Monster Altar

Chapter 343

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Early on the 2nd day, 4 people set off without an armored car or even leaving from the city gate.

The task at this time belongs to the top-secret level, and keeping confidential to prevent the leakage of information is also an extremely important part.

If the news is leaked, it will not only make the Demonic Human race tribe attacking the base city of Shancheng beware, it may even encounter the ambush of the Demonic Human race in Yingchuan.

Fortunately, there is Fang Ping in the team, and it is not a problem to leave Yinchuan Base City quietly.

Huh, huh!

After two consecutive teleports, the Fang Ping 2 people have already appeared more than 4 kilometers away from Yinchuan Base City. It’s not that they don’t want to teleport further, it’s just a greater distance. Fang Ping not at all has been there.

“The 3 Seniors are good, I am honored to be able to team up with you.”

Lin Jieyu, this is each and everyone middle order, a woman with double eyelids and a rather hearty personality. Before the mission started, she greeted the 3 Fang Ping very politely.

“In the next period of time, I hope we can cooperate happily.”

Chang Sheng, with blond hair, said with a smile, reaching out to hold Lin Jieyu.


Hu Ao’er coughed, Chang Sheng hurriedly touched it and put his hand back.

Next to him, Fang Ping watched Chang Sheng’s movements, but did not laugh out loud, almost suppressing internal injuries.

It turns out that Chang Sheng is also a strict wife, um, why should I say it? Fang Ping hesitated for 2 seconds and fell into deep thought.

“Hello, Jieyu, don’t mind if I call you like this? There are only two of us in the team. If you have anything next, just ask me.”

Hu Ao’er held Lin Jieyu’s hand with a look of enthusiasm, as if she was not jealous just now.

“Hello there.”

Fang Ping also shook hands with Lin Jieyu, saying hello.

As for the Fang Ping 3 people, there is no need to say hello at all, because the 3 people are too familiar.

Originally, Fang Ping and Chang Sheng were not very familiar, but because Fang Ping saved Chang Sheng, coupled with the relationship of Hu Ao’er, the three naturally became quite familiar.

“Then let’s go!”


The 4 people got up and rushed towards the base city of Shancheng.

In order to avoid the leakage of news, they all chose a detour to the base city they encountered along the way. They did not arrive at the mountain city base city until noon on the 2nd day.

What greeted them was a ruin-like base city.

The city wall collapsed, the house collapsed in a large area, and many fierce cracks of several hundred meters long could be seen on the ground.

It is hard to imagine that 3 days ago, this was a base city with 1000000 people.

From a distance, there was a stench. It was the smell of a corpse, the smell of a rotting corpse.

Over the dilapidated base city, there were scavenging flying monsters circling, making a gloomy creak.

Suffocating the stench, the four people walked into the base city, and what they saw in front of them was like Asura hell.

There were bones that had been eaten incompletely, and pieces of meat were everywhere.

Everywhere in the ruins, there were monsters fighting for the corpse, and even the sound of fighting came. Like the flying monsters in the sky, they were also attracted by the smell of blood.

4 people can’t help but complexion ashen, but all monsters encountered will be killed without the slightest hesitation.

“Is this all right?”

The 4 people came to a huge crack cut out by the Morning Star powerhouse. Chang Sheng asked Lin Jieyu.

“let me try.”

Lin Jieyu’s right hand spread out, and a light and shadow structure appeared on her right hand.

This is similar to a compass, but with a different light and shadow structure. On a black pillar with a white pattern, there is a red arrow. At this time, the red arrow is rotating rapidly.

After a few minutes passed, the red arrow slowly slowed down and finally pointed in a direction.

“Okay, my ability has already recorded the breath.”

Lin Jieyu sighed lightly.

“That’s good, the smell of this place is really not suitable for long stays.”

Hu Ao’er said, clutching his nose.

The 4 people stepped out of the ruins of the base city, and with the help of Lin Jieyu’s abilities, they followed the direction where the Demonic Human race that had attacked the base had left.

In a forest, dozens of people rushed desperately. Behind them, a man with yellow hair and high upturned hair, looking like killing Matt, was chasing after him calmly.

He gazed at the desperately fleeing man with a cat-and-mouse mentality.


A woman was so panicked that she tripped under the vines and fell fiercely.

She panicked and wanted to get up, but because she was too alarmed, she couldn’t get up for a long time. When she got up, the man with the appearance of killing Matt had already come to her side and looked at her jokingly.

She backed away in a panic, but hit the tree behind her, blocking her way back.

Pu chi!

The man who killed Matt stretched out his hand and pierced the woman’s chest. When he pulled it out, there was already a bloody heart in his hand.

He put his heart to his mouth, like eating a tomato, biting out a big gap, and chasing the person in front slowly, behind him, the woman’s body thumped to the end.

Pu chi!

