Monster Altar

Chapter 345

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“Fortunately it is not another Veteran Morning star.”

In another teleportation, Fang Ping appeared outside several hundred meters, beside the monster transformed by the man with bamboo poles.

The monster turned by the man with bamboo poles turned over and climbed up. On top of the two huge knives and sickles, an azure wind blade of more than ten meters long stretched out, one to the left and the other to Susanoo.

In this regard, Fang Ping’s answer is:

The spiral sword revolved violently, stabbing at the monster turned by the man with bamboo pole regardless.

Huh, huh, pu!

The two azure wind blades extended from the magic sword and sickle made by the man with bamboo poles left a deep wound on Susanoo’s body.

And Susanoo’s spiral sword also pierced deeply into the monster who was transformed by the man with bamboo poles, stabbing a bloody hole in the man with bamboo pole.

The monster turned by the bamboo pole man hurriedly backed away, and a large amount of green liquid flowed out from the hole in his body.

It is obviously a wrong decision to exchange injuries with Fang Ping. After all, Susanoo is only composed of energy, not Fang Ping’s body at all.


Fang Ping teleported once again, chasing the monster turned by the man with bamboo poles, the spiral sword violently rotated, bringing the rotating wind, and stabbing again.

At this moment, a huge black spiral pattern appeared on each surface of the 4 wings of the monster transformed by the bamboo pole man.

With the appearance of the black spiral pattern, the flying speed of the monster transformed by the bamboo pole man suddenly reached an exaggerated 3 times the speed of sound.

He actually escaped the direct stabbing of the spiral sword and appeared behind Susanoo. Azure’s sickle was slashed towards Susanoo from behind.

The speed of 3 times the speed of sound is quite rare even in Morning Star. However, it is obviously a wrong decision to use speed to deal with Fang Ping with teleport.

Before being hit by the sickle, Susanoo disappeared and appeared behind the monster transformed by the man with bamboo poles.

His left hand caught one of the wings and pulled it suddenly, actually forcibly pulling it off.

Peng –

Without a wing, the monster transformed by the bamboo pole man can no longer maintain 3 times the speed of sound, and can no longer maintain a flying attitude, falling from the sky to the ground.

Susanoo was a teleporter, riding on the back of the monster transformed by the man with bamboo poles, his left hand held the monster transformed by the man with bamboo poles, and the right hand spiral sword stabbed the back of the monster transformed by the bamboo pole man.

Feeling the crisis, the monster turned by the bamboo pole man struggled violently, but unfortunately he couldn’t get rid of it for a while.

Competing for strength, Susanoo is not weaker than him, even stronger at a height of more than ten meters.


A hole was pierced in the back of the monster transformed by the bamboo man, and along with the violent rotation of the spiral sword, it was still deepening into the monster transformed by the bamboo man within the body.


The big bearded man, who has also turned into a monster form, discovered the crisis of the bamboo man, and a black gravitational ball flew towards Susanoo.

Fang Ping suddenly felt gravity acting on Susanoo, and Susanoo was floating up.

“Hugh think!”

A slender white light stretched out from Chang Sheng’s hand and cut through the black gravitational ball. The black gravitational ball was suddenly split into two half-collapsed, and the gravitational force acting on Susanoo had also disappeared.


The spiral sword pierced the body of the monster transformed by the bamboo pole man, and set the monster transformed by the bamboo pole man on the ground.

The monster turned by the bamboo pole man struggled painfully, and the sharp sickle made several hundred meters long cracks on the ground, but it was in vain, and it could not hurt Susanoo who was pressing on his back.

After struggling for a while, the monster with the bamboo pole man gradually became weak, and finally stopped struggling completely.

Manipulating Susanoo to stand up, Fang Ping looked at the monster transformed by the big bearded man who was fighting fiercely with Chang Sheng.

This is a monster with a body length of nearly 8 meters, 4 thick legs, and light black hair.

There are 2 sharp horns on the head of the monster, each of which is more than 2 meters in length. It looks like 2 extra large Tibetan knives.

Almost at the same time as him, Hu Ao’er also solved all Tier 5 Awakener players, looking at that battlefield.

“Leave the rest of the battle to us, you hide away far away!”

She said to Lin Jieyu.

“it is good.”

Lin Jieyu did not hesitate, and quickly retreated away. She was able to help in the Tier 5 battle, and she could not help in the other battles of Morning Star.

If she joins, it will only be a disservice.

“Asshole, you damn it!”

Seeing that Badong was killed and five Tier 5 Demonic Human race men died, the big bearded man’s eyes were red and his voice was full of anger.

The companions who had been with each other for more than ten years or even several decades died in this way, and he left the ground in anger.

