. With a punch, it shattered the golden rays of light.

At this time, his whole body was wrapped in fine green patterns, as if he was wearing a set of green armor.


Looking at Jin Li and Xiong Haokong who were coming, he flashed himself into a green rays of light and rushed forward.

Seeing Fang Ping rushing forward quickly, Xiong Haokong, who transformed into a monster form, was punched out like a fist with a large grinding disc.

Hong long!

Fang Ping didn’t dodge or avoid it, but also punched out two fists with a size difference of 100 times, colliding together.

At the next moment, Xiong Haokong, who was transformed into a monster, backed back again and again. On top of the hardest fist in his body, a large amount of flesh and blood disappeared, and blood kept flowing.

Fang Ping stepped on the ground, his body ejected, and he caught up with the backward Xiong Haokong, raising his right foot and sweeping it with one foot.


A golden rays of light hit, Fang Ping stopped the attack, and fisted sideways to explode the golden rays of light.

Taking this opportunity, Xiong Haokong opened the distance and joined Jin Li, looking at Fang Ping solemnly.

“The battle strength has soared to be comparable to the Veteran Morning star, what is your ability?”

The strange disappearing item and Fang Ping’s sudden rise in battle strength surprised the two people.

As No. 4 on the list, Fang Ping has a battle strength comparable to Morning Star. They are already surprised, but they don’t want to. The strongest battle strength that Fang Ping has exploded can not only reach the Morning Star, but it is also comparable to Veteran Morning. star.

“This is called money escape.”

Fang Ping corner of the mouth twitched, that is called a pain in my heart.

Because of 2 people, 10100000000, which is a full 10100000000, was just spent. The money spent like water is not enough to describe it.

“Money escape?!”

Both Xiong Haokong and Jin Li are full of question marks. They have never been in contact with another world culture, naturally they don’t know what money escape is.

But Fang Ping will not give them a detailed explanation.

Pun, ka-cha!

He slammed on the ground, and accompanied by a large area of ​​cracks on the concrete floor, his body turned into a green light and rushed towards the two people.

Seeing Fang Ping rushing, Xiong Haokong and Jin Li couldn’t bother to think about what money escape is.

Hey, hey, hey!

Jin Li shoots golden rays of light that can be twisted one after another, attacking the flying knife and Fang Ping.

To prevent Fang Ping from using flying knives to cast Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he can only force Fang Ping to carry it hard.

After all, facing an attack that reached several times the speed of sound and was able to turn, he couldn’t avoid it.


Fang Ping punched out, instantly smashed the golden beam of light that came.

After the enhancement of items worth 10100000000, his current battle strength is enough to achieve a Veteran Morning star.


At this moment, along with the whining sound, Xiong Haotian’s fist beat fiercely.

The cooperation with Jin Li was very tacit. The moment Fang Ping blocked Jin Li’s attack arrived, Fang Ping had almost no time to evade.

Hong long!

A huge fist fell on Fang Ping, and the ground centered on Fang Ping was full of densely packed cracks, but Fang Ping, who was hit by the huge fist, showed no damage.

With the help of Beauty of Fitzgerald, not only his battle strength is comparable to Veteran Morning star, but his defense is also comparable to the defense type of Veteran Morning star.

This kind of defense is stronger than Xiong Haotian’s defense. If it is not a same level opponent, it is almost impossible to hurt him.

After taking the blow, Fang Ping was short and bullied Xiong Haotian. Although Xiong Haotian realized that it was not good and hurriedly backed away, it was too late.


Fang Ping ejected from the ground and flew to several meters high, with his right knee fiercely pressed against Xiong Haokong’s abdomen.

Xiong Haokong suffered a heavy blow in his abdomen, bloody, blood spattered and flew out.

Upon landing, Fang Ping rushed towards Jin Li who was the nearest.

Jin Li is his primary target. Compared with the rough-skinned Xiong Haokong, who is hard to damage and kill in a short time, Jin Li is undoubtedly more likely to be killed.

Feeling Fang Ping’s murderous intention, Jin Li attacked Fang Ping with golden rays of light, blocking Fang Ping from approaching, exploded at a speed exceeding 3 times the speed of sound, and quickly retreated.

Hey, hey, pu!

At this moment, a large number of blue sharp blades suddenly emerged from the ground.

Although the Beauty of Fitzgerald is used, Fang Ping not at all relieves Zanpakuto’s solution.

A large number of blue sharp blades surrounded Jin Li. Jin Li’s complexion was pale, and his whole body was blooming with golden rays of light, trying to rush out from the blue sharp blade.

Soon, she succeeded, because it was the reason for the raid. Compared with the number of 10000000 million, the blue sharp blade drilled from the ground was not too much, and could not completely stop her.

But it was this moment of obstruction that really made Fang Ping approach her.

The hand entwined with Green’s pattern beat her fiercely.


A huge pothole appeared, and Jin Li’s body turned into a monster was lying in the pothole. A hole appeared on his body, and even his internal organs were exposed.

Although battle strength is comparable to Morning Star, in fact, Jin Li is nothing more than Tier 5.