An old man followed in the footsteps of the woman and was stabbed through his chest and dug out his heart.

Pu chi , pu chi , Pu chi!

Hearts were dug out one after another, their faces horrified and desperate, and the blood was like red dye, dyeing the surrounding plants red.

Soon, dozens of people were left with only one girl and one little boy.

A girl and a little boy who drank and killed Matt’s appearance stopped in front of them, with blood stains on their lips.

“elder sister.”

The little boy sat on the ground in horror, and the girl tremblingly protected the little boy behind her.

Although he was scared, he still firmly protected the little boy.

The aura on her body was violently fluctuating, gradually becoming stronger, and had already broken through the strength of the Awakener.

“Yo, Awakener!”

The man who killed Matt looked at Awakener’s girl with interest, was blood dyed into scarlet hands, and slowly stretched out towards the girl.

In front of the girl, an azure sword appeared, and a strong wind appeared, surrounding the azure sword and stabbing the man who looked like Matt.


The strong wind was easily broken, azure’s sword was grabbed by the man who looked like Matt, and he used force.

Ka-cha !

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the azure sword shattered and turned into cyan ray points and disappeared.

The difference in strength is too huge, even if he has become an Awakener, he still has no ability to resist in the face of killing a man who looks like Matt.

The hands of the man who killed Matt turned into claws and grabbed the girl’s heart.


Suddenly, a silhouette appeared between the man and the girl who killed Matt.

With the appearance of the silhouette, there was a gust of wind, and under the wind, the man who killed Matt retreated again and again.

The person who appeared was Fang Ping.

With Lin Jieyu’s breath tracking, they chased here.

“Who you are?”

The man who killed Matt stabilized his figure and looked at Fang Ping with a little dread.

Although it has the element of sneak attack, it can easily knock him back, and the opponent’s strength is definitely not weak.

“You like to dig people’s hearts?”

Fang Ping looked at the man who killed Matt with a cold face, his face seemed to be frozen with frost.

After chasing all the way, he saw the bodies of many people whose hearts had been dug out and were full of horror and despair, and the culprit was obviously the person in front of him.

“Yes, I like to dig people’s hearts. Not only do I like to dig, but I also like to eat.”

Watching Fang Ping on guard, the man who killed Matt licked the blood on his mouth and provoked.

“Then have you seen your heart?”

Suddenly, behind the man who killed Matt, a man’s voice asked with a cold voice.

The man who killed Matt was suddenly startled, panicked and turned back. He saw behind him. At some point, a blond man appeared. Before that, he didn’t feel the breath at all.

Pu chi!

Accompanied by a crisp sound, a heart drenched with blood was dug out and appeared in front of the man who looked like killing Matt.

The only difference is that the current heart belongs to him.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

The man who killed Matt screamed in horror and despair. Before that, a hand wrapped in white light was cut from his neck and his head flew up.


The man with the appearance of killing Matt fell weakly and turned into a huge monster without a head and a heart.

Abandoning the demonized heart and head, Chang Sheng Binghan’s face finally eased.

He is not at all interested in killing, but after seeing each and everyone on the road whose heart was dug out, he couldn’t help but kill it.

“This Demonic Human race will appear here. It seems that it is already not far from the Demonic Human race force.”

Hu Ao’er stepped forward, glanced at the body of the Demonic Human race, and said.

“What about this girl and child?”

Lin Jieyu appeared from the other side, looked at the girl and the little boy and asked.

“Just send it back to the Monster Countermeasures Division. I have already greeted the Monster Countermeasures Division.”

Fang Ping turned around and looked at the girl and the little boy whose bodies were still trembling slightly.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s all over.”

His hand slapped the girl and the little boy. Next moment, the girl and the little boy disappeared without a trace, and he was teleported back to a room in the Monster Countermeasures Division.

There, someone was already guarding the girl and the little boy. He immediately stepped forward to comfort the girl and the little boy, and set up the girl and the little boy.

Fang Ping 4 people continued to track forward. After chasing them out for more than an hour, Fang Ping and Hu Ao’er stopped almost at the same time and said.

“Discovered the big troops of the Demonic Human race!”

“How many people are there in total?”

Chang Sheng asked.

“There are 5 people, all Tier 5 Awakener!”

Fang Ping said.

“Should also add a Morning Star powerhouse that can concealed aura.”

Hu Ao’er added.

“To be on the safe side, we will drive with space capabilities.”

Fang Ping opened the door in the void, four people jumped in, and rushed in the direction the five people had just sensed.

After chasing 7 kilometers, they found out and met the Demonic Human race group.

With a glance of the four people, they had already counted the number of people, and their faces couldn’t help showing a dignified look.

“There are 7 people!”

The total number is not the 6 they guessed, but a full 7 people, which indicates what is obvious, obviously there are 2 Morning Star powerhouses who can concealed aura.

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