Monster Altar

Chapter 347

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Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Blindness. Although the monster transformed by the big bearded man wanted to pull a back before he died, it was a pity that he couldn’t find it.

He was madly destroying in place, venting his dying anger and unwillingness madly.

In the surrounding area, a crack spreading 1000 meters appeared on the ground, just like a huge piece of glass, which was knocked out one after another crack.

The life force is as tenacious as the Morning Star. The heart is pierced and cannot survive without special recovery ability. Finally, the life of the monster transformed by the big bearded man has come to an end.


The monster transformed by the big bearded man fell heavily to the ground, and there was no more movement.

It wasn’t just pretending to be dead. Under Sage Mode’s perception, Fang Ping sensed the disappearance of his body.

As a Morning Star monster, the opponent can conceal aura, but cannot fool Sage Mode’s perception.

“hu ——”

When Sage Mode was released, Fang Ping panted violently. He first killed a monster turned by a bamboo pole man, and then joined the siege of a monster turned by a big bearded man, which consumed a lot of him.

If it takes longer, he will probably not be able to maintain Sage Mode.

“It’s finally dead.”

Chang Sheng is panting like Hu Ao’er, and like Fang Ping, 2 people are equally expensive.

The 3 people walked carefully to the corpse of the monster that the big bearded man had transformed, and after some testing, they confirmed that the big bearded man was indeed dead.

“The monster’s corpse is useful to me. I don’t want points. Can this monster’s corpse be let me?”

Looking to Chang Sheng to discuss with Hu Ao’er and Fang Ping.

“no problem.”

Chang Sheng and Hu Ao’er both nod their heads. Although the body of the Morning Star monster is precious, their mission points for this time mission are also extremely rich. In terms of value, they are not inferior to what they occupy on this monster. Share.

Since the corpses of monsters are useful for Fang Ping, they are naturally willing to give it to Fang Ping.

To receive the sacrifice space from the corpse of the monster transformed by the big bearded man, Fang Ping walked to the corpse of the monster transformed by the bamboo pole man, and put away the body of the monster transformed by the bamboo pole man.

There is no need to discuss with Chang Sheng and Hu Ao’er at this time. The bamboo pole man was killed by himself, and the body naturally belongs to him.

For the corpses of these 5 Demonic Human races, Fang Ping is not very interested. The 5 Demonic Human races were not killed by him. The sacrifice can only get the sacrifice value. Today, he has a surplus of sacrifice value and can be purchased with points. The sacrifice value is not worthwhile.

Five corpses of the Demonic Human race were put away for Hu Ao’er. Fang Ping used Teleportation maho to return to the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City and quietly reported the completion of the mission.

“you did good.”

Seeing Fang Ping 4 people return after completing the task, Wei You sighed in relief.

The mission this time has dispatched the three most promising youngsters in Yinchuan base city. He was really worried the past few days.

Fortunately, the not at all accident happened. 3 people successfully killed the Demonic Human race that attacked the base city of Shancheng. Not at all was seriously injured.

After handing in the tasks, Fang Ping, who were all very tired, separated. Fang Ping returned to the residence.

After taking a shower, he recovered a bit, leaned back on the sofa, closed his eyes and entered the sacrifice space.

On the huge scarlet altar, two huge monster corpses were bound by scarlet chains.

He first came to the corpse of the monster turned into by the man with bamboo poles and made sacrifices.


Along with the bloody flames, stars in the sky appeared, and one of the red stars lit up red rays of light, projecting a red beam of light, and bursting into a man with red hair.

The man wears a white shirt and a black cloak. The trousers are a pair of brown 70% trousers printed with a pattern. They wear flip-flops under their feet.

There is no left arm, there are 3 scratches on the left eye, and a short beard around the mouth.

Name: Shanks

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent

sword technique innate talent :very excellent

Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent: very excellent

Busoshoku Haki: very excellent

Haoshoku innate talent: very excellent

Fang Ping is naturally familiar with this anime character, but anyone who has seen the anime One Piece is not unfamiliar.

This is an anime character who has a great influence on the protagonist Luffy. What is more fascinating is that the opponent’s strength will be bitten off by the king of the sea. This is inconceivable for most anime fans.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent, sword technique innate talent Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent, Busoshoku Haki, Haoshoku Haki talent, do you choose one to acquire?”

The majestic voice sounded, let Fang Ping make a choice, Fang Ping looked at the innate talent that the other party had.

Although the opponent possesses a lot of innate talents, Fang Ping already owns most of them, and only the sword technique innate talent and Haoshoku Haki talent do not. Fang Ping looks at these two innate talents.

In the anime of One Piece, the sword is not at all different from the sword, so the sword technique innate talent can also be used on the sword.

And Fang Ping has a saber, that is Zanpakuto.

However, Fang Ping does not intend to choose the sword technique innate talent. Although he has Zanpakuto, he rarely does this because of the lack of destructive power in close combat with Zanpakuto. In general, he has the strongest formidable power* Solve the battle.

Therefore, the role of sword technique innate talent is not too great for him. He is not at all necessary to choose sword technique innate talent.

On the other hand, Haoshoku Haki, as a kind of ability to intimidate and deter opponents without having to shoot, and faint opponents weaker than itself, is very useful.

The most important thing is that this ability is extremely good at group attacks, and in the face of this ability, group attacks are useless.

“Choose Haoshoku Haki talent!”

Fang Ping made his choice, a bloody rays of light penetrated into Fang Ping within the body, Fang Ping suddenly felt the difference.

He feels that as long as he is willing, he can produce an invisible and invisible “spirit”.

He immediately used it, and suddenly, an invisible spirit filled the whole Monster Altar.

This kind of boldness is invisible and quality, and is extremely good at aiming at the spirit.

If there are dozens of Tier 4 Awakener in Monster Altar this time, he feels that he can make all these people faint just by relying on this kind of courage.

This is obviously not the ability of the initial stage, but the ability that has reached the limit of his current stage.

Unlike Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki, which need to be enhanced through cultivation, Haoshoku Haki is inherent and cannot be obtained through acquired practice.

When the realm reaches a certain level, this domineering will be naturally stimulated.

After acquiring the Haoshoku Haki talent, Fang Ping equivalent to possessed this aptitude, and with Fang Ping’s current realm, naturally, the time to inspire was long ago.

So he immediately acquired Haoshoku Haki, and it was the pinnacle of his current realm.

After experiencing Haoshoku Haki for a while, Fang Ping walked to the corpse of the monster transformed by the big bearded man and offered sacrifices.

Bloody rays of light rose into the sky, and stars appeared in the sky. At this moment, a majestic voice sounded.

“You can choose to sacrifice the world. Should you choose to sacrifice the world?”

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