He not at all thought about how many people lost their relatives, how many people lost friends, and how many people died because of the mountain base city he destroyed.

Of course, even if he thought of it, he would not care. In their opinion, human beings are like livestock, how can they mention on equal terms with them Demonic Human race.

“I have written down this account!”

He suppressed his anger.

The current situation is very unfavorable for him. Although he is a Veteran Morning star, the opponent has 3 people, and the battle strength of one of them is comparable to the Veteran Morning star.

Hey, hey, pu!

Suddenly, bursts of lava burst out of the ground, soaring into the sky, attacking Chang Sheng, Fang Ping, and Hu Ao’er with terror and high temperature, while he turned and flew towards the distance.

Click, click, ka!

Blue rays of light appeared on Chang Sheng’s body. Under this blue rays of light, the lava pillar that attacked him, the heat has been lost before it approaches him, and it turned into a stone pillar.

This is his other ability, energy absorption, which can absorb energy attacks including heat, wind, Thunder and Lightning, and cold, and convert it into its own battle strength.

This is also a peak order ability, and it is a very unsolvable peak order ability. It is naturally not unreasonable that it can become the first on the list.

In the last battle with Zhai Long, because Zhai Long’s ability was not an energy attack, but a material type attack, he didn’t use it.


He chased after the monster transformed by the big bearded man, and under the transformation of heat energy, a white beam of light longer than before stretched out from his hand, extending several hundred meters long and piercing the big bearded man.


The big bearded man didn’t evade or slow down, but black rays of light filled his body.

Under the black rays of light, the direction of the white radiance suddenly shifted, as if actively avoiding the monster transformed by the big bearded man.

But soon, the monster transformed by the big bearded man was forced to stop because Susanoo, who was more than ten meters high, had already stopped in front of him.

With the help of Teleportation maho, Fang Ping stopped the monster transformed by the big bearded man.


The spiral sword spun violently and pierced towards the monster transformed by the big bearded man.


The monsters transformed by the big bearded man are coldly snorted, and the black rays of light shrouded in the surroundings, generating a strange gravitational force. The spiral sword that pierced the big bearded man suddenly deflected and pierced to the side of the big bearded man.

The big bearded man hit Susanoo with a black gravitational ball in his hands.

Ka-cha !

The black gravitational ball hit Susanoo’s body, and Susanoo’s huge body was twisting, collapsing, and collapsing.

Susanoo, known for his tough defense, was broken by a single blow, and even Fang Ping inside was attracted to the black gravity ball.

If it is sucked into the black gravitational ball, the body will deform and collapse like Susanoo.

I don’t know if the body’s elementalization will survive, but Fang Ping absolutely dare not try.


At the critical moment, Fang Ping Teleportation maho used it and retreated more than a hundred meters away, avoiding the absorption of the gravitational ball.

After destroying Susanoo’s gravitational ball, it caused a huge pit before it finally collapsed.

“What a terrible formidable power!”

Looking at the huge pit, Fang Ping secretly pounded his tongue.

In terms of formidable power alone, the formidable power of the big bearded man’s ability, even in the Veteran Morning star powerhouse, is probably Peak’s.

The opponent’s ability is similar to Kuroha Neko’s black hole, but it is far from that level.

If it really reaches the level of Kuroha Neko’s black hole ability, he might have died just now.

Hey, sou!

Chang Sheng and Hu Ao’er caught up with the monster transformed by the big bearded man. They are located on the 2 sides behind the monster transformed by the big bearded man. Together with the Fang Ping in front, they form a triangle to surround the monster transformed by the big bearded man. .


Fang Ping appeared beside the monster transformed by the big bearded man, and the golden flames turned into a pillar of fire, attacking the monster transformed by the big bearded man.

Hey, hey, hey!

At the same time, 3 blue short spears were attacked by Hu Ao’er and stab at the monster transformed by the big bearded man.


The black light around the big bearded man once again produced a strange gravitational force. The golden flame pillar and the blue short spear were all under the gravitational force and deflected, failing to injure any of the monsters transformed by the big bearded man.

But at this time, Chang Sheng had already rushed to the big bearded man, and the right hand extended a one meter long white light knife, cutting towards the big bearded man.

This time is not offset by the black light, but cut the black light open and cut to the big bearded man.

Although it has lost the advantage of length, it is highly concentrated, and the formidable power has become more condensed. Even if it is the gravity generated by the black light, it cannot be shifted.


A black gravitational ball appeared, blocking the white light knife, and stalemate with the white light knife.

Ka-cha !

The white light knife shattered, and the black gravitational ball shattered likewise.

Evenly matched !

