Monster Altar

Chapter 342

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Yan Xue’s room was destroyed and could no longer live in before it was repaired. Yan Xue stayed in Fan Xuan temporarily, and Fang Ping left.

The prisoner has been captured, the crisis has been resolved, and he has no need to stay.

Back at his residence, he entered the sacrifice space, looking coldly at Monster Altar, the Demonic Human race bound by blood chains.

“kill me.”

Seeing Fang Ping appear, Huang Zhuo’s voice turned into a monster intermittently.

He was already severely injured, and was violently searched for memory by Hu Ao’er. At this time, he was in pain all over his body, and his head was extremely painful, and he did not notice the abnormality in the sacrifice space.

“Killing you would be too cheap for you!”

Fang Ping sneered. Execution is not the most terrifying punishment. This is why many people who fall into the hands of the enemy will try to commit suicide.

The most frightening punishment is that people are alive, but life is worse than death.

And he happens to have this method.

“Don’t God!”

Fang Ping’s eyes appeared with blood-colored patterns, and then a pair of blood-colored birds flew out of his eyes and crashed into the yellow sculpted monster within the body.

As a Tier 5 Awakener, Huang Zhuo is naturally also under the influence of the ordinary version of the other gods.


With the intrusion of the Scarlet Flying Bird, Huang Zhuo’s body turned into a monster suddenly froze, and the will in his brain was suddenly modified.

Manipulating the will of others and turning others into “puppets” is, to some extent, an inhumane ability.

But for this kind of Demonic Human race with bloody hands, obviously there is no need to talk about the spirit of who.

Allowing him to live as a “puppet” for the rest of his life is the best punishment for him.

In a teleport, Fang Ping came to the villa in Liuzhou Base City.

“Young Master.”

Perceiving Fang Ping’s arrival, Lu Yu greeted him.

“He will give it to you.”

Huang Zhuo who turned into a monster threw away from the sacrifice space, Fang Ping said.

“Don’t worry, Young Master, I will take care of it.”

Seeing Huang Zhuo turned into a monster, Lu Yu immediately understood the meaning of Fang Ping and said.


Fang Ping complied asked.

“How about the production base received from the Lu family?”

He still values 鈥嬧€媋 production base that can produce materials.

“Everything is working normally, but there is no Awakener who is strong enough to sit in. It is just right for you to send him.”

“That’s good.”

Fang Ping nodded.

“Recently, I have received a lot of invitation letters, all from the children of some Awakener family in the base city.”

Lu Yu said again.

“They all refused.”

Fang Ping decisively refused.

The purpose of these invitations is nothing more than to build relationships and build friendship, but he has no idea of 鈥嬧€媝laying with these people. Instead of spending time playing with these people, he might as well spend time on cultivation.

Although his current strength is not weak enough to be comparable to Morning Star, and even has a record of beheading the Morning Star Demonic Human race, it is definitely not time to relax.

Don’t think he has an unbeaten record with Hei Ni, but it was with the help of Apex seal, not his own at all, and he doesn’t have Apex seal anymore.

His strength is also the first to enter the Morning Star at best, and above this, there are Veteran Morning Star, Peak Morning Star, and Blood Moon.

In front of true powerhouse, he is still very weak.

Not much to stay in Liuzhou Base City, Fang Ping returned to Yinchuan Base City, exchanged some nutrient solution, and invested in cultivation.

A few months later.

“Control of the Wind!”

In the door space, Fang Ping fully mobilized Wind Element’s ability to control the wind.

The gusty wind roared, one huge tornado one after another, like the pillars of Heavenspan, spinning fast.


There are blue and white lights flashing.

It is not caused by the ability of Thunder and Lightning, Fang Ping is not at all Thunder and Lightning ability.

And the electric light was caused by the friction between tornado and tornado.

The Wind Element ability obtained by Kazuma Kanagi through the contract with the Spirit King of Wind is an extremely powerful ability.

Its formidable power has even surpassed the general peak order ability, which is why Kazuma Kanagi was awarded the title of the strongest windman in the anime stigma.

For him now, his realm should surpass Kazuma Kanagi. Because of this, the formidable power used is stronger than Kazuma Kanagi.

After a long time, Fang Ping, sweating, exited from the door space and returned to the outside world.

Picking up the cup on the coffee table, he gu lu gu lu poured it straight.

After several months of closed cultivation, his growth rate is extremely amazing.

It has only been half a year since he became a Tier 5 Awakener, but now, he has reached the Tier 5 Middle-Stage, and given him another half a year, he is confident enough to reach the Tier 5 peak.

In one year, I am confident that I will reach Tier 5 peak from the beginning. This speed is not too slow.

The further the strength is, the slower the improvement, especially in Tier 5 stage, which is only one step away from Morning Star.

The aptitude is more common, such as Ye Zhen, the deputy director of He’an Base City who died in the battle. He has been Tier 5 for more than ten years, but until the death of the battle, his strength still has not reached the peak of Tier 5. It can be seen in Tier 5 stage. The improvement is slow.

