Monster Altar

Chapter 338

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After staying in He’an Base City for a while, Fang Ping entire group returned to Yinchuan Base City.

Although the situation in He’an Base City worries them, compared to the environment in He’an Base City, only the environment of Yinchuan Base City can enable them to grow rapidly.

A total of 13 people returned. During the period, Fang Ping picked up the 4 people who were unable to travel together due to the mission. The people from He’an Base City, plus Yan Hong, made up to 13 people.

Back to Yinchuan Base City, everyone left one after another, and finally only Fang Ping, Yan Xue, and Fan Xuan were left.

“Do you think the atmosphere in the base city is not right?”

Yan Xue said slightly puzzled.

The place where they teleported was located in a garden of the Monster Countermeasures Division. Although it was a bit remote, there were not many people coming and going.

It was supposed to be quite a lively place, but I couldn’t see a few people. Sometimes people passed by, and everyone was in a hurry, sometimes turning around to look behind, as if someone was chasing behind.

“It’s really not normal, ask someone to ask.”

Fang Ping glanced around, and walked to two young women who were about 2-18 years old who were walking together.

“Hello, can you excuse me?”

“Senior Fang Ping, are you the No. 3 Senior Fang Ping on the list?”

When the two young women saw Fang Ping, their faces were slightly excited.

They have not been in the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City for a long time. For Fang Ping, the senior who occupies No. 3 on the list and owns Morning Star battle strength, although they have heard of it and seen photos, it is the first time. See daoist.

“It’s me, can I ask if something happened? Why are each and everyone in a hurry?”

Fang Ping asked.

Hearing Fang Ping’s question, the expressions of the two young women could not help but changed slightly. They looked at them in a panic for 2 weeks, but when they saw Fang Ping in front of them, they were slightly sighed in relief, but there was still a hint of anxiety in their voices. Tao.

“Since a week ago, Awakener people have been missing in the base city.”

“Awakener missing?”

Fang Ping, Yan Xue, and Fan Xuan expression were all condensed, Yan Xue asked.

“Time has passed so long, hasn’t the Monster Countermeasures Division found the murderer?”

“No, another one was missing yesterday afternoon. This is already the eighth.”

One of the young women with colored hairpins shook her head uneasy.

“There are already 8 Awakener missing, and the killer shot it during the day? Didn’t the Monster Countermeasures Division send an expert to track down Awakener?”

Fan Xuan was slightly surprised that the murderer was so rampant, of course, what surprised her even more was the efficiency of the Monster Countermeasures Division. In a full week, the murderer had not been found.

“The Monster Countermeasures Division has dispatched many Awakener experts who are good at tracking and searching. Even Senior Hu Ao’er has been dispatched, but the murderer has still not been found.”

The other young woman had slightly short hair, shrank her body, and said nervously.

“Even the Senior Hu Ao’er was dispatched, but still no murderer was found?”

Fang Ping, Yan Xue, and Fan Xuan all have some solemnity on their faces. Feeling the unusualness, Yan Xue asked.

“Among the missing, who is the strongest?”

“Is a Tier 4 Awakener.”

2 young women said.

“Senior Fang Ping, then we will leave first!”

The two people didn’t know too much. After they told what they knew, the two quickly left.

Fang Ping used Kenbunshoku Haki to perceive the location of the two people. Until it was confirmed that the two had returned to the women’s apartment, Fang Ping stopped locking the two people.

“Who did it? He hunted down Awakener frantically.”

Fan Xuan has some hairs in his heart.

“It doesn’t have to be a human, but the Demonic Human race may be bigger.”

Thinking of what happened in the Liuzhou base city, Fang Ping said.

“The possibility of the Demonic Human race is indeed greater. Even the Tier 4 Awakener is missing. The killer is definitely not weak, at least it should be the Tier 5 Awakener.”

Yan Xue speculated with a slightly condensed face.

If the Tier 4 Awakener is to disappear without causing much movement, it means that the strength of the murderer must be a Tier 4 Awakener, so she speculates that the murderer is at least a Tier 5 Awakener.

She looked at Fan Xuan and said.

“Your ability is slow to activate, and it is easy to be sneak attacked. During this time, we try to act together as much as possible.”

“Two beauties, I think you need a bodyguard.”

Fang Ping raised his bow 2 head muscles, showing a strong appearance, and said.

“It’s so ugly, I refused.”

“Not handsome, I refused.”

2 people refused decisively.


