Monster Altar

Chapter 325

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Like a fish swimming in the water, the man swiftly shuttled through the soil at the depth of several hundred meters. In a very short time, he has appeared several kilometers away.

“No chasing?”

There was no chase behind him. He sighed in relief. The opponent should have no Earth Element ability and could not dive into the soil and shuttle through the soil like him.

Not daring to stay in place, he quickly moved away.

It is impossible to stay in this place. If one is not good, you may encounter these 4 people again.

Peng –

Suddenly, he felt that he had hit something, and then immediately found that the Earth escape ability was ineffective.

He was taken aback and retreated sharply, and in an instant he retreated more than 100 meters away, but he was surprised to find that the soil had disappeared where it was supposed to be soil.

He looked around in panic for 4 weeks, and saw that this was a green space, and there were 4 people in the green space, and these 4 people were the 4 people just now.

“Space capability.”

His complexion greatly changed. Among the 4 opponents, there must be someone with spatial ability, and he was locked into this space.

He sank to the bottom and said.

“Two people, although I made a mistake first, but after all, they did not hurt them. Please don’t go too far.”

Hey, hey, hey!

The answer to him was a dense white beam.

At some point, one mirror after another appeared above the green space, and the mirror turned on white light, projecting one white light beam after another.

“I thought I was going to eat it!”

Knowing that the suit is useless, the man’s eyes are fierce. Now he is seriously injured, facing the two Morning Star powerhouses, the chance of survival is less than 2%.

The chance of survival became slim, and he was aroused fierce like a trapped beast.

His strength is indeed not an opponent of 2 people, but it does not mean that he cannot cause damage to 2 people.

If he can take the opportunity to capture 2 Tier 5 Awakener players in the opposing team, he will surely be able to get alive.


The man’s body swelled sharply, and in a very short period of time, it turned into a huge monster with 4 feet on the ground.

The huge monster has a pair of huge earth-yellow eyes that are slightly convex.

The hair on the body surface is also earth-yellow, but it is very sparse, just like the hair on his head when he was in human form.

“Demonic Human race?”

Fang Ping, Lu Yu, and Jin Li were all a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, you would be able to meet the Demonic Human race Morning Star powerhouse on any road.

“Could it be him that was in the base city before the attack?”

This thought flashed in Fang Ping’s mind, and at this time, the white light had already fallen.

Peng, Peng, peng!

The body of the man in the form of a monster turned into a rock in an instant, and the huge body seemed to be carved from a rock.

The white light fell on him, although there were scorched blacks one after another, but because of the scattered ability, the injury caused was not serious. The rocky body gave it a strong defense.

Hey, hey, dong!

The monster turned by the man, against the falling white radiance, rushed aggressively towards Fang Ping 4, just like a speeding locomotive was hitting it.

Lu Yu quickly propped up one after another defensive barriers in front to protect the safety of the four people.

Hey, hey, pu!

However, under the impact of the man transformed into a monster, the defensive barriers one after another were shattered like paper.

As a newcomer to the Morning Star, Lu Yu is more powerful than the general peak order optical lens ability. In addition to the optical lens ability, the formidable power is just the first to the Morning Star.


Seeing that the man in the form of a monster was about to approach 4 people, Lu Yu controlled Zuo Gaofeng and wrapped Thunder and Lightning out.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the man who transformed into a monster, wrapped in lightning fists, and hammered on the man who transformed into a monster.


Facing the Veteran Morning star powerhouse that centralize in one point, even if the body turns into a rock, the man who has a strong defense turned into a monster is not comfortable.

The huge body flew backwards at a faster speed than before, and didn’t stop until it hit the barrier in the door space.

There was a severe wound in the place hit by Thunder and Lightning’s fist. The wound was charred, the flesh was carbonized, the carbon residue fell continuously, and the body was numb almost impossible to move even a little bit.


Zuo Gaofeng rushed towards the man who turned into a monster. At this moment, the man who turned into a monster turned his head with difficulty. In his eyes, two earth-yellow beams of light shot out.

Zuo Gaofeng turned into Thunder and Lightning’s fist with turbulent lightning flashing, punch towards 2 earth-yellow beams of light.

A surprise scene appeared.

Starting with Zuo Gaofeng’s fist, Zuo Gaofeng’s whole body turned into a rock in a very short time and turned into a lifelike stone sculpture.

The petrification ability, this is the ability to transform into a monster man. As the Morning Star powerhouse, his petrification ability not only can petrify creatures, but also can petrify even attacks such as Thunder and Lightning flames.

Ka-cha !

On the surface of Zuo Gaofeng’s body turned into a stone sculpture, cracks appeared one after another, and more and more.

Pieces of rocks fell, and Zuo Gaofeng showed up again.

With his body wrapped in Thunder and Lightning, with the Thunder and Lightning outside of his body, he blocked the attack of petrochemical ability and prevented his body from being petrified.

He didn’t try to get close to the man transformed into a monster, he kept a distance from the man transformed into a monster, and used another ability.

One after another huge metal vines appeared, and the surface was full of metal spikes. Taking advantage of the numbness of the man who turned into a monster, he was entangled with the body of the man who turned into a monster.

Boom, boom, boom!

The numbness of the man who turned into a monster gradually disappeared and his body regained his mobility.

He possessed extraordinary power, and the metal vines entwining him were broken one by one.

Soon, all the metal vines entwined with him broke.

But at this moment, the mirrors on top of the head have gathered and turned into a huge mirror, and a white radiance that makes the air ripples falls.


Even if it is a rocky body with a strong defense, it cannot help being penetrated under this white radiance.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

The man transformed into a monster let out a painful scream. He was already seriously injured, but his injuries became more serious after being hit by Zuo Gaofeng and Lu Yu respectively.

Enduring the pain, he rolled over and climbed up, staring at Fang Ping and Jin Li behind him, his eyes flashed ruthlessly, and two petrified light beams swept towards two people.

It is impossible to capture 2 people. He decided to kill 2 people and dragged 2 backs before he died.


A Thunder and Lightning wall appeared, and at the cost of being petrified, it blocked 2 petrified light beams.

With the cooperation of Lu Yu and Zuo Gaofeng, you still want to hurt Fang Ping and Jin Li, easier said than done?

Moreover, whether it is Fang Ping or Jin Li, as a battle strength, it is comparable to the existence of Morning Star. Even if Zuo Gaofeng does not block the two petrochemical beams, they still have the confidence to protect themselves.

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