Monster Altar

Chapter 329

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“Please let me know.”

Zuo Gaofeng chuckled lightly, but it made the two of them feel a great deal of pressure. They couldn’t help but slip down their foreheads in cold sweat and immediately picked up the phone to report.

Soon after, under the leadership of a deputy director of the Liuzhou Base City Monster Countermeasures Division, Fang Ping and Zuo Gaofeng entered the Liuzhou Base City Monster Countermeasures Division.

“It’s him?”

Such an entire group naturally attracted the attention of the members of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Liuzhou Base City. Seeing Fang Ping in the entire group and Wu Jing, a young woman who had dealt with Fang Ping twice, her eyes were shocked.

According to the information they have, “Tang Wei” is a wealthy businessman who inherited the family business.

But what is going on now?

The deputy director can lead the way in person, which is not the treatment that a wealthy businessman can get.

Under the leadership of a deputy director, Fang Ping and Zuo Gaofeng came to a living room where they saw a man.

The man has thick eyebrows and energetic eyes. He is wearing a black vest and white shirt. He looks very temperamental, but his hair is already pale.


A coercion spread from the man, covering Fang Ping and Zuo Gaofeng.

The identity of the man is already obvious. This man should be Lu Guangyao, director of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Liuzhou Base City.


The Morning Star pressure on Zuo Gaofeng’s body rose up, blocking Lu Guangyao’s pressure, and strands of lightning appeared on the surface of his body.

Feeling this coercion, and seeing lightning, Lu Guangyao has no doubt about Zuo Gaofeng’s identity.

After all, the appearance is the same, it is Morning Star, and has Thunder Element ability, these three conditions are difficult to get together.

He took the breath from his body and said.

“Your Excellency Zuo Gaofeng, please sit down.”

Zuo Gaofeng was not welcome, and sat directly across from Lu Guangyao. After Zuo Gaofeng sat down, Lu Guangyao said.

“Your Excellency Zuo Gaofeng has appeared in Liuzhou Base City so undisguised, you are not afraid that Yinchuan Base City will learn the news?”

“Do you think the current Yinchuan base city still has the energy to take care of me?”

Gao Feng lightly said with a smile.

“That said, the strength of the Yinchuan base city is now greatly reduced. It is indeed that you can no longer take care of your Excellency Zuo Gaofeng. I wonder if your Excellency Zuo Gaofeng is looking for me?”

Lu Guangyao asked.

“I bought a residence in Liuzhou Base City some time ago. I was planning to stay here for a while.”

“But it seems that your Liuzhou Base City Monster Countermeasures Division has been eyeing you because of the Demonic Human Race. I hope that the Liuzhou Base City Monster Countermeasures Division can stop investigating me.”

Zuo Gaofeng said.

“This is no problem.”

Lu Guangyao agreed, Zuo Gaofeng, as a Morning Star powerhouse, still has to give this face, and if he really provokes the other party, the bad luck will only be those responsible for the investigation.

“Your Excellency Zuo Gaofeng can settle in Liuzhou Base City. It is an honor for Liuzhou Base City. I welcome it.”

Lu Guangyao’s voice led a discussion.

“However, Zuo Gaofeng should also be aware of the current situation. If there is an emergency, please help Mr. Zuo Gaofeng. Of course, Mr. Zuo Gaofeng will never lose out afterwards.”


Zuo Gaofeng agreed. This is the result of discussions between Fang Ping and the others. Now that he lives in Liuzhou Base City, he naturally does not want Liuzhou Base City to be destroyed.

Of course, if the enemy encountered is too strong, this promise will naturally be invalidated, and they will withdraw from Liuzhou Base City without the slightest hesitation.

Not cold-blooded, but just doing what you can.

“many thanks.”

A smile appeared on Lu Guangyao’s face. Now that the Demonic Human race is rampant, it is a good thing that Liuzhou Base City can be supported by a Morning Star.

As for the Yinchuan base city, as Zuo Gaofeng said, it has been overwhelmed and has no spare capacity to pursue Zuo Gaofeng’s affairs.

Moreover, it is 5000 kilometers away from Yinchuan Base City. As long as he doesn’t want to, it is impossible to send information to Yinchuan Base City.

Of course, after all, the other party has a record of assassin’s comrades, which should be guarded.

In a harmonious atmosphere of conversation, the two sides ended the conversation. The Monster Countermeasures Department of Liuzhou Base City will hide the identity of Fang Ping and the others, and Fang Ping and the others promised to help out in emergencies.

Not long after Fang Ping and Zuo Gaofeng left, Yang Jianqiang, Li Jinshan, and Wu Jing, who were responsible for investigating Fang Ping and the others, immediately received an order to stop the investigation of Fang Ping and the others.

“Sure enough!”

After receiving the order, Yang Jianqiang’s face was not at all unexpected. After learning from Wu Jing that Fang Ping and Zuo Gaofeng had been introduced to the monster countermeasures department by the deputy director, he guessed the result.

“What is the status of that guy? The deputy director can lead the way personally, but I don’t believe in anything, just a rich businessman.”

Wu Jing wrinkled her nose.

“No matter what status it is, but it is not a Demonic Human race.”

Yang Jianqiang said.

“Excluding several people from Tang Wei, we will focus on investigating others.”

At the sales office where Fang Ping 4 people had been, a young man with a pale face and lack of light, with a stylishly dressed woman, walked into the sales office and was immediately personally received by the sales office manager.

Look closely at the fashionable woman who is hugged by him. She is nowadays a small reputation female star. She has acted in many TV series, some of which even acted as heroines.

“The last villa, I want it!”

With his arms around the beautiful woman, the young man said with pride.

Last time, he had been here and saw the best villa here with a female celebrity, but he couldn’t buy it because of the high price of 450010000.

After returning, he collected the money, so he rushed over.

Hearing what the young man said, the manager who received him said with a slight awkward expression on his face.

“Young master Lu, that villa has already been purchased.”

“What? Has it been bought?”

The young man Lu Yunbin’s complexion suddenly turned cold, and his eyes were unsightly towards the sales manager.

“Do you think I can’t afford it?”

“No, absolutely not, how can we doubt Young master Lu’s financial resources.”

The sales manager’s forehead slid cold and sweat. He naturally had no doubt about Lu Yunbin’s financial strength and influence. He would not be polite to say that a word from the other party was enough to make him lose his job.

He quickly explained.

“It’s just that the last time you didn’t at all said you wanted us to keep it for you. Someone bought it and we sold it…”

“Who bought it?”

Lu Yunbin asked with a cold face.

“It’s not from Liuzhou Base City, but an outsider bought it.”


Lu Yunbin coldly snorted.

“What I like, even if I buy it, I have to return it.”

The sales manager next to him didn’t think there was anything at all. In this Liuzhou base city, the other party has this kind of confidence, because the other party is the son of the Lu family, the first Awakener family in Liuzhou.

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