Although the formidable power of the black gravitational ball is powerful, the formidable power belongs to the Peak among the Veteran Morning star, but the white light knife condensed by the crushing ability, the formidable power can also reach the Veteran Morning star Peak, so the collision between the two becomes evenly matched.

However, Chang Sheng’s powerful smashing ability, as well as energy extraction that is only useful for energy-type abilities, cannot be compared to Veteran Morning star in other aspects.

The monster transformed by the big bearded man sharp claw very ruthless slashed towards Chang Sheng. Although Chang Sheng wanted to avoid it, he still couldn’t completely avoid it at such a close distance.


A long blood mark was drawn on Chang Sheng’s left arm, and the monster claws transformed by the big bearded man grabbed Chang Sheng again, and Chang Sheng fell into crisis.

Fortunately, at this time, Fang Ping and Hu Ao’er follow-up attacks have arrived.

The Fang Ping flame turned into a fist and attacked the monster transformed by the big bearded man. Hu Ao’er controlled 3 blue short spears that had shifted in direction, and shot them backwards, attacking the monster transformed by the big bearded man again.

The monster transformed by the big bearded man had to temporarily abandon Chang Sheng and control the surrounding black rays of light to generate gravitational force, and the attack of the two men failed again.


At this time, Chang Sheng had already moved a distance away, and once again condense white light knife in his hand.

“The formidable power is still weaker, even the gravitational field around him can’t be broken!”

Teleporting away from the distance, Fang Ping once again formed a triangle with Chang Sheng and Hu Aoer to surround the big bearded man.

Among their three people, only Chang Sheng was able to break the gravitational field formed by the big bearded man with black light. He and Hu Ao’er’s attack could not even break the gravitational field.

“Try Wind Control!”

Fang Ping stopped the use of the Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability, and instead used wind control.

Woo, woo, woo!

The huge tornado between the five straight Heavenspan appeared, the clouds in the sky were torn apart under the huge tornado, and the ground was flying sand running stone.

It’s not over yet. Under the control of Fang Ping, the five huge tornados are actually fused together and turned into a tornado called Hegemon.


Just the friction with the air produces one after another Thunder and Lightning, just like one after another thunder snake entwining Hegemon tornado.

Fang Ping’s complexion cautiously controlled Hegemon tornado to hit the monster turned into by the big bearded man.

The black light around the monster transformed by the big bearded man swayed, generating a strong gravitational field and deflecting towards Hegemon tornado.

But this time, Hegemon tornado is not at all shifted by the gravitational force generated by the black light, but still hits the monster transformed by the big bearded man.

“This formidable power!”

The big bearded man felt dangerous.

This formidable power has reached the level of Veteran Morning star. Although it cannot be compared to the black gravitational ball that he uses with all its strength, it is a real Veteran Morning star level formidable power. The gravitational force generated by the black light can no longer shift. .

The black gravitational ball appeared and hit the Hegemon tornado. Under the terrifying power of the Peak Veteran Morning star, Hegemon tornado collapsed and collapsed.


At this brief moment, Chang Sheng seized the opportunity and rushed towards the monster transformed by the big bearded man, and the right hand slashed towards the monster transformed by the big bearded man along the extended light knife.

The gravitational field formed by the black light was cut open, and the monster transformed by the big bearded man had just condensed the black gravitational ball, and it was too late to condense.


The monster transformed by the big bearded man quickly backed away to avoid it, but was cut on its back by a light knife, and a long blood stain appeared on its back, and blood flowed long.

Chang Sheng’s right hand extended the direction of the light knife, and cut from the other side to the monster transformed by the big bearded man, aiming at one leg of the monster transformed by the big bearded man.

If one leg of the monster transformed by the big bearded man can be abolished and the monster transformed by the big bearded man loses its mobility, then the next battle will be easier.

The monster turned by the big bearded man turned its head and blocked the light knife with a 2 meter long angle.

Ka-cha !

The corners of the Tier 5 Enchanted weapon were cut off with a hardness that was comparable to that of the Tier 1 Enchanted weapon.

At this time, the monster transformed by the big bearded man has already consolidated black gravitational ball.

Ka-cha !

The light knife collided with the black gravitational ball, the light knife and the black gravitational ball shattered, and Chang Sheng was shaken back.

The monster turned by the big bearded man looked at Fang Ping 3 people in fear.

Suddenly, a lava appeared under his feet and spread quickly, covering him and several hundred meters around him.

“Not good, he is running away from the ground!”

The perception ability of Sage Mode allowed Fang Ping to perceive the monster transformed by the concealed aura’s big bearded man.

At this time, the monster transformed by the big bearded man is turning the soil into lava with the ability of lava, forming a lava river under the ground and fleeing through the lava river.

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