Monster Altar

Chapter 332

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After Fang Ping’s forgiveness, Lu Zhongqing and Lu Yunbin’s father and son left soon. This incident was completely over. However, the storm caused by this incident was not at all over, but intensified instead.

Seeing the photos of Lu Yunbin being thrown from the villa, some wealthy businessmen and children of the Awakener family quickly inquired about Fang Ping’s identity from the sales office where Fang Ping bought the house through their contacts.

Knowing that Fang Ping is just a wealthy foreign businessman with some money, they have already sentenced Fang Ping to the death penalty.

Disability must be indispensable, the final outcome must be expelled by the Lu family, leaving Liuzhou base city in a desperate manner. It is not that the Lu family has never done such a thing.

But soon, something astonishing happened to them.

The owner of the villa who threw Lu Yunbin out not only lived well and was not made trouble by the Lu family at all, but also received a compensation from the Lu family and obtained a production base of the Lu family.

This kind of news made them almost couldn’t believe it. After confirming it several times, they confirmed that the news was true.

Offending Lu Yunbin, who was a child of the Lu family, was not only fine, but on the contrary, the Lu family transferred a production base to the owner of the villa as an apologize.

In other words, the two parties clash, and it is the Lu family who owns the Morning Star powerhouse who finally backs down.

This is incredible, a “rich businessman” can actually force the Lu family to make concessions.

“Shit, is this impossible true? Today is April Fool’s Day?”

Upon hearing such news, the poem who took the picture of Lu Yunbin who was thrown out made a strange call.

Such a reversal made his head a little hypoxic, and he almost held his breath.

A wealthy businessman actually defeated a family owned by the Morning Star powerhouse, and let the family pay compensation. It was like an ordinary person who defeated the Awakener in a duel, and the probability was not much higher than that of winning the lottery.

This makes him in ones heart trembled, is this really something a rich businessman can do? Is the owner of that villa really just a wealthy businessman?

He hurriedly added a “Tang Wei” name among the people he couldn’t provoke. Even the Morning Star powerhouse family couldn’t afford to offend people, let alone those he could afford.

Not only him, but almost at the same time, many children of the Awakener family and children of wealthy merchants received an order from their elders, that is, be sure not to provoke this person named “Tang Wei”.

Those who can make the Lu family make concessions, do not have to think about it, they must be extremely not simple.

Some well-informed Awakener families gave orders to their children to make “Tang Wei”.

Although the Monster Countermeasures Division blocked the news, they still knew the people behind “Tang Wei” through their family’s news channel in the Monster Countermeasures Division.

“Still underestimated!”

As members of the Monster Countermeasures Department, Yang Jianqiang, Wu Jing, and Li Jinshan are naturally well informed. After learning that Lu Yunbin provoke Tang Wei, Lu Jiaran used a production base to compensate, and they were all sucked in a cold breath.

When they saw the deputy director personally lead the way, although they had tried their best to overestimate the identity of “Tang Wei”, they did not expect that the identity of the other party was so high that they could actually make the Lu family make concessions.

Just when the entire Liuzhou base city was enthusiastic about Fang Ping and was about to send family children to make Fang Ping, Fang Ping Villa.

“Leaving the Yinchuan base city for more than a month, here is also stable, it is time to leave.”

Fang Ping recruited Lu Yu and Jin Li, and ordered the two of them. After giving an order not to actively attack humans, they teleported away from the base city of Liuzhou.

He didn’t visit the Lu family’s gift production base, and just leave it to Lu Yu to deal with this matter. He is still very relieved of Lu Yu’s abilities.

After all, he used to be the leader of an Assassin Organization, and he is no stranger to operating this area, but the project he manages has changed from murder and sale to production.


Awesome base city.

Hong long!

With a loud noise, there was a huge earthquake in the entire He’an base city. Some houses with a long period of time collapsed under this huge earthquake. The people living in the house only had time to make a scream and were crushed. In the ruins.

“what happened?”

“What happened?”

Quite a few people looked in the direction of the sound in doubt. Someone on the top of the building with a wide field of vision, seeing the direction of the sound, couldn’t help but let out a cold breath.

I saw that direction, smoke and dust soared into the sky, and there appeared a long and narrow area spreading 1000 meters.

In this long and narrow area, all the houses were destroyed and the whole raze to the ground, leaving behind the ruins of the building.

The houses were destroyed like this. It is not difficult to imagine what the result would be for the people who should have been in these houses.


In the Monster Countermeasures Department of He’an Base City, Gu Shuo, the declining old director, appeared on the top of the office building.

Seeing the hideous trace spreading in He’an Base City, he was in a canthus and cracked. This blow has already caused thousands of deaths.

Hey, hey, sou!

The three deputy directors Ye Zhen, Xiao Long, and Wen Lanzhu arrived, and their faces were pale when they saw the long trace.

“Chief, is the Morning Star powerhouse invaded?”

Ye Zhen asked facial expression grave.


Gu Shuo nodded his head in a deep voice. The Morning Star who was able to cause such damage in one blow must be the same realm’s Morning Star.

“I am now contacting Fang Ping in Yinchuan Base City. With Fang Ping’s space capabilities, I should be able to bring the Morning Star powerhouse in Yinchuan Base City back to rescue soon.”

Ye Zhen took out the phone and dialed the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City, next moment, his face was pale and said.

“The signal has been shielded, and the other party is prepared. A signal jammer should be installed to shield the signal in the base city.”

“What should I do?”

Both Wenlanzhu and Xiao Long are discolored.

The signal was blocked, and the base city of Yinchuan could not be contacted at all. With the declining body of the old director, it is basically impossible to be an opponent of the Morning Star powerhouse.

“I’m going to block this person, you take someone to find and damage the signal jammer, and then immediately ask the Yinchuan base city for help.”

Gu Shuo’s old face had an absolute color. He knew that with his current physical condition, after this battle, regardless of victory or defeat, he would be dead, but he still did not hesitate.

“Secretary …”

Ye Zhen, Xiao Long, and Wen Lanzhu all looked at Gu Shuo worriedly, and they understood the consequences of the old director’s forcible action.

“It’s just a death!”

Gu Shuo waved his hand.

Accompanied by tearing, his body swelled to the height of five meters, suddenly jumped, jumped from the 100 meters high building, with a bang, landed, and flew toward the narrow and hideous traces.

The corners of Ye Zhen, Xiao Long, and Wen Lanzhu’s eyes were slightly wet, and they began to summon their hands, scattered around the city, looking for signal jammers, success or failure in one fell swoop.

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