Monster Altar

Chapter 339

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“pu ——”

The dagger was pierced through Fang Ping’s chest, pierced deeply, and the handle was submerged, only the hilt was left.

Feeling the dagger pierced in without any hindrance, Huang Zhuo’s face couldn’t help showing complacency, what about the Morning Star? Didn’t he still die in his own hands?

He can already think of the rich rewards that the clan would bestow upon learning that he assassinated Fang Ping.

But soon, the pride on his face disappeared, because he found that although the dagger pierced Fang Ping’s heart, it was not at all blood spattered, only the temperature of the dagger was rising rapidly.

At the same time, he saw that Fang Ping was okay, and the right hand turned into a flame to beat him.

He drew out the dagger, hurriedly dodged sideways, but still couldn’t completely dodge it.

The flame fist wiped his body, although he only wiped a little, he still couldn’t help but let go of the bag containing the corpse, and the golden flames burning up on his body flew upside down and flew out several hundred meters.


He fell to the ground with flames all over his body. Although he was still invisible, he could vaguely see a human figure through the burning flames.


Fang Ping had caught up in an instant, and the turbulent flames in his hands poured out, surrounded by flames that could be vaguely visible in human form.

“Well, no one…?”

There was a hint of surprise on Fang Ping’s face. His flame not at all trapped people, and in the human flame not at all people, the other party escaped.

“so close!”

In a flowerbed by the roadside, a head was exposed, it was Huang Zhuo. At this time, his body was invisible, and most of his body was buried in the soil.

There was lingering fear on his face.

The situation just now was extremely dangerous. If he hadn’t possessed the Earth Element ability, had discarded his clothes, and dig into the ground, he would have been captured at this time.

“Damn it, my heart was pierced, how could there be nothing at all?”

He couldn’t figure out why Fang Ping, whose heart was pierced, would not die. It was definitely not because the body turned into flame elementalization. His dagger had special ability, which could damage the elemental incarnation body.

“Escape so fast!”

Let the flame go out, Fang Ping watched vigilantly for 4 weeks.

His reaction was fast enough, but he still let the other party escape. He estimated that the other party should have used some ability to escape.

As for why his heart was stabbed and he didn’t die, it was naturally because Kenbunshoku Haki had predicted that he would encounter an attack, turned his heart into a flame, and moved it away.

“The heart was stabbed and I didn’t die, monster, this guy is a monster!”

Hiding in the flowerbed, Huang Zhuo looked at Fang Ping, who looked like a human being, his eyes were already full of horror. He had never seen a person whose heart was pierced without death, it was simply Undying Body.

“His, it hurts!”

A sharp pain came from his body, and he was sucked in a cold breath.

The formidable power of the golden flame is so strong, even if it is only rubbed, it will hurt him a lot.

“Damn it, let me suffer such a big loss.”

His eyes were full of anger, and suddenly, a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Hmph, you are a monster, I don’t believe that people around you are also monsters.”

His head dived into the ground and moved away quickly. He must find a place to deal with the injury.

After waiting for a while, there was still no follow-up attack, Fang Ping walked to the bag containing the body.

The bag was not at all contaminated with flames because of the hands-off, so not at all burned.

Holding the zipper of the bag, Fang Ping slowly opened it, and a woman with a frightened and pale face appeared.

As he expected, there was a person in the bag. It should be the woman who screamed just now.

He leaned into the woman’s breath, touched the woman’s carotid artery, and couldn’t help shook the head. The woman was dead.

Even if he has Please don’t die, he cannot save him. Please don’t die can only save people who are dying, not the dead.

Although he saved the woman from the murderer, he still failed to save the woman’s life.

Hey, hey, sou!

The sound of strong wind caused by the running sound came quickly here, and someone was coming here.

Among them, the first one arrived was a woman wearing a brown trench coat with a delicate face and a little charming face. This person was Hu Ao’er who had taken over the mission of successive disappearances.

After receiving the report, she and other people involved in the search hurried over.


Under the gloomy sky, I saw the bag with the body and Fang Ping standing next to the body with his back turned to her. The 3 blue short spears behind Hu Ao’er were unsheathed, ready to launch an attack.

“Senior Hu Ao’er, it’s me!”

Fang Ping turned around and said quickly.

“Fang Ping, why are you here?”

Seeing Fang Ping, Hu Ao’er’s face was surprised.

She didn’t think that the murderer was Fang Ping. With the spatial ability that Fang Ping possessed, if it were the murderer, teleportation disappeared long before she arrived.

“I was at Yan Xue’s residence just now and rushed over when I heard the sound.” Fang Ping explained.

