Monster Altar

Chapter 361

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As Fang Ping realm is upgraded to Tier 5, Kenbunshoku Haki predicts that the time in the future has been extended, originally from one second to more than one second.

But this time is very strange, shortened to less than half a second, just a little bit, he died under Hei Ni’s sneak attack.

How could the time be suddenly shortened? This is something he couldn’t figure out, but he had to figure this out.

If you can’t figure out this problem, and then drop the chain at a critical moment in the future, he may not be as lucky as this time and successfully escape again.

“You need a reference!”

Taking a glance at the unchanging room environment, he teleported to a street in the base city, and then used Kenbunshoku Haki’s foreseeing the future.


The picture of the future appeared in his mind. He took out the phone and activated the stopwatch that came with the phone, recording the time difference between the picture of the future and the present.

“1.51 seconds.”

The time difference appeared on his mobile phone, which was the future time he could predict by using Kenbunshoku Haki.

The time exceeded one second and reached one and a half seconds, not at all shortened, which was the normal time after his realm was upgraded to Tier 5.

Had it not been for various signs that when he encountered the Hei Ni sneak attack not long ago, the time had been shortened to less than half a second, he would have thought he felt wrong.

“It seems that the problem lies with Hei Ni.”

Fang Ping couldn’t help thinking about the difference between Hei Ni and ordinary people.

“Could it be that Hei Ni also has some predictive ability, so it interferes with Kenbunshoku Haki’s predictive ability?”

The first thing he thought of was the interference of similar abilities, after all, he had encountered such a thing.

“No, it should not have been disturbed.”

However, soon, he denied this speculation.

If Hei Ni has similar predictive ability, the biggest possibility is not that the predictive time is shortened, but that it is completely disturbed and has no effect.

The realm of the Hei Ni Blood Moon level is really too strong. Even a very ordinary ability can definitely exert a powerful formidable power on him.

Demonic Human race Veteran Morning star can completely shield Kenbunshoku Haki’s dangerous prediction, and the effect achieved by Hei Ni’s realm is impossible than Demonic Human race Veteran Morning star.

“Blood Moon level, could this be the reason?”

Fang Ping thought of a possibility.

There is a saying that foreknowledge is the advanced intelligence obtained on the basis of processing and calculating the collected information.

Because of this, the future that Kenbunshoku Haki sees is not unchangeable.

He also used the future many times to change this, avoiding danger in battle.

Since the calculation is based on information, there will inevitably be a problem of “information amount” involved.

Is the amount of information contained in an ordinary person and a Blood Moon powerhouse the same?

Obviously different.

The information contained in a Blood Moon powerhouse itself is bound to be 10000 times that of an ordinary person, or even more.

This is enough to see from the difference in strength. A single blow of a Blood Moon powerhouse can easily cause 10000 casualties.

The more information contained, the more difficult it is to process and calculate the information.

In this way, the time to see the future picture becomes shorter, and it is not difficult to understand.

After all, with a certain amount of processing, the greater the amount of information, the shorter the future time that can be calculated.

“If you guessed it correctly, Kenbunshoku Haki’s prediction of future time should be different for the ordinary person and Morning Star powerhouse.”

Thinking of this, Fang Ping teleported to the villa in Liuzhou Base City.

“Young Master.”

Seeing Fang Ping’s arrival, Lu Yu respectfully greeted him.


Fang Ping slightly nodded, took out the phone, and started the stopwatch again.

“1.32 seconds.”

A new time appeared on his phone, no longer 1.51 seconds, but 1.32 seconds.

Although the time reduction is not much, the time is indeed shortened.

It’s just that the reduction is very small, and in normal times, I don’t feel the slightest difference at all.

“The reason why the time is shortened is probably because Hei Ni realm is too high and contains too much information!”

Fang Ping is almost certain that his guess is correct.

If you really want to verify it, there is no way. After all, there is a Blood Moon powerhouse named Wei You in Yinchuan base city.

