Monster Altar

Chapter 335

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In the center of the city, a battle of destructive power is not as good as the Morning Star battle, but more combatants are fighting.

3 Deputy Directors of Tier 5 Awakener, no, now there are only 2 Deputy Directors, plus, the Xiang Family Patriarch of Tier 5 Awakener, and more than 20 people from the Monster Countermeasures Division and the Awakener family. The Tier 4 Awakener, is besieging 6 people. These 6 people are the 6 Demonic Human races sent by the glamorous woman to guard the signal jammer.


A Tier 4 Awakener was pierced into a huge hole by an Icicle.


A Tier 4 Awakener was slapped flying by a giant rock hand, and the small half of his body was turned into mud, life and death unknown.

Although the number is at a disadvantage, it is the 6 Demonic Human race who dominates.

The weakest among the 6 is also a Tier 5 Awakener, and the strongest has reached the peak of Tier 5. This is a man with a 2 beard and not tall.

“What if the signal jammer is destroyed? You can’t wait for the rescue to come!”

Cut a Tier 4 Awakener in half with a Bone Blade extending from his hand, he sneered.

The Tier 5 Awakener just now was really ruthless. He tried to be killed and destroyed the signal jammer. This really surprised him, but he didn’t think that if he lost the signal jammer, he could call for rescue.

Even the nearest base city here is more than 1000 kilometers away. When the rescue arrives, He’an base city will not survive long ago.

Moreover, in this situation, it is still a question of whether to invite rescue, after all, the base cities are overwhelmed.

call out!

Suddenly, a golden arrow with a length of more than 10 meters cut through the air and shot at him, reaching him in the blink of an eye.

He was covered with hair stands on end, feeling a strong crisis, Bone Blade instinctively cleaved and slashed towards this golden arrow.

Ka-cha !

With a crisp sound, the Bone Blade extending from his hand was actually shattered, and he was stabbed with a deep wound and flew upside down by the aftermath of the golden arrow.

In the inverted flight, he saw a young man and a young woman rushing towards him. In front of the young man, another golden arrow of ten meters long condensed.

This is the pinnacle of Tier 5. No, it is exactly the limit of Tier 5.

This shocked him, and even more shocked him. According to his previous investigation, He’an Base City should not have such a terrifying youngster.


“Some kind of corrosive mist? No, it’s more like countless black dust in motion.”

Teleporting appeared outside several hundred meters, Fang Ping looked at his bloody hands.

He noticed that his bloody hands were clinging to a lot of fine black powder.

If he guessed right, in the black mist, these black powders have been in high frequency vibration.

This high-frequency vibration gives black powder terrifying destructive power, so when his hand touches it, he will become bloody in an instant.


With Sage Mode’s super self-healing ability, the bloody hands stop bleeding, scarring, and scars fall off in a very short time, and the recovery is as before.

After recovering from his injury, he stared at the coquettish woman with a slight face.

The area with a diameter of more than 200 meters is completely covered by black fog, and the monsters transformed by the glamorous woman are completely shrouded in the black fog, and no body can be seen.

“Sure enough, no Morning Star can be underestimated!”

He was on guard.

As a Morning Star, a coquettish woman possesses various formidable power abilities to reach the Morning Star. Such an opponent is obviously more dangerous than Jin Li, who is comparable to the Morning Star and only has one ability to reach the Morning Star.


At this moment, the black mist changed, and a black mist tentacles stretched out, whizzing at him.

Along the way, wherever the black mist tentacles swept, everything was shattered.


Using Teleportation maho, he teleported and appeared more than 100 meters away, while the black fog tentacles slapped a long and deep gully on the ground.

Whoop, whoop, whoop!

More misty tentacles appeared, one after another, from all directions, whizzing and attacking him.

“These misty tentacles should also be regarded as ropes. I wonder if they can be controlled?”

Fang Ping tried to use the Queen of Thorn to control these misty tentacles, and suddenly felt that these misty tentacles were under his control.

But just for an instant, this control was taken away, and these misty tentacles attacked him again.

Although Queen of Thorn can control the rope, it is undoubtedly too reluctant to grab control from a Morning Star powerhouse with this ability.


Fang Ping teleported, avoiding the attack of fog tentacles again.

But as soon as he teleported and appeared, black tentacles attacked him again.

There are as many as 100 black fog tentacles extended, distributed in the range of 1000 meters centered on the black fog main body, it is like a huge tentacled monster, and everyone’s scalp is numb.

铿 clang!

Fang Ping pulled out Zanpakuto from his waist and blended Zanpakuto into the ground.

Then, huge blue blades appeared one after another, shattered into 100000000 million blue sharp blades, facing the black mist tentacles coming from the root.

Competing for quantity, he hasn’t been afraid of anyone.

Although Zanpakuto does not have the restraint of Muted Mera Mera no Mi against monsters, it has an absolute advantage in quantity. At this time, Zanpakuto can play a greater role than Muted Mera Mera no Mi.

Chicks, chicks, chicks——

Beneath these blue knives, the black mist that struck was quickly crushed.

In addition, the blue sharp blades swarmed towards the main body of the black mist-the black mist area covering a range of 200 meters, enclosing it, forming a huge blue sphere.