At dusk, there is a street with few pedestrians near the women’s apartment of the Monster Control Division.

A woman wearing a light-colored T-shirt and white shorts was holding a lot of things in her hands, and hurriedly returned to the women’s apartment, slightly anxious.

Because of shopping, she forgot the time, and when the sky changed, the time had reached dusk.

Thinking of the recent disappearance of Awakener, she hurriedly left the mall and returned to the women’s apartment.

Because of the successive disappearances of Awakener, no pedestrians were seen on the street, and a cold wind blew her, causing her to shiver.

The pace under her feet was faster, and she continuously comforted herself in her heart. Although some of the missing people disappeared during the day, most of them were still missing at night. The main crime time for the murderer should be at night.


On the way, she suddenly felt a severe pain in her heart, and she looked at her heart in panic.

I was shocked to see that a huge hole appeared in my chest and heart, and blood was coming out gu gu.

She felt something inserted into her chest, but she couldn’t see it at all.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

Involuntarily, she screamed in horror and despair, and this became her only voice in this World.

Pu chi ——

With the sound of a weapon being drawn out, the woman’s body fell weakly and smashed to the ground.

However, her body did not fall to the ground. Before falling to the ground, an invisible hand embraced her, causing her body to bend and stand in the air strangely.

Her body temperature was quickly disappearing from her.

The women’s apartment, where Yan Xue lives, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan are having dinner.

In addition to the two, there is one more person, Fang Ping, of course. He sneaked in under the pretext of a personal bodyguard.

“This hot pepper sliced ​​pork is good.”

“This fish-flavored shredded pork is also good.”

After eating the dishes fried by 2 people, he was full of praise. The dishes made by 2 people had nothing to say, 2 words “delicious” and 4 words “very delicious”.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

Suddenly, a scream came into the ears of three people, and their faces changed involuntarily. In connection with the news they heard from the two women today, the three people had a bad premonition.

“You stay in the house, I’ll go take a look.”

After giving an order to the two people, Fang Ping opened the window, and Teleportation maho used it. His body flashed quickly in the air and rushed to the direction of the sound.

In just a few seconds, he had appeared on the street where the attacked woman was located.

Looking at the street, a blush appeared in front of him, and he flashed beside the blush.

“Blood, and…”

I saw it was a pool of blood, and based on his experience dealing with monsters, this pool of blood was definitely left behind.

But to his surprise, apart from this pool of blood, not at all people were seen around, and there were no dead bodies left.

When he heard the scream, he had already used Sage Mode. With his current realm, Kenbunshoku Haki and Sage Mode, it was enough to easily cover this place.

But neither Kenbunshoku Haki nor Sage Mode’s perception ability have found anyone here.

Either the opponent is fast and fled here in an instant.

Or, the other party has some kind of very powerful stealth ability, so powerful that both Kenbunshoku Haki or Sage Mode’s perception are imperceptible.

“It’s so fast, I came so soon, eh, this person is Fang Ping at number 3 on the list?”

On the street, a few meters away from Fang Ping, a man held a waterproof bag containing a woman’s corpse on his shoulder, and looked at Fang Ping with interest.

But, even so close, Fang Ping still didn’t find him.

“Compared to Morning Star? Just this.”

There was a trace of contempt at the corner of the man’s mouth.

He is Huang Zhuo of Yingchuan Demonic Human race, possessing special invisibility ability. So far, he has never seen anyone who can see through his invisibility.

Seeing Fang Ping, who has the perception ability comparable to the Morning Star data, was unable to see his invisibility. He couldn’t help but feel complacent. His invisibility ability was perfect.

“He is the key hunting target of the clan. If he can be killed, the rewards in the clan will be extremely rich.”

Thinking of this, he approached Fang Ping. He didn’t hide it, but he didn’t even make a sound, not even the smell.

This is also the characteristic of his stealth ability. In addition to being visually invisible, he can also hide a variety of exposed features including sound, breath, smell, temperature, and air flow.

Compared with Yin Ling, the invisible man in Hellfire that Fang Ping has encountered, his invisibility is undoubtedly too much stronger, and it is not without exception to describe it as perfect.

Soon, he walked in front of Fang Ping and raised his hand, which has been specially treated and possesses a very strong penetrating ability Enchanted weapon.

But even so, Fang Ping still couldn’t find him, and didn’t even notice that he was standing where one meter could not.


His dagger pierced Fang Ping’s heart.

Because of the stealth ability, even the strange flow of air has not been caused.

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