Monster Altar

Chapter 362

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“Well, something happened, but not a bad thing, but a good thing.”

Lu Yun said with a smile.

“The reason why the five of you are called is because the top ten base cities exchange meeting will be held soon.”

“Ten base cities exchange meetings, exchange meetings that the ten base cities will participate in?”

Fang Ping asked with interest.

Although he knows that in addition to the Yinchuan base city, there are 9 base cities including Huake, Longpan, Huanggang, Jiangmen, Haikou, Jindao, Nanzhou, Haoyang, and Hanting, but because of the distance between the two Have never been to 9 base cities.

If he has the opportunity to contact other large base cities, he is very interested.

“Yes, the exchange meeting that the top ten base cities will participate in. To be precise, this should be an exchange meeting for the young geniuses of the top ten base cities.”

Lu Yun said with a smile.

The top ten base cities are the ten strongest forces in Human Race, and as the genius of the top ten base cities, they will surely become the leaders of the top ten base cities in the future.

In order to deepen the ties between the ten base cities and make the ten base cities have a strong relationship, it is necessary to hold the ten base city exchange meetings and allow the young talents of the ten base cities to exchange and establish friendship.

“Which base city is it held this time?”

Hu Ao’er asked.

The ten base city exchange meeting is held every one or two years. Unlike Fang Ping, she has participated.

“In Huake Base City.”

Lu Yun said.

“Machinery Technology is located in the Huake base city, the most of the ten base cities?”

Lu Cao and Xiang Qiu’s eyes lit up, and they couldn’t help being excited.

Among the top ten base cities, each base city has its own characteristics. For example, the characteristic of Yinchuan base city is pharmacy.

Focusing on pharmaceutics, Yinchuan base city has achieved a variety of pharmaceutical achievements, the most representative of which are nutrient solution and Awakener pharmaceuticals.

These two potions have greatly increased the cultivation speed of the Awakener.

The characteristic of Huake Base City is mechanical technology, which invented numerous mechanical technologies. The most representative mechanical technology is the combination of machinery and Awakener.

“I will lead the team this time. We will leave in 3 days. Go back and prepare.”

Lu Yun said.


Fang Ping 5 people all nodded and left Lu Yun’s office.


Three days later, Fang Ping, Chang Sheng, Hu Ao’er, Lu Cao, and Xiang Qiu followed Lu Yun to the top of the office building.

Although there are many times to visit the office building, Fang Ping is the first time to come to the top of the office building.

I saw no buildings on the top of the building, it was flat.

On this flat ground, with green paint and yellow lines, there is a roof apron drawn.

On the tarmac, there are 3 peculiarly shaped aircraft parked.

It is about ten meters to 20 meters long. It has a flat shape, no tires, no propellers, and no jet ports. It has a streamlined aerodynamic curve.

The main body of one car is white, the main body of one car is blue, and the main body of one car is black.

Lu Yun took 5 people to the smallest body with blue color.

The door of the aircraft has been opened, and the pilot and co-pilot are seated with two men in flight suits.

I boarded the aircraft and found that there were sparsely distributed twelve sofa-style seats in the aircraft, and each of the six seats surrounded a round table.

Lu Yun took the 5 of them into the seat, the door was closed, and the aircraft was lifted vertically, and soon it had risen to a height of ten thousand meters. The base city below was covered by clouds and became invisible.

After the aircraft calibrated its direction, it began to accelerate, and the speed soon exceeded the speed of sound.

“Director Lu, did you buy the aircraft in Base City from Huake Base City?”

Through the window, Fang Ping asked, looking at the sea of ​​clouds passing by below.

“Well, there is no aircraft technology in the base city. Not only us, but the situation in other base cities is the same.”

“Among the top ten base cities, only Huake base city has the ability to manufacture aircraft.”

Lu Yun explained.

“How is the defense of this aircraft?”

Xiang Qiu has some worries.

