Monster Altar

Chapter 324

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Fang Ping stepped forward, put the monster into the sacrifice space, and offered sacrifices.

The sacrifice value has increased by 10, plus the original remaining, the sacrifice value has reached 021, which is less than 11472 from activating the Teleportation maho. It is enough to hunt a Tier 5000 monster.

“Go, keep on the road!”

Fang Ping said that the four people continued to rush towards Liuzhou Base City.

When the time came to the evening, the sacrifice value to activate the Teleportation maho could not be collected. Fang Ping looked at the map and found that there was a base city not far from here, so he rushed to this base city with three people. Prepare to settle down in this base city at night.


As soon as they arrived in this base city, the Fang Ping 4 people discovered an extraordinary place.

This base city is close to the city gate area. Many houses collapsed and there were huge criss-crossed cracks. Obviously, there had been wars, and the two sides who fought must be extremely strong.

Walking into the base city, the voices of discussion from time to time in the base city are all about this war.

“Has the person who attacked the base city been killed by Lord Guo Wei?”

Asked a pretty woman.

“No, that person ran away after fighting Lord Guo Wei.”

A man was very courteous and quickly replied.

“Lord Guo Wei is the Morning Star powerhouse, who is that person, who can actually compete with Lord Guo Wei?”

Pretty woman surprised.

“That person calls himself Demonic Human race, he is also very strong, and he should also be Morning Star powerhouse.”

A hint of fear flashed across the attentive man’s face.

“It’s also Morning Star powerhouse, and it calls itself Demonic Human race? Demonic Human race, what organization is this?”

The pretty woman wondered.

“It’s not clear, but it doesn’t feel like an organization, it’s more like a race.”

“Race? In addition to our humans, there are other intelligent races.”

The pretty woman smiled and shook her head.

“It’s also said that besides us humans, not at all other intelligent races should be just the name of an organization, but the strength of this organization is really strong, and the Morning Star powerhouse is actually in charge.”

The attentive man echoed.

Hearing the conversation between the two people, the expressions of Fang Ping, Lu Yu, and Jin Li could not help but move.

Demonic Human race naturally exists. It is not an organization, but a race. They couldn’t understand this better.

“The strength of the Yinchuan base city has been greatly damaged, and the Demonic Human race has become restless.”

Fang Ping brows tightly knit, sigh in my heart.

A few thousand kilometers with Yinchuan base city as the center, there are two biggest forces, one is Yinchuan base city, and the other is Yingchuan Demonic Human race.

Apart from this, it is the medium-sized base cities and some small Demonic Human race tribes.

Originally, with the deterrence of Yinchuan base city, these small Demonic Human race tribes did not dare to attack the human base city at will.

But now the strength of the Yinchuan base city has been greatly damaged, and it is almost overwhelming to take care of themselves. These small Demonic Human race tribes suddenly become restless.

“Find a hotel first.”

This kind of thing can’t be managed. Fang Ping shook his head and took 3 people, and found a hotel to stay.

On 2nd day, 4 people left the base city to continue on the road.

“Two Tier 2 Awakener? Good luck. After devouring both of them, I should be able to recover most of my injuries.”

More than 100 kilometers away from the base city, in a cave, there is a man with a serious wound on his back.

The man looks more than 4 years old. He has sparse hair on his head. He obviously has a tendency to suffer from hair loss. This man is the Demonic Human race who attacked the base city yesterday.

Through perception ability, he found Fang Ping 4 people on their way.

However, because Lu Yu and Zuo Gaofeng had hidden their breath, he only found the breath of Fang Ping and Jin Li, so he thought there were only two people.


Among the mud and rocks, he swam like a fish and quickly approached Fang Ping 4 people.

Yesterday, he fought the Morning Star powerhouse in the base city. He suffered from both sides of the Morning Star powerhouse in the base city, and his injuries were serious.

As a Demonic Human race, he did not at all lose the characteristics of a monster to recover his injuries through blood food. In his eyes, Fang Ping and Jin Li, two Tier 2s, are excellent blood foods to recover from his injuries.


Fang Ping 4 people are rushing forward. Suddenly, from 4 weeks, one after another rock wall that is harder than the alloy rises from the ground. In a very short time, it becomes as high as 100 meters, and Fang Ping Four people were surrounded by rock walls.

“Meeting me is your bad luck!”

Drilling out of the soil, the man looked at Fang Ping 2 as if looking at the prey.

The fact is also true, Fang Ping and Jin Li at this time are excellent prey in his eyes.

The strength is within the range he can deal with, and the strength is not weak, as high as Tier 5.

Suddenly, he was stunned. There were only 2 people in his perception, but at this time, there were 4 people in front of him.

“Is it because the breath is too weak to be sensed? No, no, even if it is an ordinary person, it shouldn’t make me unable to perceive the breath.”

Suddenly there was a bad feeling in his heart.

At this moment, two huge auras rose up from Lu Yu and Zuo Gaofeng respectively, one wild and one full of destruction.


His complexion became pale, and cold sweat slipped down his forehead, what is meant by hitting the muzzle, this is hitting the muzzle.

Severely injured, he absolutely didn’t want to meet Morning Star powerhouse. Now it’s better. Not only did he meet, but he also encountered two.

“Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I am looking for the two of them, no, I am not looking for anyone…”

The man said in his heart.

“Who you are? Why are you staring at us?”

Fang Ping asked with a cold look.

Because the Demonic Human race was unrecognizable before the monster form appeared, he didn’t know that the man was a Demonic Human race.

But what is certain is that the man harboring malicious intentions clearly focused on him and Jin Li.

But neither he nor Jin Li know this person, which is strange, why the other party will stare at both of them, after all, they are now empty-handed, and they are not at all valuable.

“I confessed to the wrong person. I thought you two were my enemies.”

Watching Fang Ping 4 people, the man said.

“Do you think we can believe for this reason?”

Fang Ping coldly snorted, looked at Lu Yu and said.

“This person has a problem, get him off.”

He not at all intends to shoot by himself. The man can concealed aura and can also use such a large area of ​​Earth Element ability in an instant. It is likely that it is a Morning Star. He is not at all grasping.

“Yes, Young Master.”

Lu Yu responded and walked to the man.


The man’s insight was not good, the Earth Element ability was activated, and an area of ​​more than 10000 square meters was turned into a swamp in an instant. Both he and the Fang Ping 4 were sinking into the mud.

The 4 Fang Pings, each displaying their abilities, stopped the sinking and flew into the air, but the man sank into the swamp and disappeared before the eyes of the 4 Fang Pings.

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