If it weren’t for a monster, physique was powerful and possessed a stronger body than the same realm human being. At this time, Jin Li would not have a hole in his body, but would be directly exploded by Fang Ping this fist and turned into a bloody rain splash.

But even so, he couldn’t help being hit hard, lying in the potholes unable to move even a little bit, completely losing the power to fight again.


One after another, blood-colored chains appeared, and Jin Li, who was entwined backward and turned into a monster, dragged her into the void, and the upper half of her body had disappeared into the void.

“Let her down!”

Xiong Haokong pounced, and his fist hit Fang Ping’s head.

Although he didn’t know what these blood-colored chains were, he could guess that if they were dragged into the void and disappeared by these blood-colored chains, Jin Li would be in danger.

The strong wind hit, Fang Ping expression calmed, twisted, his left hand claws to the hit fist.

Pu chi!

His 5 fingers are like a sharp claw made of enchanted metal, deeply embedded in Xiong Haokong’s fist, and fixed Xiong Haokong’s fist.

Xiong Haokong’s other fist was also punched, but he was caught again with his right hand.


More scarlet chains appeared, not only winding towards Jin Li, but also winding towards Xiong Haokong.

Xiong Haokong struggled fiercely, and at the cost of his muscles being torn apart, he finally broke free from Fang Ping’s shackles and avoided being entangled by the scarlet chains.

However, Jin Li was under the scarlet chain, and Mo into the void disappeared without a trace.

“Where did you get Jin Li?”

Extending the distance, Xiong Haokong, who turned into a monster, spoke human’s words, and asked angrily.

“Don’t worry, you will be there soon.”

Fang Ping’s complexion was cold and frosty, and when he thought that 1 billion would be so gone, his mood was so happy does not raise.


Fang Ping pounced on Xiong Haokong, Xiong Haokong was so jealous that he backed away again and again, but unfortunately the distance with Fang Ping was quickly getting closer.

With the ability of divine speed, Fang Ping today is fast enough to reach 2 times the speed of sound, which is not a little bit faster than him.

Huh, huh, Shua!

Just when Fang Ping was approaching Xiong Haokong, a sharp howling sounded suddenly, and saw one black sword after another, turning into black light, and stab him.

This is formidable power that is comparable to the attack of Veteran Morning Star. Fang Ping did not carry it hard, dodged and looked towards the direction of the attack.

“Hid it deep enough!”

Seeing that direction, Zhai Long was piercing Fang Ping with his eyes like sharp blades.

The Veteran Morning star battle strength erupted by Fang Ping was not an ordinary surprise. He thought he had hidden it deep enough, but he didn’t expect that the opponent’s No. 4 on the list was also hidden so deep.

The sudden eruption was comparable to Veteran Morning star battle strength, not only severely inflicted Xiong Haokong, but also captured Jin Li.

He glanced at it again, although he was slightly embarrassed and injured, but there was still battle strength Chang Sheng, he said decisively.

“Withdraw, let’s meet Lord Zong Ling and them!”

Hearing his words, Yin Yan who was fighting, the black hair young man, Xiong Haokong, all retreated to the Demonic Human race Morning Star powerhouse.

And he was the last to hold the line, while guarding Fang Ping and the others, while going back.


Hu Ao’er chased after him, but Chang Sheng said at this time.

“Stop chasing. Our task is to hunt down the Morning Star monsters, and with the ability to speak words, inform the chief of Zhai Long’s rebellion to them.”


Hu Ao’er stopped, his right hand stretched out his index finger and pressed it to his temple, and started to inform the Human Race Morning Star powerhouse in his head.

Speaking ability, a type of mental ability, can directly transmit sounds to other people’s brains within a certain range, and communicate with other people directly in their brains.

Soon, he informed Human Race Morning Star powerhouse of Zhai Long’s rebellion.

Aside from the surprised and angry crowd of Morning Star powerhouse, she felt the position of the Morning Star monster. Suddenly, she became surprised.

“Hey, several Morning Star monsters have disappeared, and there are 2 Morning Star powerhouses fighting monsters!”

“Which two are making the shot? The chief and the others shouldn’t be able to vacate the manpower.”

Chang Sheng doubts.

Fang Ping has some guesses. With the Morning Star powerhouse in the base city confined, only Lu Yu and Zuo Gaofeng can kill many Morning Star monsters in such a short period of time.

It should be that after his clone returned from He’an Base City, he found the smell of the Morning Star monster and issued an order to the two.

“Where else is there a Morning Star monster? I go to one place, and you and Fang Ping rush to another place.”

He didn’t struggle with this issue, Chang Sheng said.

“No, I have the perception ability and can perceive where the monsters are, so you should be with Senior Hu Ao’er!”

Fang Ping shook his head and said.

“it is good.”

Chang Sheng and Hu Ao’er nodded. Since Fang Ping has the perception ability, this allocation is naturally the most appropriate.

Hey, sou!

The 3 people were divided into 2 teams, and each rushed to the place where the Morning Star was in the induction.

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