Monster Altar

Chapter 316

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“No. 2 Blood Moon powerhouse?!”

Seeing Fang Ping Shadow Clone appearing and blocking Hei Ni, the Demonic Human race side, including Zong Ling, couldn’t help but constrict.

The Yinchuan base city actually has the second Blood Moon powerhouse, which they didn’t know at all before. As a result, the advantages they possess will no longer be obvious, and the situation begins to deviate from their control.

“There is a Blood Moon powerhouse in the base city?!”

Compared to the dignity of the Demonic Human race side, the Yinchuan base city side is full of surprises.

Before that, they, like the Demonic Human race, did not know that there was a Blood Moon powerhouse hidden in the Yinchuan base city, but this did not prevent them from being pleasantly surprised.

This Blood Moon powerhouse is willing to help Yinchuan base city, indicating that this Blood Moon powerhouse should belong to the human side, and this alone is enough to surprise them.

“It’s really not important. I didn’t expect that in addition to Wei You, the Yinchuan base city also hides the second Blood Moon-level powerhouse. That’s good, there is one more Blood Moon-level blood food.”

Hei Ni coldly snorted, the powerful breath of the Blood Moon-class powerhouse spreads, like a raging tide.

“It depends on whether you have that ability.”

Spread the breath of Mirajane Strauss and block the powerful breath of Hei Ni like the tide.

Fang Ping Shadow Clone expression is still calm, but my heart is waiting nervously.

If possible, he hopes to scare Hei Ni and Demonic Human race away.

Although with Mirajane Strauss’ Apex seal, he already has the battle strength of Mirajane Strauss at its peak, but whether he can compete with Hei Ni, he has no idea.

However, it is a pity that neither Hei Ni nor Demonic Human race can be scared away by the appearance of the second Blood Moon powerhouse in Yinchuan Base City.

After preparing for so long, even the inner ring that had been hidden for many years was exposed. The Demonic Human race was obviously impossible to easily give up the idea of ​​destroying the Yinchuan base city. As long as there is a chance, the Demonic Human race will not give up.


More than 100 meters apart, Hei Ni volleyed out with a punch, and a thick black beam of light with terrifying destructive power shot out from his fist and hit Fang Ping Shadow Clone.

The horrible black beam has a speed exceeding ten times the speed of sound, which is too fast for people to react. The distance of more than 100 meters is not used for a moment, and it has been crossed.

Faced with such a swift attack, even Fang Ping himself can hardly respond. Even more how is the Shadow Clone of the square film.

However, after using the Apex seal of Mirajane Strauss, he not only possessed the battle strength of Mirajane Strauss peak period, but also possessed the strong reaction of Mirajane Strauss peak period.

With raging flames burning on his feet, he lifted his foot and kicked the black beam of light.

Hong long!

The black beam of light was kicked and exploded by his feet wrapped in flames.

A terrifying shock wave raged, and the Demonic Human race and the Morning Star powerhouse, the base city of Yinchuan who were fighting closer together, were blown away by the shock wave.

But in this shock wave, Hei Ni was going upstream, and he stood up to the shock wave and appeared in front of Fang Ping Shadow Clone, punching towards Fang Ping Shadow Clone.

Fang Ping Shadow Clone dodged sideways, avoiding this fist, and hit Hailey from the side with a punch.

Hei Ni turned around very quickly, greeted Fang Ping’s fist with his fist, and the black light filled the fist.

Hong long!

Two fists collide, the terrorist shock wave spreads, the surrounding area, everything is shattered under the shock wave, and a huge pothole appears centered on two people.

Both of them retreated involuntarily by the shock wave, but at the next moment, the two pounced on each other again. One fist was thrown out, and the other kicked out with a foot wrapped in blue and white flames.

Hong long!

Fists and feet collide, black rays of light collide with blue and white flames, black rays of light are eroding blue and white flames, and blue and white flames are also burning black rays of light.

The shock wave generated by the collision caused ripples in the space.

If there is a person with space ability around at this time, you will immediately find that the space is violently shaking with two people as the center, as if it is a cloth that is constantly shaking under a strong wind.

If it is a person with too weak space ability, in this case, it may be difficult to even use space ability.

Bang, bang, hong long!

The fist wrapped in black light and the foot wrapped in blue and white flames collided one after another, and the shock wave spread four weeks after another.

The range of several hundred meters with two people as the center, even the Morning Star powerhouse can’t get close, once it gets close, it will be swept away by the shock wave of the two people’s battle immediately.

Hong long!

It was another collision. Fang Ping Shadow Clone and Hei Ni separated, separated by several hundred meters, and looked at each other.

Fang Ping Shadow Clone secretly relieved, finally withstood.

Mirajane Strauss not at all disappointed him at the peak. With this strength, he finally blocked Hei Ni’s attack, at least temporarily.

Hei Ni’s face was dignified, and his consecutive shots were blocked by the opponent, and the opponent’s Blood Moon level strength was undoubtedly sure.

The opponent is definitely not like Geng Peng, relying on Enchanted weapon to temporarily possess Blood Moon-class battle strength, the opponent is definitely a genuine Blood Moon-class powerhouse.


A large amount of black light condensed in front of him, and a huge black skull as big as a mountain occurred, and it hit Fang Ping Shadow Clone.

Feeling the turbulent destructive power of the black skull, Fang Ping did not choose to carry it hard, but moved several hundred meters horizontally to avoid it.

Hong long!

The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the entire base city is trembling, one after another huge cracks appear, spreading more than 1000 meters in length.

Many houses fell into huge cracks and were swallowed up.

And the huge black skull like a mountain, not at all disappeared, instead it flew up again and flew towards Fang Ping Shadow Clone.

Although it is huge, the speed is not slow. Although it is not as fast as the black beam of light struck before, it is also fast enough to reach 7 times the speed of sound. In the blink of an eye, it reached several hundred meters and appeared in front of Fang Ping Shadow Clone.

Knowing that if the black skull is not destroyed, the black skull will be chasing after him. Fang Ping Shadow Clone will no longer evade. The magic power is concentrated on the fist, and the black red halo appears on the fist, punching towards the black skull hitting.


Fang Ping’s fist was like a huge hammer, hammering on the black skull.

Next moment, his face changed, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

From above the black skull, there was a strong and terrifying impact, which defeated his fist above condensed black red magic power and hit him.

Under this impact, he was immediately knocked into flight.

The destructive power possessed by the black skull is quite strong in him.

Fang Ping’s Shadow Clone came to a halt after crashing into a dozen-storey tall building over 1000 meters away.

Fortunately, after using the Apex seal, the shape of Shadow Clone has changed, and the characteristics of all aspects of the body are the same as Mirajane Strauss at its peak.

Otherwise, with the feature that the Shadow Clone disappears when attacked, the impact at this time alone is enough to make the Shadow Clone disappear.

Even so, it doesn’t feel good.

There were densely packed cracks in the silver glove on his hand, and the colliding hand was numb as if he had lost consciousness.

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