Monster Altar

Chapter 315

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Close to the old town on the edge of the base city.

Under the aftermath of the battle between the Demonic Human race and the Morning Star powerhouse in Yinchuan base city, it has completely disappeared.

Not only that, the aftermath has spread beyond the old city, and many areas near the old city are raze to the ground.

“cough, cough…”

A man with a scar on his left face was kneeling on the ground, his mouth continuously engraved with blood and even internal organ fragments.

And this is not the most serious injury on his body. The most serious injury on his body is in the position of the abdomen, where there is a huge hole that can penetrate back and forth.

He is the second Geng Peng in the original list in the same session as Hei Ni.

Several decades have passed. Although his growth rate is not as fast as Hei Ni’s, he has also become the peak of Morning Star, a being close to the Blood Moon level.

With the Blood Moon-level Enchanted weapon, he even has the power to counter the Blood Moon-level.

However, this kind of resistance was only for a short period of time. After a long period of time, he eventually lost and was hit hard by Hei Ni, a genuine Blood Moon powerhouse.

Click, click, click!

A footstep approached him, and he struggled to get up, but could not get up anyway.

“You want to counter me with a Blood Moon Enchanted weapon?”

With contempt on the face of the incoming man, he grabbed his neck with one hand and lifted him up. It was Hei Ni.

“I originally wanted to wait for you to become a Blood Moon class before harvesting, but since you can’t wait, then I can only go ahead.”

Coldly snorted, Hei Ni squeezed Geng Peng’s hand, and the blood vessels stretched out from the end. The blood vessels were snorted and easily inserted into Geng Peng within the body.

After that, the blood vessels shrank up, and something was flowing from Geng Peng within the body into Hei Ni within the body through the blood vessels.

With the inflow of this thing, Geng Peng’s body grew old at a speed visible to naked eye.

“Geng Peng…”

Seeing that Geng Peng was rapidly becoming old, other Morning Star powerhouses in the base city rushed anxiously, trying to interrupt Hei Ni and save Geng Peng.

It’s a pity that they can’t get rid of the Demonic Human race Morning Star powerhouse.

Even if someone got rid of it, he couldn’t help being knocked out by a black light attacked by Hei Ni. There was a ka-cha sound of skull cracking, and the blood in his mouth continued to flow.

Amidst the angry eyes of the Morning Star powerhouse, Geng Peng has been transformed from a mature man into a very old man.

Hair grey-white, skin is full of folds like old tree skin, weighs less than 80 kg, eyes are cloudy.

In the end, it was completely softened like an inflatable doll without air.


Hei Ni let go, and Geng Peng’s body smashed to the ground feebly, without any movement, he was dead.

On the other hand, Hei Ni’s face was already wrinkled, and the wrinkles disappeared, just like a youngster in his 20s.

But in fact, several decades ago, when he betrayed Yinchuan Base City, he was already close to 30 years old.

Life capture, capture the lives of others and Life Essence as a bug-like ability to promote one’s lifespan and strength.

With this ability, in theory, he will have an eternal lifespan.

“Hei Ni, you must die!”

Looking at Geng Peng’s corpse, a crowd of Morning Star powerhouses were cracking, eager to eat the flesh and blood of Hei Ni.

“Unfortunately, it is only the peak of Morning Star, not Blood Moon, otherwise, maybe it can make me go further.”

Ignoring the cannibalistic eyes of the Morning Star powerhouses in Yinchuan base city, Hei Ni’s face showed a little intoxication and regret.

“It’s really wasteful. At first, I didn’t think that he was the person with the highest potential besides me. He didn’t do it, but I didn’t expect that after so many years, he was only the peak of Morning Star.

Then, his gaze looked at the Morning Star powerhouse one after another who was fighting with the Demonic Human race, as if choosing prey.


His eyes fixed on a beautiful woman who was fighting Chi Ji, and this beautiful woman was Lu Yun.

The body turned into a black light, and he appeared beside Lu Yun, reaching out to grab Lu Yun.

Lu Yun complexion greatly changed, a giant silver hand that looked like a mountain slapped out and patted Hei Ni.

Ka-cha !

The huge silver hand, which looked like a mountain peak, shattered under Hei Ni’s palm, and Hei Ni’s hand continued to grasp Lu Yun.

It is conceivable that with Hei Ni’s current Blood Moon level strength, if Lu Yun were caught, what would be the result.


With a muffled sound, a strong shock wave was generated. Under this strong shock wave, Lu Yun was swept away.

I saw that Hei Ni’s hand that grabbed Lu Yun was blocked by the other hand. It was the strong wind caused by this hand blocking Hei Ni’s hand that swept Lu Yun away.

The owner of the hand is a strange man. The man wears blue and white armor, has silver gloves on both hands, and is wearing a black cloak behind his back.


The palm of his hand was blocked, and Hei Ni’s other hand turned into a fist and attacked the strange man who appeared. The strange man also greeted him with his fist.

Hong long!

The fist collided with the fist, and a huge crack appeared in the ground between the two, spreading more than 2 meters long.

Oh, pā, pā!

Under the strong impact, Hei Ni and the unfamiliar man broke apart with one touch and backed away.

“Who you are?”

Stabilizing his figure, Hei Ni looked at the strange man who appeared slightly surprised.

Today, he is wearing black bone armor formed by abilities, and he possesses the terrifying destructive power of Blood Moon in every move. Even the peak of the Morning Star cannot stop him from punching.

But the opponent blocked his fist and almost matched him evenly. That is to say, the opponent is a Blood Moon powerhouse, at least the battle strength is comparable to the Blood Moon powerhouse.

“you do not need to know.”

The strange man coldly said.

“You are not from Yinchuan Base City.”

Hei Ni affirmed.

As a person from the original Yinchuan Base City, he knew exactly what powerhouses Yinchuan Base City had. He was certain that there was absolutely no such person in Yinchuan Base City.

“Is it important?”

The strange man looked calm, even facing a Blood Moon-class powerhouse like Hei Ni, he was calm and calm, as if he was a Blood Moon-class powerhouse coming from a sea of ​​blood.

But in fact, at this time, his heart was playing the drum straight.

He changed his face with the Body-Transformation Technique and used the Fang Ping Shadow Clone of Mirajane Strauss Apex seal.

Facing the cooperation between Hei Ni and Yingchuan Demonic Human race, I knew that with the strength of Yinchuan base city, it was difficult to stop it.

He sent Lu Yu and Zuo Gaofeng to hunt down the Morning Star monsters and rushed to this battlefield to try to counter Hei Ni with the Apex seal of Mirajane Strauss.

What made him sighed in relief was that in the first match, he didn’t fall into the wind, indicating that Mirajane Strauss’s peak battle strength is possible to contend with Hei Ni.

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