Monster Altar

Chapter 323

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One month later, the destroyed base city was repaired with the help of the Awakener’s ability, but the dead could no longer survive.

In the west of Yinchuan Base City, a cemetery was specially opened to bury the victims. The number “813674” on the towering stone tablet in front of the cemetery is like blood dyed.

Some children lost their parents, some parents lost their children, some husbands lost their wives, and some wives lost their husbands…

This is a pain that will never be erased, unforgettable.

But this is the normal state of this monster in the world, danger may come at any time, and life may come to an end at any time.

At Fang Ping’s residence, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan are packing their clothes.

“Moving out today?”

Looking at the two people packing their clothes, Fang Ping asked.

“The girls’ dormitory has already been built, why, can’t you bear us?”

Fan Xuan smiled sideways, jokingly said.

“Of course I can’t bear it. Who is willing to live with two beautiful women?”

Fang Ping as it should be by rights said.

“You can’t bear our cooking skills!”

Yan Xue has a look through everything.

“It’s the same, it’s the same.”

Fang Ping hehe said.

During the month of “cohabiting” with Yan Xue and Fan Xuan, he is indeed very happy. He has lived alone in Yinchuan Base City for more than 2 years, and both of them have trained in a superb cooking skill and can catch up with the chefs of restaurants. .

Moreover, how can the dishes made by two big beauties not taste good?

“Since you are reluctant, then marry us, so that we can eat the dishes we cook every day.”

Fan Xuan said in a cracking a joke tone.

“I’m thinking, but I’m afraid I can’t afford it. It is very expensive to raise a beautiful woman who can eat like you.”

Fang Ping right hand squeezed his chin and said hesitantly.

“Do you think we are pigs?”

Yan Xue “glared with anger.”

“How can it be.”

Fang Ping’s head shook like a wave.

“Even pigs, you are the most beautiful pigs I have ever seen.”

Suddenly, Fang Ping felt murderous aura, and then saw Yan Xue and Fan Xuan approaching with uncomfortable faces.

His complexion greatly changed, with an inspiration, his hands turned, and a delicate square box the size of a baby’s palm appeared in each hand.

“this is……?”

Pressing down the “murderous aura”, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan reached out in doubt and opened the knot.

In the square box that Yan Xue got, there was a blue ring with diamonds.

In the square box that Fan Xuan got, there was a purple ring with diamonds.

“These are two Morning Star Enchanted weapons. The strongest formidable power is enough to reach Morning Star. Of course, with your current realm, you will be exhausted by firing at most 2 hits.”

Fang Ping said.

These 2 Enchanted weapons are the few remaining Enchanted weapons from the Zuo Family treasure trove. They were originally Tier 5 peak magic weapons.

However, as his realm reached Tier 5, the ability of Muted Mera Mera no Mi’s formidable power was improved, and the Enchanted weapon was already able to be upgraded to the Morning Star, so he re-quenched these two Enchanted weapons, and the quality was upgraded to Morning Star.

“For the sake of the ring, I will spare you this time.”

Two people were coldly snorted and put the ring away, but there was a hint of crimson on their faces.

Sending 2 people away, a teleport, Fang Ping appeared in a living room.

“Young Master.”

Seeing his appearance, 2 men and 3 men came forward, it was Lu Yu, Zuo Gaofeng and Jin Li.

“Are you ready?”

Fang Ping asked.

“It’s all ready. This place will only be rented until the end of the month. After the end of the month, the landlord will come and take it back.”

Lu Yu said.

“Okay, let’s go!”

Fang Ping nodded, first put his hands on Lu Yu and Zuo Gaofeng, and teleported them to show up outside the base city of Yinchuan.

Then he turned back, put his hand on Jin Li, and left Yinchuan base city with him.

Regarding the location of the Yingchuan Demonic Human race, he has quietly passed the message to Wei You through hacking techniques.

However, after waiting for a full month, the Monster Countermeasures Division still did not take any action. He guessed that the Monster Countermeasures Division should have temporarily given up dealing with Yingchuan Demonic Human race.

This is not difficult to understand. In the last battle, the Yingchuan Demonic Human Race also lost a lot of people, but the opponent plus Hei Ni has 2 Blood Moon ranks. The strength of Yinchuan base city alone is obviously not enough. To deal with.

Leaving the base city of Yinchuan, the 4 Fang Ping took out the map, through the map, headed towards the base city of Liuzhou.

Not at all rushing at full speed. In addition to the purpose of going to Liuzhou Base City this time, he also has the purpose of hunting monsters to obtain sacrifices and activating Teleportation maho, so he must slow down and pay attention to the monsters along the way.

Although he didn’t rush at full speed, but a few hours later, he also appeared more than 1000 miles away.

“Young Master, I found a Tier 5 monster!”

On the way, Lu Yu suddenly paused and said.

As a Morning Star powerhouse with perception ability, his perception range is enough to reach 10 kilometers, which is several kilometers farther than Fang Ping today, so he was the first to discover the monster.

“lead the way.”

Fang Ping nodded and signaled that Lu Yu led the way. The four people rushed towards the spot where the monster was found. Within one minute, they had already crossed a distance of 4 kilometers, and the monster had already appeared in front of them.

This is a monster with a length of more than 4 meters and 3 Fairy Tails.

The monster’s mouth was pointed, and its sharp fangs could not be covered, and it was exposed from the mouth.

The hair on the body is earth-yellow, and the surface is mixed with black.

“Young Master, let me come?”

Jin Li stepped forward and said to Fang Ping.

She wore a white shirt on top and tight-fitting denim on her bottom. She had blonde hair scattered behind her, fluttering gently in the breeze.


Fang Ping nodded. The purpose of this time is mainly to obtain the sacrifice value, so he does not need to act personally.


When Fang Ping talked with Jin Li, the monsters with 3 Fairy Tails had found 4 Fang Ping. Because Lu Yu and Zuo Gaofeng both had their breaths reduced, they did not at all detect the danger of the 4 people.

On the contrary, it was like finding a prey, with long saliva in his mouth, and a pair of scarlet eyes pounced.

It had hunted this kind of “prey” in the wilderness. It was not strong, but it was very sweet, which made his memory fresh.

Hey, hey, hey!

The 3 Fairy Tails behind him suddenly became larger and extended, turning into 3 giant tails, snapped photos of them, and attacked Fang Ping 4 people.


A golden rays of light appeared, shot into its mouth, and shot out from the back of its head.

The blood was splashed with the white substance, it was running forward, its body plopped, and it fell to the ground without movement.

And its 3 enlarged Fairy Tails also shrank quickly and restored their original appearance.

Even Jin Li, the weakest among the four, has the strength comparable to Morning Star. Killing a Tier 4 monster is naturally with no difficulty.

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