He is not at all capable of flying, and now he is at a height of ten thousand meters. If he is attacked and crashed by a monster, he will fall from the height of ten thousand meters. With his current strength, he will never survive.

“Don’t worry, this aircraft has a large amount of enchanted metal added to the shell, and it cannot be damaged at all under the Morning Star.”

“Moreover, with the current flying height, it is difficult for ordinary flying monsters to reach it, and the chance of encountering monsters is not great.”

Chang Sheng said with a smile.

“Even in the worst case, every seat has its own escape device, enough to ensure that we land safely on the ground.”

“That’s good.”

Xiang Qiu sighed in relief.

Fang Ping didn’t care very much. He had the ability to fly, he was absolutely impossible to fall to death, so he was not at all concerned.

It took 2 days to rest in a base city for one night. In the afternoon of the 2nd day, the altitude of the aircraft dropped, and a huge steel base city appeared in front of everyone in Fang Ping.

In the base city, the city wall and even the buildings all use metal on a large scale.

And the shapes are also very diverse, there are minarets, and hemispherical shapes, without exception, all have streamlined curves, and have an architectural style different from the Yinchuan base city.

To the east of the base city, on the top of a huge steel building, the aircraft landed, Fang Ping and the others stepped off the aircraft.

Next to the aircraft, there were already several people waiting, headed by a very temperamental middle-aged woman.

“Everyone of Yinchuan Base City, I am Yin Hui, deputy director of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Huake Base City, and I welcome your visit.”

She first welcomed Fang Ping and the crowd, and then extended the hand to Lu Yun.

“Hello, Director Lu!”

“Hello, Director Yin.”

Lu Yun reached out and shook hands with the middle-aged woman, politely.

Under the guidance of Yin Hui, deputy director of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Huake Base City, Fang Ping and the others were introduced into the hotel, and everyone was given a separate room.

“Now there is still some time before dinner, why don’t we go out for a stroll?”

Hu Ao’er suggested that Fang Ping and the others left the hotel.

Walking in the monster countermeasures department, you can see Awakener in groups of three or four from time to time.

What is different from the Awakener people that you usually see is that these Awakener people basically carry weapons.

And unlike cold weapons such as swords, these weapons have different shapes and look more like hot weapons.

It has an extremely long length and is carried on its back, just like a sniper rifle.

It is hung on the waist, and the length is the same as a normal pistol.

Some have only the hilt but no sword, just like a pendant hanging on the body.

There is also the entire arm is wrapped in metal armor, and there are multiple weapons attached to the metal armor.

“Then could it be a demonized technological weapon?”

Looking at these weapons, Fang Ping asked with interest.

Demonized technological weapons, according to the Internet, a weapon that is extremely popular in Huake Base City.

This weapon combines technology with the Awakener’s ability and breaks away from the shackles of the large size of the formidable power powerful thermal weapon. Although it is not large in size, it has a stronger formidable power than the ordinary large thermal weapon.

“Yes, that is the magic weapon of science and technology. This weapon has broken away from the traditional Enchanted weapon. It is a weapon that combines technology with the ability of Awakener.”

Hu Ao’er said.

Although it was also the first time that she came to Huake Base City, it was not the first time to participate in the exchange meeting of the top ten base cities. In the previous exchange meeting, she had fought against Awakener with magical technology weapons.

“If I have the opportunity, I would like to fight against the Awakener with enchanted technological weapons, and feel the difference between enchanted technological weapons and Enchanted weapons.”

Fang Ping said.

“There will be a chance.”

Chang Sheng said with a smile.

The exchange meeting definitely requires communication. How to communicate is naturally through combat.

Therefore, there will certainly not be fewer battles at the exchange meeting.

While the 5 people were chatting while strolling in the monster countermeasures department, 3 youngsters, male and 2 female, approached them.

Like the Fang Ping 5, there are no magical technology weapons.

Among them, a young man with red hair fell sharply on Chang Sheng and said.

“Chang Sheng, fight with me!”

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