Monster Altar

Chapter 363

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“Sorry, I will not accept any challenges before the exchange meeting begins.”

Chang Sheng shook his head and refused.

“What, don’t you dare?”

The red-haired young man has some overbearing.

“There will be a chance at the exchange meeting, when the time comes, it won’t be too late to fight.”

Chang Sheng said with a cold face.

“What if I want it now?”

The red-haired young man took a step forward and forced him to Chang Sheng.

“Hong Yi, if you continue to do this, then I will report to Director Qin and disqualify you from the exchange meeting.”

A tall, frowned woman with a face value of 90%.

“Hmph, I’ll wait a few more days.”

The tall woman’s words obviously played a role. The red-haired young man Hong Yi was obviously afraid of being disqualified, coldly snorted, and Fang Ping 5 crossed by.

“Sorry, he is not at all malicious, please forgive me.”

The tall woman apologized to the Fang Ping 5 people, and then hurried to catch up with the others.

“It hasn’t started yet, the medicinal smell is so strong, which base city are these 5 people from?”

Fang Ping glanced at the five people who had left, then looked at Chang Sheng and asked.

“It’s from the base city of Tsushima.”

Chang Sheng said.

“Is the relationship between Jindao base city and Yinchuan base city not so good?”

Xiang Qiu asked.

“This is not true. Although the relationship between Yinchuan Base City and Jindao Base City is not close, it is definitely not bad.”

“It’s just that he lost to Chang Sheng at the last exchange meeting. It should be that his strength has improved and he is eager to beat Chang Sheng.”

Hu Ao’er said.

Since fighting exchanges, friction and competition are naturally indispensable, and competition is the best Catalyst, and competition with peers can often play a positive role in promoting.

This is also the reason why the top ten base cities sent young talents from their base cities to participate in the exchange meeting.

“Our Yinchuan base city, how strong is it among the top ten base cities?”

Fang Ping asked.

“It’s hard to say at this time. At the last exchange meeting, our Yinchuan base city Ranked 4th, lost to the three base cities of Huake, Huanggang, and Longpan, and defeated other base cities.”

“Only ranked fourth.”

Fang Ping is slightly astonished, with 3 Yinchuan base cities comparable to the Morning Star battle strength. Originally, he thought he could at least rank in the top 3, but he did not expect to be ranked 4th. This really surprised him.

“It’s not that we are too weak, but that the other party is too strong.”

Lu Cao had participated in the previous time exchange meeting, and his voice was wry smile.

“The strength of the three base cities of Huake, Huanggang, and Longpan far exceeds other base cities, and they have held the top three on the list for many years.”

“At the previous time exchange meeting, it won the list of No. 4, which is the best ranking in Yinchuan base city in the past 50 years.”

One day later, the exchange meeting began.

The young generation of the ten major base cities, under the leadership of their respective leaders, came to a huge space under the Monster Countermeasures Division of Huake Base City.

The space is square. The low-lying place in the middle is where the arena is located, while the high-rise surrounding area is the audience stand.

The youngsters from the ten major base cities participated in the exchange meeting and the director of the team sat near the ring for 4 weeks. Later, members of the Huake Base City Monster Countermeasures Division and some Awakener family seats in the Huake Base City.

“Thanks to the major base cities for participating in this exchange meeting. As the host of this exchange meeting, Huake Base City is deeply honored.”

“1000 years ago, monsters were rampant, Human Race was reduced to blood, and the ancestors used blood and bones to fight for the Human Race to respite. This is how the base cities are today.”

“I hope that the younger generation will not forget history, spur themselves with history, promote each other and make progress in this exchange…”

An old man in Huake Base City spoke for more than ten minutes, and then announced when Fang Ping and the others felt impatient.

“The First Stage exchange meeting will start from Haikou Base City vs. Nanzhou Base City.”

As the old man announced the start of the exchange meeting, in Haikou Base City, a petite young woman stepped onto the battle stage, while in Nanzhou Base City, there was a middle order young man with an ordinary appearance who walked onto the battle stage.

Around the battle stage, there are 4 huge technological instruments. As two people walked up to the battle stage, the 2 translucent barriers suddenly rose.

“Can actually create a defensive barrier?”

Fang Ping looked at the defensive barrier raised on four sides with slight surprise.

Before, he was wondering how to ensure that both sides of the battle could fight without scruples. After all, with their current strength, if they fight with all their strength, it is inevitable to sweep the entire underground space.

Unexpectedly, there is such a technological instrument for the battle stage, which can actually produce a defensive barrier.

With these four defensive barriers, the dual convenience of combat no longer requires scruples, and you can fight without scruples. Of course, the premise is that these four defensive barriers are strong enough.

“This kind of underground is suitable for battle stage, and Yinchuan base city also has it, but because of the huge power consumption, it is rarely used in normal times.”

Chang Sheng explained.

On the battle stage, the battle has already begun.

The ordinary-looking young man took the lead in attacking, his eyes lit up with rays of light, and two purple beams of light attacked the petite woman.


