Monster Altar

Chapter 328

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In the Monster Countermeasures Department of Liuzhou Base City, three people Fang Ping had met are discussing the case.

“This is already the 7th Fiend Hunter missing this month. The same only left a trace of blood. No traces including battle traces were visible.”

Young woman Wu Jing frowns said.

“It should be that the monster’s strength is too strong. The missing Fiend Hunter has been killed before he can react.”

The young man Li Jinshan speculated.

“But with the size of a monster, it should be reasonable to say that it should be difficult not to leave a trace, unless it is a person instead of a monster, but how can a person attack Fiend Hunter indiscriminately?”

middle-aged man Yang Jianqiang thought, suddenly his eyes widened, and his expression became very solemn when he thought of something.

“Is it ……”

“Captain, what is it?”

Wu Jing and Li Jinshan urged.

“Unless it is a Demonic Human race capable of phantom Human Transformation!”

Yang Jianqiang said solemnly.


Hearing what he said, Wu Jing and Li Jinshan’s expressions were both pale.

They also only recently learned about the Demonic Human race news.

I can’t believe that there are monsters that can illusion Human Transformation and pretend to be humans, and such monsters are not an exception. They have formed a group.

Even now, they still have some difficult to digest the news, it is such a thing, it is too incredible.

After a while, Wu Jing said solemnly.

“If it’s as Captain you guessed, there must be a Demonic Human Race of Magic Human Transformation lurking in Liuzhou Base City.”

“Moreover, this Demonic Human race won’t take too long to sneak into the base city. It should have sneaked into Base 1 in the last month. After all, Fiend Hunter disappeared in the last month.”

Yang Jianqiang added.

“It seems that we have to recheck the people who entered the base city in the last month.”


In the morning, Fang Ping, Lu Yu, and Jin Li were having breakfast. Fang Ping was eating breakfast while reading the newspaper. One of the newspaper’s reports was writing “the 3th victim” in bright red.

Looking at it, his complexion couldn’t help but he gave the newspaper to Lu Yu who was on the other side of the dining table and asked.

“What do you think?”

Lu Yu read this report carefully and said after a little thought.

“This should be the hand of the Demonic Human race.”

“It is indeed the technique of the Demonic Human race.”

Jin Li took over the newspaper and said too.

“It seems unavoidable to be questioned.”

Fang Ping couldn’t help thinking of the questioning by the Monster Countermeasures Division of Liuzhou Base City yesterday. He originally thought that this incident would have passed, but now that something like this has happened, they might be paid attention to by the Monster Countermeasures Division of Liuzhou Base City again.

As he expected, in the afternoon, the three people who visited yesterday came again and asked them in detail about their whereabouts in the most recent month.

And outside the villa, he actually found the surveillance person. Obviously, they were completely implicated by the Fiend Hunter who committed the crime, and they were regarded as the key suspects.

This is not difficult to understand, because the time they stayed in Liuzhou Base City was just the day before the first disappearance of Fiend Hunter.

“Young Master, if the Monster Countermeasures Department of Liuzhou Base City continues to investigate like this, I’m afraid the identity of Jin Li and I will be exposed.”

Lu Yu said with some worry.

Whether it is him or Jin Li, his face has been seen before. Although he was not at all wanted because of his death, he definitely couldn’t stand the careful investigation by the Liuzhou Base City Monster Countermeasures Division.

As for Zuo Gaofeng, who was wanted, he had been hidden by them as early as the first day he came, and Fang Ping had erased the memory of those who had seen him.

After all, a wanted person like Zuo Gaofeng must have his photo in every base city.

“Can you find out this Demonic Human race lurking in Liuzhou Base City?”

Fang Ping rubbed his chin with his index finger and thumb. After all, this is the sphere of influence of Liuzhou Base City. He originally planned not at all to participate in this kind of thing.

But now the existence of this Demonic Human race is likely to cause the identities of Lu Yu and Jin Li to be exposed, so he has to join in.