Fang Ping can surely rise to the Tier 5 peak in one year. The speed is more than ten times that of the opponent, which shows the speed of improvement.

The reason for such a rapid growth rate is obviously due to the growth innate talent of the extraordinary level.

The extraordinary innate talent has given it an extraordinary growth rate, and the improvement in strength is like sitting on a rocket.


In the Conference Hall of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City, several directors each and everyone have a facial expression grave.

Not long ago, they received news that Shancheng Base City, located 3000 kilometers east of Yinchuan Base City, was destroyed by a Demonic Human race tribe yesterday.

The casualties are currently unknown, but it is certain that the casualties are bound to be extremely heavy, and whether half of the people can escape alive is a question.

“This is the fifth base city that has been destroyed in the past six months. It cannot continue like this. If it continues like this, humans are in a dire situation.”

The deputy director Xu Dong was angry and worried.

“I suggest forming a hunting squad composed of Morning Star powerhouse to hunt down the demonic Human race tribe.”

“However, in the current situation of Yinchuan base city, there is no spare capacity to form such a hunting team.”

Deputy Director Lu Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head.

They all know that if the Demonic Human race tribe continues to wreak havoc like this, the human situation will become more and more unfavorable, and a hunting team must be formed to attack and kill the Demonic Human race tribe with the thunderous method.

The problem now is that in the battle six months ago, the strength of the Yinchuan base city was completely reduced by half, and there was no room for setting up a hunting team.

“I have an idea.”

Xu Dong, the deputy director, obviously had an idea long ago, so he put forward that suggestion.

“Based on the current situation in the Yinchuan base city, it is indeed difficult to form a hunting team composed of Morning Star powerhouses, but if you form a hunting team comparable to Morning Star powerhouses, you can still do it鈥斺€?“

“No, that would be too risky.”

Before Deputy Director Xu Dong could give specific details, Lu Yun already had some excited objections.

Today鈥檚 Yinchuan base city, after the heavy losses last time, is still vacant and comparable to the Morning Star powerhouse. There are Fang Ping and Hu Ao’er. You can guess without thinking, the candidate for the deputy director Xu Dong must have 2 people.

2 People are all seeds with the potential of the Blood Moon level. They are more important to mankind than in several base cities. He would never want to see such seeds in accident.

Xu Dong was not surprised by Lu Yun’s opposition. As far as he knew, Lu Yun had a good relationship with Hu Ao’er and Fang Ping, he continued.

“Although it will take a lot of risks, the current situation has reached the point where one must take risks.”

“Furthermore, Fang Ping has the space ability. At the critical moment, it is completely enough to take the rest of the team and flee away. The risk is far beyond imagination.”

Lu Yun still objected.

“No, the ability to restrain space ability and Enchanted weapon are few, but it’s not without it, and if they encounter a Blood Moon powerhouse, they probably won’t even have time to use space ability.”

“The risk is inevitable. Besides, there are only 2 people in the Blood Moon-class powerhouse in the nearby area. How could it be easy to encounter.”

“You are completely severing the hope of mankind. I firmly disagree.”

Listening to the dispute between the two people, Qin Lan and Tao Lianghan watched their noses and noses, and had no idea of 鈥嬧€媌urning their bodies.

At this time, no matter which side you support, it will inevitably lead to the anger of the other side. The best way is to stay out of the matter.

Two people can stay out of the matter, but Wei You, as the chief, obviously cannot. He coughed and interrupted Lu Yun’s dispute with Xu Dong.

“Xu Dong’s proposal is very good. Of course, Lu Yun’s concerns are not unreasonable. Then I will compromise and recall Chang Sheng, who is on the mission, and let him join the Morning Star.”

“With his current strength comparable to the Veteran Morning star, even in an emergency, it should be enough for Fang Ping to teleport and escape.”


Lu Yun still has some worries.

“Okay, this is the case. Chang Sheng, Fang Ping, and Hu Aoer, plus an Awakener who is good at tracking, formed a hunting team to chase down the Demonic Human race tribe that destroyed Shancheng Base City this time. .”

Wei You made the final word.

Seeing that Director Wei You has made a decision, Lu Yun can only give up.

On the same day, Fang Ping, Chang Sheng, Hu Ao’er, and Lin Jieyu, who is currently ranked No. 3 on the list, were summoned by Director Wei You to personally explain the tasks.

In principle, you can choose not to accept the task, but none of the 4 people choose to refuse.

It’s not because Wei You is too powerful and dare not refuse it, but because all four of you know the importance of this time mission.

At this time, anyone with a bit of blood will not choose to refuse.

In terms of anxiety, Lin Jieyu, currently ranked 3th 4rd, is the worst. After all, she is the only one with Tier 5 strength among the 1 people.

But in that case, she still did not refuse, even the other party has this kind of blood, even more how is Fang Ping 3 people.

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