Monster Altar

Chapter 326

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Without giving the man transformed into a monster a chance to take action, the white light and Thunder and Lightning attacked at the same time, bombarding the man transformed into a monster.

The man turned into a monster rolled and avoided, avoiding the white light, but was attacked by Thunder and Lightning, and another wound was added to his body. The already extremely serious injury became more serious.

The man who turned into a monster felt his body sink, and he found it difficult to even move. There were reasons for his body being numb by Thunder and Lightning, and there were also reasons for his severe injuries.

Huh, crackle!

Lu Yu and Zuo Gaofeng seized the opportunity to take another shot. White light and Thunder and Lightning hit the man who turned into a monster who could not move. The injuries on the man who turned into a monster became heavier, and the numbness that had slowed down became even more. numbness.


Fang Ping also joined the siege. A huge Fireball was smashed at the man transformed into a monster by him, and the golden flame burned on the man transformed into a monster.

He is grabbing merit!

Only the corpses of monsters that you have participated in the hunt can be used as sacrifices to gain abilities or innate talent, otherwise you can only get sacrifice value.

It is a pity that a Morning Star monster is only used to obtain sacrifice value, so he joined the battle and made himself one of the hunters.

“Compared to Morning Star, your battle strength is comparable to Morning Star!”

His body was burned by the flames, and the man turned into a monster rolled in pain, his eyes staring at Fang Ping who struck the huge golden Fireball with horror.

My luck was too bad. I had a “hunting” and encountered 2 Morning Stars and a horrible combination comparable to Morning Stars.

Fortunately, Jin Li didn’t take the shot, otherwise, he might be surprised.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

Even though the petrified body has a very strong defense, under the cooperation of the Fang Ping 3, the man transformed into a monster still has no resistance, accompanied by an unwilling scream, there is no movement.

After confirming that he was indeed dead, Fang Ping stepped forward and put the body into the sacrifice space.


Now it is in the door space, and there are 3 people around Lu Yu, Zuo Gaofeng, and Jin Li. There is no need to worry about safety. Fang Ping started offering sacrifices in the sacrifice space.


The blood-colored flame burned the corpse, the blood light soared into the sky, and stars appeared. One of the purple stars projected a purple rays of light and turned into a young woman.

The young woman has long purple hair and is beautiful and delicate in a sleeveless sailor suit.

Name: Kuroha Neko

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent :very excellent


Black hole: It can destroy objects within sight (useless to living organisms) in an instant, and can create black holes.

Fang Ping looked at the attribute panel of this cartoon character.

Kuroha Neko, the heroine of Brunhilt in the extremely dark anime, a person who has been experimented with and gained abilities.

The ability it possesses is an extremely powerful ability. From the point of being able to create a black hole, it is enough to see the power of this ability, but anything that can be involved with celestial bodies like black holes is inevitable.

Fang Ping estimates that this is at least an ability that surpasses the general peak order ability, and reaching the forbidden level above peak order is not impossible.

“give up.”

Faced with such attractive ability, Fang Ping decisively chose to give up.

Because of the acquisition of this ability, it requires a disgusting transformation of the body, and it also has side effects that he can’t accept at all.

Not only does it require medicine control, but it also has the serious drawback of losing memory after overuse. He doesn’t dare to ask for such an ability.

As for the very excellent Growth innate talent outside of the black hole of ability, for him now, obviously not at all is too much help, and it is not as good as sacrifice.

“Give up the ability or innate talent, and get 100023 sacrifice value.”

As Fang Ping made his choice, a majestic voice sounded, transforming the sacrifice harvest this time into sacrifice value. He looked at the sacrifice value, and the total sacrifice value had reached 111495.

“You can activate Teleportation maho.”

Find Teleportation maho in the column of magic innate talent, Fang Ping is immediately activated, 15000 sacrifice value is deducted, sacrifice value is reduced to 96495, and in contrast, Fang Ping has a lot of training and memory about Teleportation maho in his mind .

Exiting the sacrifice space, not at all rushing to practice Teleportation maho, Fang Ping took Lu Yu 3 people on the road.

Because there is no longer any need to hunt monsters and increase sacrifice value, they rushed on their way, and in the afternoon, they had already arrived in Liuzhou Base City.

“The base city of Liuzhou was also attacked!”

Entering Liuzhou Base City, Fang Ping’s brows could not help but frowned.

In the Liuzhou base city, there are also signs of battles of large-scale collapse of buildings. Obviously, it should have been attacked recently.

The impact of the damage to the strength of the Yinchuan base city is far greater than expected, and the human situation is really very bad.

“Young Master, do we still rent the house as before?”

Lu Yu asked Fang Ping.

As a Demonic Human race, I don’t care about attacks on humans.

This is why the last time Yinchuan base city was attacked, he did not take Zuo Gaofeng immediately to kill the monsters that appeared, but only after he got the Fang Ping order.

“No, buy a villa directly this time!”

Fang Ping came back to his senses from the meditation, shook his head and said.

Compared with renting a house, it is more convenient and secret to buy a place by yourself.

He makes 10000000 million in the account every month. Now he is worth a lot. The savings in the bank card have reached more than 6100000000 million, so he naturally doesn’t care about this small amount of money.

And he found that now the role of money for him is getting smaller and smaller. To be precise, small money has surplus, but big money is seriously not enough.

To have a battle strength comparable to the Veteran Morning star, a full 10100000000 strengthening is needed.

Even at his current rate of making money, it would take more than a year, and most importantly, it was useless.

After all, whether it is Lu Yu or Zuo Gaofeng, both possess a Veteran Morning star battle strength. He needs to strengthen himself and there are not many opportunities for him to have Veteran Morning star battle strength.

To have the peak Morning Star battle strength, 10,000,000,000 needs to be strengthened. Even at his current earning speed, he needs to accumulate for at least ten years.

With his growth rate, more than ten years later, his battle strength may have been comparable to or even surpassed the peak Morning Star.

It is obviously impossible to make more money in a short period of time. Therefore, Beauty of Fitzgerald’s way forward has almost been blocked, and money has little effect on him.

Hiring a taxi, 4 people went to the largest sales office in Liuzhou Base City.

Explaining their intentions, a young lady, a sales office with a decent look, enthusiastically led them to the building models one after another, introducing them to the houses being sold everywhere.

Soon, they saw a three-story villa covering an area of ​​more than 1000 square meters.

The villa has walls, gardens, swimming pools, and even a huge cold storage, all kinds of equipment are readily available, which are very suitable for their needs.

“How much is this villa?”

Fang Ping pointed to the villa and asked.

“Mr. really has a good eye. This is the best villa here. The price is 500010000. But now we are doing a 9% discount. You can buy it for as long as 450010000.”

The Young Lady at the sales property was smiling. If she sells such a villa, she can earn hundreds of thousands, which is almost comparable to her income for several years.

“Take us to take a look, if it is the same as what you introduced, I will buy it!”

Fang Ping said, Young Lady from the sales building had a deeper smile on her face. She quickly led the way and drove four people to the villa.

If the other party is willing, she doesn’t recommend sacrificing it, but it doesn’t seem to be necessary. One of the four opponents is more beautiful and temperamental than her, so she naturally looks down on her.

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