Of course, he can only think about it. In order to verify a speculation, he was impossible to ask a Blood Moon powerhouse like Wei You to cooperate.


In the next time, Fang Ping listened to Wei You’s suggestion and didn’t accept the task any more, but devoted himself to the cultivation.

Half a year passed by.

For the average Tier 5 Awakener, the improvement that can be obtained is minimal, just barely able to feel the degree of progress.

But for Fang Ping, it was an improvement like a rocket player.

His realm was promoted from Tier 5 Middle-Stage to Tier 5 peak.

Until this time, his rapid ascent stopped.

A barrier intercepted him in front of him, preventing his realm from rising.

That is the bottleneck from the peak of Tier 5 to Morning Star. Once you can break this bottleneck, you can become the Morning Star powerhouse.

However, this is also the biggest bottleneck of the Awakener road so far.

Many Awakener players at the peak of Tier 5 were blocked in front of this barrier and failed to break through for life.

Even the shocking and stunning generation will be stuck in this barrier for several years before they can break through.

“Chang Sheng has spent 5 years, Hu Ao’er has spent more than 4 years without a breakthrough, don’t know how long it will take me?”

As far as Fang Ping knows, it took Chang Sheng 5 years to break through this bottleneck, and Hu Ao’er has been stuck in this bottleneck for more than 4 years, and it still hasn’t broken through yet.

Chang Sheng and Hu Ao’er, who have the potential of Blood Moon level, want to break through, it is so difficult, even more how are ordinary Tier 5 Awakener.

Most Tier 5 Awakener players will not be able to break through in their entire lives. Even if they can break through, the time it takes must be in ten years.

“If you want a breakthrough, you must either slowly grind or refine Morning Star’s Awakener potion, but Morning Star’s Awakener potion is not easy to refine.”

Thinking of the refining method of Morning Star Awakener’s potion, Fang Ping couldn’t help shaking his head.

The materials needed for Morning Star Awakener are extremely precious. Let alone the most troublesome refining of this drug, it is necessary to tailor the formula according to the situation of each Tier 5 peak Awakener.

More than a year ago, he and Hu Ao’er received a private mission from the Meng Family. That mission was to hunt down the Bloodfeather Nether Dog, the Morning Star monster required for the mission.

Like the Meng Family, there are very few monsters suitable for Morning Star. Otherwise, even if the materials required for Morning Star Awakener potions are precious, the number of Morning Star powerhouses will not be so small.

“I am afraid that my situation will be more troublesome. After all, I have too many abilities, and formulating formulas will be more difficult.”

Although there are two ways to break through Tier 2 to the bottleneck of Morning Star, in fact, in Fang Ping, there is only one way, which is to spend time slowly.

The abilities and innate talents he possesses now add up to more than a dozen kinds. With so many abilities and innate talents, it is bound to make formula deduction extremely difficult.

Even with the best pharmacy Master, it may be difficult to deduce a suitable formula. Even if it is able to deduce, it will be extremely difficult to search for the materials required for the formula.

Therefore, the possibility of breaking through through refining Morning Star Awakener medicine can be said to be minimal.

“Fortunately, on Growth innate talent, I should be on Chang Sheng and Hu Ao’er. It shouldn’t be as long as they are.”

Thinking of the extraordinary growth innate talent he has, Fang Ping finally sighed in relief.

Although the Morning Star Awakener potion is not working, because of the growth innate talent, it will not take too much time through time.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

The phone rang, Fang Ping picked up the phone, connected, and said.

“Director Lu.”

“Well, are you free? Come to my office if you are free.”

The voice of Deputy Director Lu Yun sounded.


Fang Ping responded, left the residence, and came to Lu Yun’s office.

He accidentally discovered that there were 4 people in the office besides Lu Yun.

He also knows these 4 people, it is Chang Sheng, Hu Ao’er, Lu Cao, Xiang Qiu, all of whom are in the top 5 of the list.

Nodding to several people, Fang Ping looked at Lu Yun and asked.

“Director Lu, we called all 5 of us, did something happen?”

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