Monster Altar

Chapter 336

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The base city of Yinchuan still needs to be guarded. Fang Ping sent Lu Yun back to the base city of Yinchuan and sent text messages to other people who also came from the base city of He’an, telling them about the city of He’an and notifying them to meet near the men’s apartment.

The situation was urgent before, and every minute was raced against. Every minute of delay, He’an Base City would suffer a lot of casualties, and he had no time to contact them.

As for why the flying knife was not used as the coordinates, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan were brought with the teleportation for safety reasons.

The situation in He’an Base City is unknown. With the strength of two Tier 2 Awakeners, it is too dangerous to follow and return rashly. Everyone is selfish, and he is no exception.

After receiving Fang Ping’s text message, people in the base city of Yinchuan rushed over.

“Fang Ping, He’an Base City was attacked? What is going on?”

Yao Jun asked anxiously when he saw Fang Ping.

“Not long ago, a Demonic Human race tribe attacked He’an Base City.”

“How is the situation? How are the casualties?”

At this moment, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan came together, and both of them asked anxiously.

“The invading Demonic Human race tribe has been completely wiped out, and the casualties are still being counted.”

Fang Ping said with a deep voice.

Before the three people asked again, Chen Xing, Peng Chong and the others also came one after another, all with expressions anxiously asking Fang Ping about the specific situation of He’an Base City.

Fang Ping briefly introduced the attack and immediately teleported back to He’an Base City with a few people.

There were only 6 people in total. After more than a year, 2 people died in the mission again. There were only 2 people who came to Yinchuan Base City.

Four of them came not at all and did not respond via SMS. They should be in the task.


Back to He’an Base City, I saw the dilapidated base city that was almost unrecognizable after the war, saw the search and rescue in progress, heard the cry of crying from all over the base city, and the six faces paled. Each rushed towards their own family.

Even Fan Xuan, who has too much sense of belonging to Fan Family not at all, could not help but flew towards Fan Family with a pale face.

In any case, there is after all the home to raise her.


Fang Ping teleported to the residences of Xu Wei and Xu Qing. This is one of his few friends in He’an Base City.

“It’s okay.”

Appearing at the residence of two people, he immediately sensed the familiar breath of the two people, which made him sighed in relief, and the two people not at all.

“Fang Ping?!”

He did not at all hide his footsteps, Xu Wei and Xu Qing immediately noticed the movement and walked out of the house.

Seeing Fang Ping, both of them have surprises on their faces.

Fang Ping swept his gaze towards two people. Xu Wei had bandages on his head and feet, and Xu Qing had bandages on his hands. Obviously, the two of them were affected and injured during the Demonic Human race tribe invasion this time.

Fortunately, although 2 people were affected and injured, they were not at all at all.

“I heard that you killed the Morning Star monster that invaded the base city? Really?”

Two people greeted him, Xu Qing asked hurriedly.

Although it is not very long since the invasion of the Demonic Human race, the news of Fang Ping’s killing of the “Morning Star Monster” has spread through the Internet.

Upon learning the news, she was extremely shocked. Within 3 years of traveling to Yinchuan base city, Fang Ping actually already possesses Morning Star strength. This kind of growth rate surprised her.

“it is true.”

Fang Ping nodded, panicking. The news about the Demonic Human race is still blocked by ordinary Awakener, so after careful modification, his message of “killing the Morning Star Demonic Human race” becomes “killing the Morning Star monster” “.

“Then you are the Morning Star powerhouse?”

Next to him, Xu Wei looked at Fang Ping’s gaze, and he saw Fang Ping’s hairy.


Facing Xu Wei’s shining gaze, Fang Ping had some scalp numbness inexplicably.

“Hehe, are we friends?”

Putting his arms around Fang Ping’s shoulders, Xu Wei expression asked seriously.


Fang Ping is inexplicably oozing.

“That’s good, hehe, there is a friend who can kill the Morning Star monster. From now on, he can walk unhindered, and see who dares to offend me!”

Xu Wei laughed triumphantly.

Xu Qing rolled his eyes and Fang Ping was speechless for a while.

Please, a “Morning Star powerhouse” in front of you, how do you react?

Not to mention becoming cautious, how can I say not to be carefree?

After staying in the residence of Xu Wei and Xu Qing for a while, Fang Ping left and joined the search and rescue team. Xu Wei and Xu Qing, if not injured, must be in the search and rescue team at this time.

Two days later, the casualties of the Demonic Human race tribal invasion in He’an Base City were counted.

A high-level meeting was held in the Conference Hall of the Monster Countermeasures Division of He’an Base City.

A total of 7 people participated in the meeting, 2 Tier 5 Awakener, and 5 Tier 4 Awakener. This is the only high-level remaining in the Monster Countermeasures Division of He’an Base City.

Among the 7 people, except for Yan Xue who was in Yinchuan base city before, the other 6 were all injured.

“The death toll has been counted. Let’s take a look.”

Deputy Director Wen Lanzhu distributed the statistical report to several people, who looked at the report, and the sadness in their eyes became deeper.

A total of 114946 people died in this Demonic Human race attack, with more than 1010000 casualties, which has exceeded the 110 population of He’an Base City.

