Monster Altar

Chapter 366

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“This is the magic weapon of technology?”

Fang Ping looked at the weapon in the hands of the young man in the yellow windbreaker, recalling the attack just now, and contrasting the difference between this weapon and the Enchanted weapon.

The attack of Enchanted weapon is very similar to the attack of Awakener. It has a variety of ability attributes, which can produce attribute attacks such as flame, ice, Thunder and Lightning.

The attack of magical technology weapons, but not at all various ability attributes, has pure destructive power.

It is more like a weapon like a gun, with a very pure way of producing destruction, but it is different, the formidable power is too powerful.

“The weapon I once got is probably a demonized technological weapon.”

Fang Ping thought of his own sniper rifle weapon “Death God” from Liao Family. Now thinking about it, this weapon should be a magic weapon.

I just don’t know how the magical technology weapons produced in Huake base city will appear in He’an base city far away from several tens of thousands of li.

“Does the magical technological weapon in this person’s hand also refined it by himself?”

He looked at Hu Ao’er and asked.

“Yes, the magical technological weapons in his hand, like Huanggang Base City, are made by himself, except that they call themselves mechanics instead of Refiner Masters.”

Hu Ao’er said.

Fang Ping finally has some reasons to understand why the three base cities of Huake, Longpan, and Huanggang occupy the top 3 of the top ten base cities all the time.

The strength of the Awakener in other base cities relies on itself, while the strength of the Awakener in the three base cities of Huake, Longpan, and Huanggang relies on cutting-edge technology.

The three base cities have reached a height that surpasses other base cities in the three aspects of mechanical technology, biotechnology, and refining technology. With these three superb technologies, they have gained the strength to crush other base cities.

On the battle stage, the battle continues, but the result is already doomed.

Although Jiangmen Base has 3 players comparable to the Morning Star battle strength, it is still unable to defeat Huake Base City.

The Huake base city dispatched 4 people and already defeated the Jiangmen base city and won the exchange meeting.

Today’s exchange meeting is over, the ten base cities are dispersed, and Fang Ping entire group returns to the hotel.

On the way back, I could hear people talking about Yinchuan base city from time to time.

The identity of the Demonic Human Race of Zhai Long in the base city of Yinchuan and the strength shown by the newcomers of Fang Ping are obviously very topical.

Many people are wondering which base city of Yinchuan base city and Jiangmen base city can get the 4th ranking.

As for the top 3, although the base city of Yinchuan has shown great strength, no one would think that it is possible for the base city of Yinchuan to compete for the top 3.

This can be seen from the battle between Jiangmen Base City and Huake Base City.

Even Jiangmen Base City, which has three Morning Stars, only sent 3 people from Huake Base City, not at all. It is conceivable that the three major base cities of Huake, Longpan, and Huanggang are terrifying.

On the 2nd day, the exchange meeting will continue. The First Stage exchange meeting will be Longpan Base City vs. Haikou Base City.

This is a battle without any suspense. Longpan Base City has only dispatched two people and has swept the Haikou Base City with only one Morning Star battle strength.

In the second exchange meeting, Jiangmen Base City played against Nanzhou Base City. This was also a battle without much suspense.

Jiangmen base city with three Morning Star battle strengths defeated Nanzhou base city with only one Morning Star battle strength by an absolute advantage.

In the third exchange meeting, Huake Base City played against Hanting Base City. The result was obvious. Huake Base City easily defeated Hanting Base City and won.

In the 4th exchange meeting, Huanggang Base City played against Haoyang Base City. There was no suspense. Huanggang Base City also easily defeated Haoyang Base City and won.

In the fifth exchange meeting, Yinchuan Base City played against Jindao Base City, which is the base city where Hong Yi, who challenged Chang Sheng a few days ago, was located.

The first player to play was Xiang Qiu. With 2 Tier 5 peak monsters, he defeated the first player from the base city of Tsushima, but was defeated by the second player from the base city of Tsushima due to a lot of physical exertion. .

Lu Cao came on the field. He defeated the second and third players from the base city of Tsushima, and was the fourth player from the base city of Tsushima, Fang Ping. Women defeated.

A woman with up to 90% appearance is named Lu Pan. She has battle strength comparable to Morning Star. With the destructive power of Morning Star, she defeated Lu Cao, who has a deceleration field, and won.

Then Hu Ao’er played, and after a long time against Lu Pan, it ended in a tie and both left the battlefield.


At the next moment when the two people left the battlefield, a silhouette was already impatient, and it was Hong Yi who rushed to the battle stage in an instant.

He looked at Chang Sheng with fiery eyes, inviting to fight.

“Chang Sheng, fight with me, don’t think about letting this newcomer consume my energy, otherwise I will only look down on you!”

At this time, Chang Sheng did not shirk off, stood up, walked to the battle stage calmly, and said.

