Monster Altar

Chapter 344

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“Why hasn’t Zhao Ao caught up yet?”

As he rushed, a strong man said with some doubts.

“He, you still don’t understand, you must be so excited to kill and forget the time.”

A man with small eyes twitched his lips and asked after turning around.

“Your gain this time is not small, right?”

“It’s okay, this time swallowed dozens of Awakener, and finally the breakthrough reached the peak of Tier 5.”

The strong man was excited said with a smile.

“I am the same. If I can swallow a few more Awakener corpses, I should be able to reach the Tier 5 peak.”

The small-eyed man laughed excitedly, his eyes almost out of sight.

“It’s still so cool. You can eat a full meal at a time. I used to be sneaky. I could only poach and kill Awakener outside the base city. I haven’t had a great harvest this time in a few years.”

“That is to say, the strength of the Yinchuan base city is greatly damaged. We dare to do this. If anyone dared to do this before, it would be a courting death.”

“But it’s all right now. Yinchuan Base City is overwhelmed. There will be many opportunities like this in the future.”

The strong man glanced enviously at a lean man next to him.

“Although our gains at this time are not small, it must be the guy in Badong to say the biggest gain.”

“It also goes to say that the boss has a special treatment and gave him a half of the body of the Morning Star powerhouse. After eating, this guy has already broken through Morning Star on the spot.”

In the space inside the door, Fang Ping 4 people moved following the movement of 7 people, looking at the 7 people.

“There are actually two Morning Stars. Do you want to return to the base city to request reinforcements?”

Lin Jieyu asked with some worry.

“There is a serious shortage of Morning Star in the base city. Every one of them sits on the ground, and they are definitely being monitored by the Yingchuan Demonic Human Race. If they are transferred away, the Yingchuan Demonic Human Race will receive news immediately and it is likely to take the opportunity to sneak attack.”

“If it is not necessary, it is better not to draw out the power, 2 Morning Stars, 5 Tier 5, and are still able to cope with the range, we can do it ourselves!”

Chang Sheng shook his head and said.

“I agree.”

Hu Ao’er agreed and said, what is meant by “fu sing and women sui”?

“I also agree that we should do it ourselves.”

Fang Ping is the same way.

Both he and Chang Sheng have a record of beheading the Morning Star. It is more than enough to entangle the Morning Star, and it is enough to persist until Yan Xue has cleaned up the remaining 5 Tier 5 Demonic Human races.

If Morning Star as their opponent is not too strong, they don’t even need Yan Xue’s help to kill Morning Star as their opponent.

“Okay, then do it!”

Chang Sheng said decisively.


Behind the 7 Demonic Human races, a door appeared silently and opened, and Fang Ping 4 merfolk jumped out.

Fang Ping slaughtered a man who couldn’t feel his breath and was as thin as a bamboo pole.

Chang Sheng, under the sign of Yan Xue’s fingers, culled at another bearded middle-aged who could not perceive his breath.

“Be careful!”

Almost when the door was opened, the middle-aged man with a big beard and thin like a bamboo pole had noticed the abnormality behind him and turned around suddenly.

However, Fang Ping and Chang Sheng reacted extremely quickly.

Chang Sheng, because he is already a Morning Star powerhouse, the reaction is naturally extremely quick, and Fang Ping has a divine speed ability, and the reaction speed is higher than that of ordinary Morning Star.



Fang Ping is used by Susanoo in the 4th form, swinging a huge spiral sword, and stabbing a man who is as thin as a bamboo pole.

Chang Sheng’s right hand extended a one-meter white sharp blade, which was cut towards the middle-aged beard.

Ka-cha !

Feeling the terrifying power of the spiral sword, as thin as a bamboo pole, the man hurriedly used his right hand to protect him, and on the right hand, a huge azure shield appeared.

However, under the terrifying power of the spiral sword, the azure shield shattered, and the spiral sword pierced the right hand, which was as thin as a man with a bamboo pole.

With a sound of “pu chi”, the right hand, which was as thin as a man with a bamboo pole, was pierced.

However, the left hand of the man who was as thin as a bamboo pole stretched out an azure light blade, chopped it on Susanoo’s body, and cut a long scratch on Susanoo’s body, forcing Susanoo to stop.

The man who was as thin as a bamboo pole took this opportunity to pull out the pierced right hand, and stepped back and pulled away.

On the other side, the big bearded man reacted very quickly and backed away, but still could not completely dodge it.

The abdomen was scratched by the white sharp blade, and a long wound appeared, with a lot of blood flowing out.

Hey, hey, pu!

There are 5 holes in a Tier 3 Demonic Human race.

Tier 5 Demonic Human race, who was chosen by Hu Ao’er as the first target, was stabbed by Hu Ao’er’s 3 short spears without any accident. There were 3 front and back transparent blood holes in his body, one of which was, It is located in the heart.


The eyes of this Tier 5 Demonic Human race were shocked, and the body fell weakly.

This man is the little-eyed man. He is already thinking about the future, thinking that he will become the pinnacle of Tier 5, and even the Morning Star that he didn’t even dare to think before, but he has no chance to realize it.