Hu Ao’er stepped forward and immediately saw the pale and frightened face of the woman.


She couldn’t help clenching her fists, her face was pale, and another Awakener was killed.

She glanced around, saw the flames of a fight, and couldn’t help asking.

“Did you fight the murderer?”

“Well, I fought him, and although I injured him, I let him escape.”

Fang Ping said.

“Did you see the face?”

Hu Ao’er couldn’t help but ask.

Fang Ping shook his head.

“Although I have fought him, he has always been invisible. I don’t at all see his face. I don’t even know whether he is a man or a woman.”

Hu Ao’er asked with disappointment in his heart.

“Can you judge his general strength?”

“It should be a Tier 5 Awakener, but his stealth ability is very tricky. If it weren’t for my special ability, even me would be dangerous.”

Fang Ping said with some lingering fears.

“So dangerous?”

Hu Ao’er was shocked. With Fang Ping’s strength, he almost encountered danger. He couldn’t help but raise the level of danger to the prisoner.

“Yes, the opponent’s stealth ability is very dangerous, not only can’t be sensed, but there is no movement at all when it shoots.”

Fang Ping said seriously.

“Is it imperceptible? Nothing happened when I shot it?”

Hearing Fang Ping’s description, Hu Ao’er’s complexion became dignified. If it was her, she might not be able to avoid this kind of sneak attack.

“Senior Hu Ao’er, Senior Fang Ping…”

Each and everyone Awakener came, there were Awakener who participated in the search, and there were also Awakener who dared to come. First they greeted Hu Ao’er and Fang Ping, and then they all couldn’t help but complexion ashen watching the murdered woman.

“Senior Hu Ao’er, then I will leave.”

There was nothing about Fang Ping here. He told Hu Ao’er, he teleported and disappeared into the street, returning to Yan Xue’s residence.

“how about it?”

Seeing Fang Ping returning, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan hurriedly asked.

“Fight against the murderer, but let the murderer escape. The opponent’s ability is very dangerous and can be perfectly invisible. Even me, I almost got a sneak attack.”

Fang Ping expression is serious, looking towards 2 people.

“Even if you are a Tier 5 Awakener, you may not be able to block his sneak attack. During the recent period, if possible, you two had better not leave the residence.”

“Understand, if there is nothing necessary, we will not leave the residence.”

Feeling that Fang Ping’s face was unprecedentedly serious, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan both nodded.

After dinner, three people sat on the sofa and watched TV. Fang Ping was one on the left and the other on the right. They enjoyed the treatment of being surrounded by beauties. Unfortunately, they were a little far away.

Hey, hey, dong!

There was a knock on the door, Fang Ping stood up, went to open the door, through Kenbunshoku Haki, he already knew who was coming in advance.

Opening the door, standing outside the door was Hu Ao’er, who had only met not long ago. After the other party had dealt with the 9th victim, they came here.

As for why it is possible to know where Yan Xue lives, it couldn’t be easier for the other party to find out.

“Senior Hu Ao’er.”

Fang Ping greeted him, and then led Hu Ao’er into the house.

“Senior Hu Ao’er.”

Yan Xue and Fan Xuan also stood up and greeted Hu Ao’er.

Seeing Fan Xuan was also there, Hu Ao’er turned his head, winked at Fang Ping, and passed an expression of “Boy, awesome”.

Fang Ping smiled bitterly. He was already quite familiar with this Senior’s occasional driving.

Four people were seated in the living room, Fang Ping asked.

“Senior Hu Ao’er, did you forget to ask something just now?”


Hu Ao’er shook his head and said.

“I came to you for another thing.”

“what’s up?”

“On behalf of the Monster Countermeasures Division, I’m here to invite you to participate in the continuous disappearance mission.”

“Invite me to participate?!”

Fang Ping slightly surprised Hu Ao’er’s intention.

“Well, although you didn’t see the murderer’s face, you wounded the murderer after all. It shows that your ability can restrain the murderer to a certain extent. Coupled with your spatial ability, the Monster Countermeasures Division decided to invite you to participate in this. task.”

Hu Ao’er’s voice paused slightly.

“Of course, the task follows the principle of voluntariness. Participation is entirely based on personal wishes.

“I attended.”

After some consideration, Fang Ping agreed.

This murderer with stealth ability is too dangerous. He appeared near the women’s apartment this time, indicating that the people in the women’s apartment will also be his target. This must include Yan Xue and Fan Xuan.

So he decided to take part in this mission and find out and kill the murderer as soon as possible.

“Well, I will meet in the coffee shop near the women’s apartment tomorrow morning. I will not make light bulbs.”

After making a joke, after making the three faces slightly red, he got up and left.

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