The petite woman showed an astonishing speed of movement, which had already reached the speed of sound.

A flash avoided the 2 purple beams, and quickly rushed towards the ordinary-looking young man.

Missing a hit, the ordinary-looking young man continued to attack, and many purple rays of light shot out in his eyes.

The petite woman is suddenly left, suddenly right, floating, letting the attacks of ordinary young men fail one after another.

Soon, the petite woman had approached the ordinary-looking young man, her right hand wrapped blue rays of light, and her petite fist bombarded the ordinary-looking young man.

Although the fist is petite, the formidable power is not small. Under her this fist, there is a violent wind.

The ordinary-looking young man propped up an earth-yellow rock wall in front of him, and quickly retreated.

Ka-cha !

The earth-yellow rock wall shattered, and the petite fist continued to bombard the ordinary-looking young man. The ordinary-looking young man raised his arms to resist, and was numb by the bombardment, and back again and again.

In the end, the battle ended with the defeat of an ordinary-looking young man.

The petite woman not at all left the battle stage. A young woman with double pony tails in Nanzhou base city boarded the battle stage to fight the petite woman.

After a fierce battle, the double ponytail woman defeated the petite woman who was physically exhausted.

Someone from both sides boarded the battle stage one after another. In the end, the two sides as the finale and the strongest person boarded the battle stage.

Haikou Base City is a young woman named Bu Qingleng with short hair, and Nanzhou Base City is a young man named Yan Liang with wavy curly hair.

Bu Qingleng right hand Holds a tuning fork and flicks his left finger lightly, and immediately there is formidable power that has expanded dozens to 100 times of sound waves to Yan Liang.

Yan Liang raised his hand and waved it, and a high-pressure water jet struck out.


The sound wave collided with the high-pressure water jet, causing a violent shock wave.

In the center, destructive power is even enough to easily tear the Tier 5 Awakener to pieces.

This is the destructive power of Morning Star. Both sides of the battle have Morning Star destructive power.

“Finally saw Morning Star fight.”

Fang Ping, who was originally a little sloppy, sat up straight and looked at the two fighting parties seriously.

The previous battles were all at the Tier 5 pinnacle Awakener level, which really couldn’t attract him much interest. After all, he is now far beyond this level.

“Unexpectedly, there is only one Morning Star battle strength in Haikou Base City and Nanzhou Base City.”

Xiang Qiu was slightly surprised that in a large base city, there was only one person comparable to the Morning Star battle strength. In his opinion, it was really shabby.

“Haikou base city and Nanzhou base city rank bottom among the top ten base cities all the year round, and their strength is not too strong.”

“In addition, there is always a Morning Star battle strength who is over 30 years old and has no chance to communicate with each other, so there is only one Morning Star battle strength.”

Chang Sheng said that he had some understanding of the situation in the two base cities because of the fact that he had fought against the two base cities.


On the battle stage, Bu Qingleng was struck by a water jet with residual formidable power. A deep wound appeared on his body and flew upside down, hitting the defensive barrier against the edge of the battle stage.

“I surrender!”

Breathing heavily, Bu Qingleng complexion palely pressed the wound on his body, blood flowed out of the wound uncontrollably, and dyed his clothes red.

She had no strength to fight anymore, looked at Yan Liang unwillingly, and chose to admit defeat.

The defensive barrier lowered, and she was assisted by the Huake base city staff to leave the battle stage.

Under the battle stage, the Awakener who has the healing ability of Huake Base City will heal their injuries.

Soon, her injury was completely recovered, except for the huge physical exertion, there was no major problem.

The Awakener who can be invited by Huake Base City to heal their injuries will naturally have a very strong effect.

“In the second exchange meeting, Huanggang Base City played against Hanting Base City.”

The old man once again spoke out, announcing the start of the second exchange meeting.

This is a one-sided battle. The Huanggang base city, which ranks among the top 3 all year round, has shown amazing battle strength.

With only 3 people dispatched, they have defeated the Hanting Base City, which is stronger than the Haikou Base City and Nanzhou Base City, and has 2 Morning Star battle strength.

“The three people who shot in Huanggang Base City actually used Morning Star Enchanted weapon. Are weapons of this level unrestricted?”

Fang Ping looked at Hu Ao’er questioningly.

In his opinion, the three people dispatched by Huanggang Base City are not strong, and they are only the peak of Tier 3.

What the opponent is powerful is the weapon in his hand, which is actually Morning Star’s other Enchanted weapon. It is with the Morning Star’s other Enchanted weapon that the 3 talents can defeat the Hanting Base City.

“The excessively powerful Enchanted weapon and magic technology weapons are restricted to use.”

“However, the situation in Huanggang Base City is special. Huanggang Base City is good at refining Enchanted weapons. Many powerful Awakeners are Refiner Masters. The weapons they hold are all made by themselves, so an exception can be made. use.”

Hu Ao’er sighed said.

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