Monster Altar

Chapter 333

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When he reappeared, Fang Ping appeared at the residence of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City.

Not at all use Flying Thunder God Jutsu, but use Teleportation maho.

Under the Teleportation maho, a single thought is enough to reach any place you have been.

“Senior Fang Ping.”

“Senior Fang Ping.”


Some dust has accumulated in the room. After cleaning it up, it is close to noon.

Cooking by himself is naturally impossible. He left the residence and walked in the monster countermeasures department.

From time to time someone greeted him, and he responded slightly nodded.

Zhai Long rebelled. He showed the Morning Star battle strength during the invasion of the Demonic Human race. He replaced Zhai Long at No. 3 on the list and became No. 3 on the new list.

His fame has further increased, and now in the monster countermeasures department, there are very few who don’t know him.

After being away for a month, in the Monster Countermeasures department, the nervousness not at all is relieved and continues, and many people have a little worry on their faces.

As he walked, he listened to the conversations of people on the road.

“Have you heard about the Quancheng Base City?”

A thin man asked his companion next to him.

“I heard that the base city was destroyed, and the Morning Star powerhouse who was in the town was killed in the battle, and half of the people who escaped were not there.”

His companion a man with glasses nodded solemnly.

“I heard it was done by the Demonic Human race, the damn Demonic Human race!”

The thin man clenched his fists.

Even in small and medium-sized base cities, there are generally hundreds of hundreds of thousands of people, and only a fraction of them escaped. One can imagine how many people died in them.

“Affected by the great loss of the strength of the Yinchuan base city, the first base city to be destroyed appeared.”

Hearing the conversation between the two of them, Fang Ping gave a thud in his heart.

Although it has long been guessed that as the base city of Yinchuan loses its strength and its deterrence ability, other small and medium-sized base cities will be in extremely dangerous situations, but I did not expect that the base city will be destroyed so soon.

“I don’t know how is the situation in He’an Base City?”

He thought of He’an Base City, and felt uneasy in his heart.

With the current physical condition of the old director, it is simply not enough to contend with Morning Star powerhouse. If the Morning Star Demonic Human race takes a shot against He’an Base City, it will be dangerous.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but give up the idea of ​​returning to He’an Base City, but soon he gave up.

His phone has been kept open, if something happens in He’an Base City, he will definitely be contacted immediately.

Since there is no contact, it means that there is nothing wrong with He’an Base City.

“Fang Ping.”

Oncoming, a man and a woman walked towards Fang Ping.

The man is tall, with long black hair covering his left eye, and the woman has an oval face, her hair is slightly slanted, and her figure is quite hot.

Seeing Fang Ping, the man among them greeted Fang Ping.

“Congratulations on winning number 5 on the list.”

Fang Ping responded with a smile.

This man and woman are Xiang Qiu and his girlfriend Yan Hong.

Just listening to the conversation with pedestrians on the road, he has learned that Xiang Qiu defeated Meng Zhuo, who is currently No. 5 on the list, and became No. 5 on the new list.

As the number one genius of He’an base city, although the growth rate of the opponent is not as fast as that of the cheater, it is definitely not slow.

It has been less than 3 years since I came to the base city of Yinchuan, and now it has been ranked No. 5, showing the growth rate.

“You are now comparable to Morning Star, and I can’t be too far behind.”

Xiang Qiu said that although he became No. 5 on the list, he was not at all proud and complacent.

It became No. 3 on the list in less than 5 years. This growth rate is enough to be proud of. Unfortunately, it is nothing compared to the growth rate of Fang Ping less than 3 years in battle strength comparable to Morning Star.

“It’s late, why don’t we have a meal together?”

Beside, Yan Hong answered.

After becoming Xiang Qiu’s girlfriend, he has a lot of contact with the entire group of He’an Base City, and he is also familiar with Fang Ping.

“If you don’t mind using my light bulb more.”

Fang Ping joked.

The 3 people came to a nearby restaurant, ordered some signature dishes of the restaurant, and chatted while drinking beer.