“No, unless it is actively changing the form of the monster, even if we are the same Demonic Human race, we can’t tell it.”

Lu Yu and Jin Li both shook their heads.

Fang Ping is not disappointed either. This is expected. If there is a way to find out the Demonic Human race, Yinchuan Base City will not appear one after another in the Demonic Human Race, and I don’t know what to do for a while.

Originally, if this hidden Demonic Human race could be found out and a way to expose its identity, Liuzhou Base City’s Monster Countermeasures Division would certainly not continue to investigate them, but now this method obviously does not work.

“Young Master, I have a way to avoid the Monster Countermeasures Department of Liuzhou Base City from always grabbing us.”

At this moment, Lu Yu said.

“any solution?”

Fang Ping asked hurriedly.

“The Liuzhou base city investigated us because of doubts about our identity. As long as the other party’s unsuspecting identity is revealed, the other party will naturally not waste time on us.”

Lu Yu said.

“What do you mean?”

Fang Ping did not understand the meaning of Lu Yu’s words.

“To put it simply, it is to reveal the identity to eliminate the suspicion of Demonic Human race. Among the four of us, Zuo Gaofeng’s identity is undoubtedly human. We only need to reveal Zuo Gaofeng’s identity. Naturally, Liuzhou Base City will not keep our eyes on us. “

“Exposure of Zuo Gaofeng’s identity? Zuo Gaofeng is now a wanted criminal. As a result, Liuzhou Base City may immediately inform Yinchuan Base City of Zuo Gaofeng’s news?”

Jin Li was puzzled.

“No, Liuzhou Base City will not inform Yinchuan Base City of Zuo Gaofeng’s news.”

Fang Ping smiled and shook his head.

“Nowadays, the Demonic Human race is restless. Each base city is trying to strengthen its own strength. Liuzhou base city is absolutely happy that Zuo Gaofeng lives in Liuzhou base city and even helps to conceal the news.”

His voice paused slightly, and he said his worries again.

“Just with Zuo Gaofeng’s current state, I’m afraid it will be seen as abnormal at a glance, and if I go with the Body-Transformation Technique, I may not be able to fool the Liuzhou Base City Monster Countermeasures Division.”

“After all, there is also the ability to transform, and Liuzhou Base City will inevitably verify Zuo Gaofeng’s identity through ability and breath.”

“This is not a problem. If I take over Zuo Gaofeng’s body completely, Zuo Gaofeng’s performance is no different from normal people.”

Lu Yu said.

“That’s good, it’s not too late, let’s choose today.”

An hour later, Fang Ping drove Zuo Gaofeng, who was completely taken over by Lu Yu, and appeared in the Monster Countermeasures Department of Liuzhou Base City.

“Excuse me, your Excellency Zuo Gaofeng is visiting.”

Arriving at the visitor registration office, Fang Ping stepped forward and said two youngsters, a man and a woman, at the registration office.

“Your Excellency Zuo Gaofeng is visiting?!”

Two youngsters, a man and a woman, both looked at Zuo Gaofeng, who was obviously more identifiable behind Fang Ping.

If you can be called your lord, then the identity of this person is probably not low, and they are familiar with this name, but for a moment they can’t remember where they heard it.

Seeing 2 people like this, Fang Ping knew that 2 people did not at all recognize Zuo Gaofeng, and immediately said.

“Your Excellency Zuo Gaofeng is from Yinchuan Base City.”

“Yinchuan base city? Zuo Gaofeng? You, you are…”

Two youngsters, a man and a woman, were suddenly startled, leaning back and looking at Zuo Gaofeng in terror.

They finally remembered that they came from Yinchuan Base City, and their name was Zuo Gaofeng. Isn’t that the wanted Morning Star powerhouse in Yinchuan Base City?

In other words, the person in front of me is a Morning Star powerhouse!

The most important thing is that they are still being wanted. Such people are definitely not good people. If they are not good, they will lose their lives.

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