Among them, 4 people died of Awakener below Tier 121, 4 people died of Tier 9 Awakener, one person died of Tier 5 Awakener, and one person died of Morning Star powerhouse.

“This is not the time for grief. Director Gu died in battle. What we should consider now is where to go from He’an Base City in the future.”

Deputy Director Xiao Long knocked on the table and yelled.

Among the people present, some have lost their companions who get along with each other day and night, and some have lost their loved ones, and grief is inevitable.

But grief can’t solve any problems. If these high-levels are stuck in grief all day long and cannot extricate themselves, then He’an Base City will be over.

“This time, the Monster Countermeasures Division suffered heavy losses, and its strength fell to the lowest level in 100 years. To be honest, the current strength of the Monster Countermeasures Division is not enough to maintain the stability of He’an Base City.”

“I suggest to expand the enrollment in large numbers, recruit Fiend Hunter and Awakener family children in large quantities, and incorporate them into the Monster Countermeasures Division.”

Wen Lanzhu said.

“But in this way, the quality will vary from good to bad, and it is easy to recruit some inferior characters.”

Yan Xue frowned slightly.

Until now, the selection of the monster countermeasures department is quite strict. In addition to strength and potential, character quality is also an important direction for investigation. Mass expansion has deviated from the usual policy of the monster countermeasures department.

“Now I haven’t taken care of that many.”

Wenlan bamboo sighed.

“If we don’t expand to the outside world, with the current strength of the Monster Countermeasures Division, even the daily guarding of the production base will be difficult, so external expansion is imperative.”

“Then vote on external enrollment expansion!”

Xiao Long said.

“I agree.”

“I agree.”

Several other senior executives, including Yan Xue, finally chose to agree to the expansion plan.

Although large-scale expansion will recruit many people of inferior character, but the current situation does not care about that many.

“It should be enough to maintain the operation of He’an Base City through enrollment expansion, but now we are still facing one of the biggest problems to be solved.”

Xiao Long glanced at several people present, said solemnly.

“The death of Director Gu made the Morning Star powerhouse no longer exist in He’an Base City. This is a very critical situation.”

“In history, those base cities that did not have the Morning Star powerhouse seated in the town, what the outcome, you must be very clear.”

“I suggest to seek help from Yinchuan Base City, and invite a Morning Star powerhouse to sit here temporarily.”

A middle-aged man suggested.

“This doesn’t work. There has never been such a thing in Yinchuan base city, and now the strength of Yinchuan base city is greatly damaged, and there is no spare capacity to send Morning Star powerhouse.”

Yan Xue shook her head. She who is staying in Yinchuan Base City understands the current situation of Yinchuan Base City very well, knowing that the current Yinchuan Base City can no longer select any Morning Star powerhouse.

Hearing Yan Xue’s words, everyone in the Conference Hall fell silent, worrying about the future of He’an Base City.

The base city without Morning Star powerhouse is doomed to be destroyed. This is an iron law that has long been verified by history.

“I have a suggestion.”

For a long time, a middle-aged woman spoke, and her words immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

“I suggest to invite His Excellency Fang Ping to serve as the director. Although he is not a Morning Star yet, he has a Morning Star battle strength and a record of killing the Morning Star Demonic Human race. With him in charge, the effect is no better than that of a Morning Star. The powerhouse is poor.”

“Yes, with the strength of His Excellency Fang Ping, it is completely enough to serve as the post of director.”

Another middle-aged man also agreed.

“This is indeed feasible.”

Wen Lanzhu and Xiao Long both nodded involuntarily. If Fang Ping can be hired as the director, it is indeed not much different from a Morning Star powerhouse.

Two people know that Yan Xue is familiar with Fang Ping, and they look at Yan Xue.

“Yan Xue, you are acquainted with Fang Ping, the invitation to him will be left to you.”

Yan Xue frowned after hearing the words of two people, said.

“I can notify him of the invitation of the Monster Countermeasures Division, but he is willing to accept it, I can’t guarantee it.”

If it is someone else who is invited to serve as the director and gain the right to command a base city, they will inevitably agree, but in her opinion, Fang Ping may be an exception.

Based on her knowledge of Fang Ping, Fang Ping does not value rights. Otherwise, with Fang Ping’s current strength and potential, she has already held important positions in the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City.

“You should understand the importance of inviting him. Please be sure to convince him.”

Hearing Yan Xue’s not at all plan to be a lobbyist, Wen Lanzhu said solemnly.

“Sorry, I can only tell him the invitation of the Monster Countermeasures Division. As for persuasion, for some personal reasons, I can’t do anything.”

Yan Xue flatly refused.

Based on her relationship with Fang Ping, if she acts as a lobbyist, it is indeed possible for Fang Ping to accept the post of director. However, she does not want this, and does not want to, because her own reasons affect Fang Ping’s decision.

Seeing Yan Xue’s resolute attitude, Wen Lanzhu and Xiao Long looked at each other and could only say.

“Well, you pass our invitation, and then ask him to come to the Monster Countermeasures Division. As for the persuasion, leave it to us.”

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