Monster Altar

Chapter 346

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“Block him!”

Fang Ping and Hu Ao’er loudly shouts, each used means to intercept the monsters turned to the big bearded man.

Fang Ping right hand slashed, and a huge wind blade slashed into the ground, slashing towards the monster transformed by the big bearded man in the ground.

Hu Ao’er controls 3 short spears, pierces the ground, and attacks the monsters transformed by the big bearded man in the ground.

However, whether it was Fang Ping’s attack or Hu Ao’er’s attack, before attacking the monster transformed by the big bearded man, they were all blocked by the hot lava.

The big bearded man’s lava ability and formidable power are not as good as “gravitational power”, but it is also the formidable power of the Veteran Morning star level. It is naturally no problem to block Fang Ping and Hu Ao’er attacks.

“Catch up!”

The attack was unable to stop the monster transformed by the big bearded man, Fang Ping opened the door in the void, brought Hu Ao’er and Chang Sheng, and chased the monster transformed by the big bearded man.


Using the divine speed ability, Fang Ping’s speed reached 2 times the speed of sound, with Hu Ao’er and Chang Sheng moving fast. Soon, the three of them caught up with the monster transformed by the big bearded man.

“Lava is up to me!”

Signaling Fang Ping to open the door, Chang Sheng took a step forward and stopped in front of the door.

Originally, as the door opened, the lava in the space inside the entrance was flooded. Under the energy absorption of Chang Sheng’s ability, the heat was quickly extracted, and the lava turned into rocks.

And this phenomenon of turning into rocks is spreading rapidly, the river formed by lava has stopped flowing, and the road ahead of the big bearded man is blocked.

“This can be chased!”

Feeling that the heat of the lava is extracted and turned into rocks, the big bearded man changes color, uses the lava ability, opens the lava river in the other direction, and runs away.


Fang Ping 3 people caught up again, opened the door, and the terrifyingly hot lava turned into rocks again, and the lava river once again stopped flowing.


The big bearded man knew that it was no longer feasible to escape through the lava river, so he dived decisively and broke the ground.

And almost at the same time when he broke the ground, the Fang Ping 3 also rushed out of the space inside the door, blocking his way.


Chang Sheng right hand extended the white light knife, chopped to the big bearded man, and the big bearded man quickly condense the black gravitational ball to resist.


The white light knife collided with the black gravitational ball and stalemate,

At this moment, Fang Ping used the control of the wind, and a Hegemon tornado formed, accompanied by lightning and thunder, attacking the monster turned into the big bearded man.

The big bearded man was filled with black light, trying to stop Hegemon tornado, but he couldn’t stop it, and was involved in Hegemon tornado.

Hey, hey, pu!

The huge body of the monster transformed by the big bearded man revolved with the rotation of Hegemon tornado, and there appeared one after another hideous scars on his body.

Kazuma Kanagi’s control of the wind is worthy of the ability to sign a contract with the spirit king of the wind.

If the peak order ability is also divided into three levels: low order, middle order, and high order, then before this, Fang Ping’s peak order ability is the middle order level, and the wind control is a high order level peak order capability.

The high order level makes this ability become Fang Ping’s strongest ability today, giving Fang Ping a Veteran Morning star battle strength.

Before today, he could not be sure, but the battle with the monsters transformed by the big bearded man made him sure that the formidable power controlled by the wind has reached the level of the Veteran Morning star.


The monster transformed by the big bearded man snorted, and the condense black gravitational ball destroyed Hegemon tornado.

At this time, Chang Sheng leaped close again, right hand condense the light knife, and slashed towards the monster transformed by the big bearded man.


The light knife cut through the front legs of the monster transformed by the big bearded man, and the front legs of the monster transformed by the big bearded man broke from the middle position, and blood spurted wildly.

The monster transformed by the big bearded man was unstable and fell to the ground with a plop, while Chang Sheng turned the direction of the light knife in his hand, cutting towards the throat of the monster transformed by the big bearded man.

The monster transformed by the big bearded man hurriedly gathered the gravitational ball to resist, blocking the light knife that hit the throat.

At this time, Fang Ping teleported behind the monster transformed by the big bearded man.

He also has a light knife on his right hand, but the color is azure, and the production principle is different.

Chang Sheng’s light knife has a highly compressed crushing ability, and his right hand extended light knife has a highly compressed Wind Element ability.

The black light condensed around the big bearded man could not stop the cyan ray knife. The cyan ray knife chopped and chopped on the back of the monster transformed by the big bearded man. The blood spattered, leaving a hideous wound, even vaguely visible bone.


Suffering serious injuries one after another, the big bearded man screamed in pain, and the black light around him could no longer be maintained.

Hey, hey, pu!

Taking this opportunity, Hu Ao’er controlled 3 blue short grabs and stabbed fiercely on the monster transformed by the big bearded man, leaving 3 blood holes in the monster transformed by the big bearded man.

The ground turned into lava, and the big bearded man attacked Fang Ping 3 people with lava, but as soon as lava appeared, Chang Sheng used energy to absorb heat.

And the absorbed heat is temporarily transformed into the power of Chang Sheng, so that the crushing ability formidable power temporarily skyrocketed.


The black gravitational ball was split, and the white light knife slashed on the head of the monster transformed by the big bearded man.

Along with the splashing of blood, a long hideous wound appeared on the head of the monster transformed by the big bearded man.

This wound slashed through one of the eyes, split the eye in half, and abolished one eye of the monster that the big bearded man had transformed.

The monster turned by the big bearded man went crazy, and the remaining horn on his head attacked Chang Sheng desperately. Chang Sheng blocked the attacking horn with a light knife and cut it off.

And Fang Ping teleported nearby, and the cyan ray blade slashed on the other eye of the monster that the big bearded man had transformed, and immediately destroyed the other eye of the monster that the big bearded man had transformed, which was transformed by the big bearded man. The monster suddenly went blind.

“ao ——”

The broken leg, blindness, made the monster that the big bearded man turned mad and let out a wild beast howl.

It’s like a foreigner will instinctively call out his native language when he is emotional.


A black gravitational ball hit the place where Fang Ping appeared.


Fang Ping teleported and disappeared, escaped the black gravitational ball, and appeared on the back of the monster transformed by the big bearded man.

The cyan ray blade pierced into a hideous wound previously cut, and penetrated from this hideous wound.


The cyan ray blade pierced deeply into the body of the monster transformed by the big bearded man, and the heart of the monster transformed by the big bearded man was pierced.

“ao ——”

The monster transformed by the big bearded man was crazy because of despair. At the last moment, he crashed into his back frantically, wanting to be together with Fang Ping perish.

Fang Ping disappeared in a teleport and appeared outside several hundred meters.

Chang Sheng and Fu Orr also hurriedly distanced themselves to avoid a mortal counterattack by the monsters transformed by the big bearded man.

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