“It’s you, you are the top 3 in Yinchuan Base City’s list!”

The man with a big beard stepped back while looking at Fang Ping 3 in horror.

As a small tribe, there is no one who does not care about Yinchuan Base City. He has seen the photos of Fang Ping 3 people many times, so he immediately recognized them.

As for Lin Jieyu, he was automatically ignored.

“How is it possible? How could you be here? Isn’t Yinchuan Base City already overwhelmed by it?”

“Yinchuan base city is far more powerful than you think, dare to slaughter my Human Race base city, you all deserve to die.”

Chang Sheng’s eyes are full of murderous intention. When he sees the other person, he seems to have seen the ruins of the Jiangcheng base city that is like the Asura hell.

The sharp white light condensed in the hand becomes thinner and longer, and extends forward to stab the big bearded man.

“I admit that your appearance really surprised me, but you think you can kill me just because you are a Morning Star who has just been promoted?”

After the initial shock, the big bearded man recovered his calm, with a trace of contempt on his face.

As a single person who killed the Demonic Human race powerhouse of the Morning Star powerhouse in Jiangcheng Base City, he was naturally not a weak one.


There is black light spreading around his body, an inexplicable gravitational force appears centered on him.

With the emergence of gravity, the direction of the slender blade condensed by the white light actually shifted.

It was originally a sharp blade that pierced his body, and pierced past him, but he took this opportunity to completely open the distance between Chang Sheng.

“Let me kill you, maybe if I eat you, I can go further.”

There was a trace of blazing heat in his eyes, black light gathered in front of him, and in front of him, a black continuously rotating sphere appeared and flew towards Chang Sheng quickly.

With the appearance of this Black Sphere, the surrounding area, except for himself, counts trees, rocks, soil, everything, are all attracted to Black Sphere.

In a very short period of time, the volume of Black Sphere has increased by several thousand to 1000 times.

Chang Sheng’s body, also under an inexplicable gravitational force, flew towards the black sphere.

Chang Sheng changed color, and a white beam in the right hand extended to the Black Sphere and penetrated the center of the Black Sphere.

Hey, hey, hey!

With the destruction of the Black Sphere center, the special gravitational force suddenly disappeared. The trees, rocks, and soil that had gathered together fell to the ground one after another, and Chang Sheng naturally broke away from the attraction of gravity.

However, his face was solemn.

“Veteran Morning star powerhouse!”

Such formidable power has clearly reached the level of Veteran Morning star powerhouse.

Unlike him whose battle strength is comparable to the Veteran Morning star level, the opponent is likely to be a genuine Veteran Morning star powerhouse, who has reached this level in all aspects.

“Trouble, there is actually a Veteran Morning star powerhouse!”

Fang Ping naturally noticed the movement of Chang Sheng and the big bearded man. There was a dignified appearance on his face. There was actually a Veteran Morning star powerhouse in the two Morning Star Demonic Human races, which exceeded their expectations. .

Don’t look at the number of Veteran Morning star powerhouses in Yinchuan base city, but in fact, most of the Morning Star powerhouses have just entered the Morning Star all their lives.

To go further, either the innate talent is really strong, or there is a lot of resources piled up. This is the case for most of the Veteran Morning star powerhouses in Yinchuan Base City.

“One person must be resolved as soon as possible!”

Fang Ping refocused his attention on a man who was as thin as a bamboo pole. Although the appearance of Veteran Morning star powerhouse was unexpected, with Chang Sheng’s strength, although it is unlikely to be defeated, it is enough to persist for a while.

Therefore, what should be done most now is to kill the current opponent, and then together with Chang Sheng, besieged the Veteran Morning star powerhouse.

As for the person in front of him who is also a Veteran Morning star powerhouse, Fang Ping thinks it might not be too big. If so, what he should consider now is to run away or expose his cards and bring Lu Yu and Zuo Gaofeng.

Hey, hey, hey!

The spiral sword rotates violently, and a large number of green lightsabers hiding the sky and covering the earth attack the thin man who looks like a bamboo pole.

The body of a man who was as thin as a bamboo pole changed, swelled in a very short time, and turned into a monster.

This is a huge monster that looks like a praying mantis, but has wings like a dragonfly behind it.

Like his human appearance, his body is extremely slender.


Green’s wings flapped, and a large number of azure wind blades that looked like crescents appeared, facing the dense green arrows.

Hey, hey, hey!

The two people kept colliding and exploding, producing circle after circle of shock waves, and the surrounding ground was raze to the ground in an instant.

In the end, all the green arrows were blocked.


Suddenly, Fang Ping and Susanoo disappeared, and when they reappeared, they had already appeared beside the monster transformed by the man with bamboo poles.

The monster transformed by the man with bamboo poles immediately noticed that it suddenly appeared on the side Susanoo. The four wings flapped violently, and the body rose into the sky, trying to fly into the sky to avoid it.


However, when he just flew off the ground several meters, he was hit by the spiral sword in Susanoo’s hand with a lateral swing.

In the place where it was hit, the carapace was lined up and sunken, the green liquid splashed, and it flew out several hundred meters, hitting a 100-meter-high mountain heavily, and the mountain collapsed.

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