Accompanied by the sound of scoffing, the black fog covered area is shrinking rapidly.

Although the black mist is also rapidly generated, it is obviously not crushed as fast.

Soon, all the black mist disappeared, turning into a coquettish woman in the form of a monster, surrounded by more than 100000000 million blue sharp blades.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

A scream came from the coquettish woman, the blue sharp blade was cut on her body, and the feeling of chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades made her scream impossible to bear.

She was mad from the pain, and an air cannonball appeared, piercing the sphere formed by the blue sharp blade and rushing out of it.

Ka-cha ——

But at this moment, Fang Ping teleported in this direction, the right hand sent a huge flame fist, hammering at her.

She hurriedly condensed the air barrier in front of her, but under the flame fist, the air barrier shattered, and the flame fist struck her with residual formidable power.

She shot backwards in embarrassment and fell back into the spherical space formed by the blue blade, and the hole just now was quickly filled by the blue blade.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

The scream came out again from the spherical space formed by the blue sharp blade.

After a long time, Fang Ping removed the blue blade, and the coquettish woman turned into a monster appeared.


The glamorous woman turned into a monster fell to the ground uncontrollably, and she couldn’t find a complete place up and down.

At this time, there were only three of the original six legs. The blood would stain the ground he was born with red, and his slightly undulating body showed that he was still alive.


Fang Ping teleported closer, and one after another bloody chains appeared from the void, bound to the glamorous woman who turned into a monster.

The coquettish woman gathered an air cannonball and wanted the last fight.

Pu chi ——

However, Fang Ping’s golden giant hand turned into flames crushed and shattered the last chance of survival.

She was seriously injured, and the air cannonball formidable power from the condense was less than 70% of the peak period, so she was so easily crushed by the golden flame giant.


Accompanied by the sound of bloody chains, the glamorous woman who turned into a monster was bound, dragged into the sky and disappeared without a trace.

Fang Ping looked in one direction, and in that direction, at some point, his Shadow Clone appeared there.

There is a beautiful woman beside his Shadow Clone. This person is the Morning Star powerhouse Lu Yun in Yinchuan base city. The other party should have been invited by his Shadow Clone.


After a teleport, Fang Ping appeared in front of him, thanking Lu Yun.

“Many thanks Director Lu for coming to support!”

Based on the current situation in Yinchuan base city, almost every Morning Star powerhouse must be in an important place.

Choosing to support He’an Base City requires that you temporarily give up the guarding mission and take risks. He is very grateful that the opponent can come here.

“Don’t thank me, I didn’t do anything at all. You defeated the invading Morning Star Demonic Human race alone.”

Lu Yun smiled and shook his head.

Given the current situation in the Yinchuan base city, it is natural to take a risk to give up the guarding mission and come to support it, but it is necessary to take this risk.

Not because of He’an Base City, but because Fang Ping is No. 3 on the list.

On the one hand, it is because of Fang Ping’s contribution in the attack on Yinchuan Base City, and on the other hand because of the potential of Fang Ping.

A powerhouse that may become a Blood Moon class in the future is naturally to be valued.

“If the breath of Director Lu hadn’t shocked her and made her mess her up, I wouldn’t have been able to win.”

Fang Ping said.

Not far from here, Xiang Qiu and the others who had killed 6 Tier 5 Demonic Human race arrived, just in time to see Fang Ping defeat the glamorous woman who turned into a monster, and imprisoned the glamorous woman who turned into a monster.

“Invasion of Morning Star Demonic Human race was defeated by Fang Ping?”

“When is Fang Ping now capable of actually being able to contend and even defeat a certain Human Race in Morning Star?”

Xiao Long, Wen Lanzhu, Xiang Family Patriarch Xiang died…each and everyone everyone who saw them had amazement on their faces.

Morning Star, that is Morning Star, it is a Peak powerhouse that is enough for one person to sit in a base city. Although it is a Demonic Human Race, its strength is absolutely not discounted.

And it is this Peak powerhouse that was defeated by Fang Ping. One can imagine how strong Fang Ping is today.

I think that a few years ago, Liao Family, a Tier 4 Awakener family, was enough to force Fang Ping to hide in Tibet, but now, Morning Star powerhouse is not a Fang Ping opponent.

This huge contrast between before and after made them greatly shocked.

Not to mention them, even Xiang Qiu and Yan Hong, who already knew about Fang Ping battle strength, couldn’t help being slightly shocked.

“Unexpectedly defeated a Morning Star!”

Battle strength is comparable to Morning Star, and defeating Morning Star are two concepts. The latter is significantly stronger than the former because of its multiple formidable power capabilities to reach the Morning Star. They still underestimate the strength of Fang Ping.

“Director Gu…”

Each and everyone was in shock, until someone found Gu Shuo lying down in the ruins with his eyes closed, then came back to his senses and rushed over.

Then, a weeping voice came out.

Fang Ping and Lu Yun walked over, looking at Gu Shuo, who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, both of them looked in awe.

This is a hero, a hero who dedicated his life to He’an Base City and died to protect He’an Base City.

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