Monster Altar

Chapter 330

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“This place can be kept. This place will be demolished and rebuilt.”

“This garage is too small, it has to be demolished and repaired.”

“This cold storage has to be dismantled. When the time comes, build a pavilion.”


When Fang Ping and Zuo Gaofeng returned to their residence, they saw Lu Yunbin and female celebrities who used the villa as their home.

Two people walked and stopped in the villa, followed by four strong Awakener bodyguards.

The two people looked at the layout of the villa, discussing what to keep and what to demolish and rebuild.

Fang Ping’s ears are naturally outstanding, and he heard the conversation between the two clearly.

He looked weird. If he weren’t sure that this was a villa he bought for 450010000, he might think that he had entered the wrong place and arrived at someone else’s villa.

At this moment, Jin Li saw him return and greeted him, he couldn’t help asking.

“what happened?”

“Shortly after you left, these people came to the door and said that they wanted to buy the villa.”

Jin Li glanced at Lu Yunbin and said.

“Did you not tell him that the villa is not for sale?”

“Say, he said he will persuade you to let you agree.”

Jin Li helplessly said.

At this moment, Lu Yunbin had spotted Fang Ping and Zuo Gaofeng who had returned, and walked over with his arms around the female star, and said.

“Introduce myself, my name is Lu Yunbin, a child of the Lu family of the Awakener family.”

“Awakener family Lu family?!”

For the family behind the opponent, Fang Ping had a guess.

The director of the Liuzhou Base City Monster Countermeasures Division they saw today was named Lu Guangyao, and the young man in front of him called himself a child of the Lu family of the Awakener family. It is not difficult to imagine that there must be a connection between the two.

From Fang Ping’s expression, he guessed that Fang Ping already knew his identity, Lu Yunbin smiled triumphantly and said.

“Tell me the bank card number, I’ll transfer it to you, I bought this villa, and you will move out today.”

He didn’t think that Fang Ping would dare to refuse him. He would never dare to refuse him if he wanted to stay in this Liuzhou base city. Even if he broke his teeth, he could only swallow it in his mouth.

“I like this villa very much and I don’t intend to sell it.”

Fang Ping looked calm and refused very decisively.

In exchange for any wealthy businessman living in this Liuzhou base city, if he encounters this situation, he can only choose to sell, but unfortunately, he is not included.

“You do not know who I am?”

Lu Yunbin looked at Fang Ping in amazement. Someone in this Liuzhou base city dared to refuse him.

“No, I know who you are, but so what?”

Fang Ping chuckled.

Morning Star powerhouse family son, is it amazing?

Now that Zuo Gaofeng has revealed his identity, let alone the other party, even Lu Guangyao, the Morning Star powerhouse of the Lu family, would never dare to come to buy and sell.

“It’s too annoying, throw it all out.”

Not wanting to say more, Fang Ping looked at Jin Li next to him and said, then he didn’t care about it anymore and went straight to the villa.

Jin Li had seen Lu Yunbin displeased for a long time. As a genius of Demonic Human race, he had never suffered this kind of anger, because Fang Ping had no order, so he had to endure it.

Now that he heard Fang Ping’s order, he no longer suppressed the anger, and immediately looked at several people with cold eyes.


Hearing Fang Ping’s words, Lu Yunbin became so angry at the complexion ashen, and immediately ordered the bodyguards who followed him.

“Stop that kid’s leg for me.”

“Yes, Young master Lu.”

As a child of the Lu family, the bodyguards who followed are naturally not ordinary goods. Three of them are Tier 3 Awakener, and the leader of the team is even Tier 3 Awakener.

Hearing his order, the leader man immediately rushed towards Fang Ping.

He had never done such things less before, and he had broken his legs. There are dozens of them, which can be said to be familiar.


The leader of the team just took a few steps forward. Suddenly, a golden rays of light stopped in front of him, followed by a white fist.


He suffered a heavy blow to the abdomen, and the leader of the team slumped down with pain and lay down on the ground, rolling over in pain.


Lu Yunbin stared in amazement at Jin Li, a Tier 4 Awakener, who was standing on the side of the team leader. He was defeated by this woman in one round. Is this woman too strong?


Jin Li had no intention of answering at all. He appeared beside Lu Yunbin and punched out. Lu Yunbin also followed in the footsteps of the leader.

As a child of the Lu family of the Awakener family, although he is not assiduous as his cultivation, he is already a Tier 3 Awakener under the pile of resources. Unfortunately, he is still a punch if he is not used at all.

“Young master Lu…”

The remaining 3 bodyguards complexion greatly changed, and they rushed forward, and they were greeted by one punch, and then they also squatted to the ground.

Only the female star was frightened to lose one’s head out of fear, did not resist, not at all received fist treatment.

Hey, hey, bang!

Holding one in each hand, after three rounds, Jin Li threw everyone outside the villa.

For a moment, the few people slowed down and looked at Jin Li standing at the door in horror.

A big beauty with a hot body looks like a monster in human skin in their eyes at this time, but the truth is also true. Jin Li is indeed a monster with a changing human shape.

Being supported by the female celebrity, Lu Yunbin was full of anger and did not say anything harsh. After looking at Jin Li fearfully, he turned around and got into a limited edition sports car with the female celebrity. The four bodyguards drove behind him.

Of course, this matter will not be over, let him suffer such a big loss, he will never let the other party feel better, when he invites a helper, he will definitely pay back ten times.

When Lu Yunbin entire group left, Fang Ping and the others didn’t care. The children of a trifling Awakener family, they really didn’t pay attention to them. Their vision was not at the same level as these people.

Although they did not care, it does not mean that others did not care.

This is the villa area for the wealthy. From time to time, people who are rich or expensive pass by. When Lu Yunbin was thrown out, they were seen from the car by a fatty dressed in floral clothes and pants.

“Damn, big news!”

His first reaction was astonishment, and his second reaction was that he didn’t dare to be confident. Someone was so stubborn and dared to throw Lu Yunbin out like trash.

This is destined to be a burst of news, of course, in his opinion, the person who did this must have a miserable ending.

I quickly took out my phone, took a few photos with a crack crack, and sent them to a group.

“Damn, awesome, dare to treat Lu Yunbin like this…”

“Haha, Lu Yunbin also has today…”

“Refreshing is refreshing, but the owner of this villa is miserable. Lu Yunbin will never give up.”


In this exchange group, there are some youngsters who are either rich or expensive and fear the world will not be chaotic. The photos have been spread again and spread more and more widely.

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