“I want to correct a little bit. If Fang Ping takes the shot first, you will never meet me.”


Hong Yi’s eyes were surprised, and he looked at Fang Ping in the battle stage unexpectedly.

Although I don’t think I will be inferior to this newcomer, what Chang Sheng can say shows that this newcomer’s strength is not simple. At least in Chang Sheng’s view, this newcomer has the strength to defeat him.

“The battle begins.”

The Morning Star powerhouse, who served as the referee, announced the start of the battle. Hong Yi immediately left these ideas behind, leaving only the idea of ​​defeating Chang Sheng in his mind.

In the last exchange meeting, Chang Sheng was the only one who defeated him by an absolute advantage, so he remembered Chang Sheng.

It’s not that the three major base cities of Huake, Longpan, and Huanggang have no one who can defeat him with absolute advantage, but he has been defeated in a wheel war before his turn.

Stinging –

The clothes on his body were torn, and from his back, 2 huge red wings grew out.

The feathers on the wings were cast like red metal, and when they collided with each other, there was a metallic sound.

With the red giant wings flapping, Hong Yi flew into the air, two wings slashed, and a crisscrossed red rays of light attacked Chang Sheng.

Chang Sheng stood still, blue rays of light and red rays of light crisscrossed all over his body. When he approached him, it shrank quickly.

In the end, the crisscrossed red rays of light disappeared before hitting Chang Sheng.

call out!

Chang Sheng counterattacked, shooting out a white beam of light in his hand, hitting Hong Yi in the air.

With flapping wings, Hong Yi quickly dodged in the air, avoiding the white beam.

“Energy abilities are really useless to you.”

Avoiding the white beam, Hong Yi’s wings spread straight.

At the next moment, the feathers cast like blood-colored metal break away, like a rain of blood, dropping from the sky, attacking Chang Sheng.

Although these blood-colored feathers are produced by abilities, they are not energy-type abilities, but matter. Chang Sheng’s energy extraction is useless.

Hey, hey, pu!

Chang Sheng tilted his left hand and lifted it up. The white rays of light, extended from his palm, turned into a huge “shield”.

It seems that there is only a very thin layer, but it has a very strong defensive power, or destructive power.

It was like a feather cast of blood-colored metal hitting the “shield”, and it was shattered in an instant. No blood-colored feather could break through the “shield” and attack Chang Sheng.

“This formidable power?”

Although the blood-colored feathers that seemed to be raining were blocked, Chang Sheng’s face showed a slight surprise.

Compared with the last exchange meeting, Hong Yi’s strength has obviously become stronger.

He can be sure that Hong Yi’s breath has not been able to break through and become a Morning Star.

It stands to reason that with Hong Yi’s current strength, as long as he fails to break through and become a Morning Star, it should be difficult to improve his strength. However, the opponent’s strength has improved a lot.

“I got the ability fruit suitable for the attribute!”

He immediately had a judgment in his mind. It was not that the realm had been improved, but the ability level had to be improved. The opponent should be extremely lucky to get the ability fruit corresponding to the attribute, and the ability level was improved.


At this moment, a huge scarlet wing, like a huge scarlet blade, with a terrifying destructive power close to the Veteran Morning star, slashed towards him from the side.

“It’s over!”

Facing the huge bloody wings from the chopping, he looked calm.

Hong Yi’s strength has improved a lot, but his improvement is even greater. He has broken through from Tier 5 to Morning Star bottleneck and became Morning Star.

call out!

After reaching the Morning Star, the smashing ability is fully mobilized, and the right hand stretches out a solid white light blade, slashing against the huge bloody wings.

Pu chi!

White’s light blade met resistance, but it still cut.

With a crisp sound, most of the blood-colored wings were cut off by the white light blade, and dropped to the battle stage with a ding.


Losing half of his wings, Hong Yi’s body rushed forward uncontrollably and hit the defensive barrier.

Sliding from above the defensive barrier, before Hong Yi made any movement, a white sharp blade had reached Hong Yi’s throat.

“how come……?!”

Looking at his broken wings, the expression on Hong Yi’s face was astonished.

This pair of red wings has a hardness that surpasses ordinary enchanted metal, and is his weapon as well as his shield.

So far, even if the opponents he has encountered are from the three base cities of Huake, Longpan, and Huanggang, it is difficult to cause damage to his wings.

Unexpectedly, Chang Sheng would be cut off forcibly.

Compared with the last time, his strength has increased greatly. Not only was he unable to defeat Chang Sheng, but he was defeated more thoroughly, which made him really puzzled.

“This kind of breath, Morning Star, Chang Sheng is already Morning Star!”

Under the battle stage, some of the younger generations in each base city had the perception ability, and they immediately sensed the change in the body’s breath when Chang Sheng was fully mobilizing his crushing ability, and he could not help but exclaim.

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