Most of the time, Fang Ping was asking. After being away for nearly a month, he needs to know what happened in Yinchuan Base City this month.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Just then, Fang Ping’s cell phone rang, Fang Ping smiled apologetically to the two people and took out the cell phone to connect.

“He’an base city… is attacked, quickly approach Yinchuan base city… for help…”

On the other end of the call, there was a breathless voice that seemed to be holding back the injury.

Then, with a slap, the sound stopped abruptly, only a continuous rumbling sound came.

He couldn’t be more familiar with this kind of voice, it was the voice of Awakener fighting against each other, and the number of people fighting against it was quite large.

“Director Ye, Director Ye…”

After shouting several times in succession, but still did not get a response, Fang Ping changed color, hung up the phone, and stood up.

“what happened?”

Seeing Fang Ping’s face change, Xiang Qiu couldn’t help asking.

“He’an Base City is under attack.”

Fang Ping said solemnly.


Xiang Qiu is also complexion greatly changed.

“There should be a Morning Star powerhouse among the enemies, and you must seek support from Yinchuan Base City.”

Fang Ping said solemnly.

Although his battle strength is comparable to Morning Star, if he encounters Morning Star, he doesn’t know how much he can win.

“Based on the current situation in the Yinchuan base city, it may not be possible to send the Morning Star powerhouse to the rescue.”

Xiang Qiu is worried.

“You can only try it.”

Fang Ping both hands forming seals, a Shadow Clone appeared.

“I asked my clone to ask for help. Let’s rush over.”

Asking for help from Yinchuan Base City is one of them. If he can’t get support, then his Shadow Clone must go to Liuzhou Base City and bring Lu Yu and the others.

“it is good.”

Xiang Qiu nodded.

” Count me.”

Yan Hong said.


It was too late to connect to the account, so I could only wait to make up later. Fang Ping used the Teleportation maho, took Xiang Qiu and Yan Hong, and disappeared in the restaurant.

When he reappeared, he appeared outside the monster countermeasures section of He’an Base City.

Hong long!

As soon as the 3 people appeared, a loud noise was heard in the ears of the 3 people, accompanied by the sound of a large area of ​​the building collapsing. Just listening to the movement, you already know that the two sides in the battle must be the Morning Star.

Apart from this, there was also fighting in the direction of the center of the base city. Obviously there was more than one intruder.

“You go to the city center, I’ll go to the battlefield where Morning Star is fighting.”

Putting down Xiang Qiu and Yan Hong, Fang Ping teleported to the direction of the greatest battle movement.

Peng, Peng, peng!

A silhouette with a height of five meters was violently hit and flew upside down. After breaking dozens of tall buildings one after another, it finally stopped. The blood in his mouth could not stop flowing, and his body was riddled with scars.

This person is the head of the monster countermeasures division Kosaku who has a huge body.

“Old Guy, it seems just like the rumors, you are really dying, and even the Morning Star battle strength is almost unsustainable!”

A woman appeared not far from Gu Shuo.

The woman is wearing black leather clothes and leather pants, and her eyes are covered with purple eyeshadow, with a coquettish feeling.

Gu Shuo stood up hard, raising his fist and blasting at the woman. In front of the woman, the air condensed and turned into an air cannonball.

Hong long!

With another loud noise, Gu Shuo was once again lost and was blown away. After smashing more than ten tall buildings one after another, he finally stopped.

My back was bloody and bloody, I tried to stand up hard, but it became difficult even to stand up. After trying several times, I couldn’t stand up.

The scenery in front of him has become blurred, and he has felt the approach of death.

He is not afraid of death. At his age, he has no fear of death, but he is not reconciled because he not at all insisted on arriving at Yinchuan base city for rescue.

A Morning Star powerhouse that has lost the control of the same level of powerhouse will be an extinction disaster for He’an Base City.

His strong will made him stand up even though he was exhausted.

at this time.


A slender foot in boots stepped on him.

He was about to stand up, and was stepped on the ground again with this foot, and the strong impact stomped a huge pothole on the ground under him.

The coquettish woman stepped on him with a sneer on her face.

“Don’t be so unwilling, I will let He’an Base City bury you…”

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